

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Leaders of the future should assume responsibility for the University as a whole

Published 14 November 2017 Colleagues who assume responsibility for the big picture at their workplace nurture the leadership culture that Torbjörn von Schantz wants to see at his University. The heads of department, managers and deans of the future need to consider what is best for the University as a whole in addition to their own area. Torbjörn von Schantz, vice-chancellor. Photo: Gunnar Menand

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/leaders-future-should-assume-responsibility-university-whole - 2025-03-09

Autobiographical comics addressing difficult subjects

Published 14 November 2017 Comics for adults are no longer a subculture for comic book nerds but an established art form. Nina Ernst is the first literary scholar to study autobiographical comics that often address issues of vulnerability and difficult subjects. Nina Ernst Photo Kennet Ruona “The limited space and the immediacy of the images make this media more intense and poignant. It speaks to

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/autobiographical-comics-addressing-difficult-subjects - 2025-03-09

Is 48 considered old at work?

Published 7 December 2017 At what age are you considered old at work? Are you old when you are 48? Why do some people seem as if they never to want to retire, while others would not dream of working beyond 65? Kerstin Nilsson’s research concerns what makes us thrive at work and the factors that affect how long we are able, or want, to continue working. Retiring is a major life decision. It means g

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/48-considered-old-work - 2025-03-09

Silence your inner critic – it's stressful but will not improve your performance

Published 7 December 2017 Giving yourself a pat on the back rather than thinking that you should have performed better – self-compassion is about being as friendly and kind to yourself as you would be to a close friend or colleague. Anna Pardo. Photo: Kennet Ruona Anna Pardo is a psychologist, registered psychotherapist and psychotherapy supervisor at the Department of Psychology. She has extensiv

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/silence-your-inner-critic-its-stressful-will-not-improve-your-performance - 2025-03-09

Trust is good for economy

Published 7 December 2017 Foto:Mostphotos Are people generally trustworthy? Yes, say about two out of three Swedes. Nordic countries are ranked high in what we call interpersonal trust. In other countries, trust is not as obvious. What happens when these perspectives meet? Economist Andreas Bergh has studied the phenomenon more closely. In Sweden, we have access to healthcare and education regardl

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/trust-good-economy - 2025-03-09

What is the scale of sexual harassment at LU?

Published 7 December 2017 In the wake of #metoo, thousands of women have dared to speak out about the sexual assaults and harassment they have been subjected to in the workplace. In the case of academics, this has been channelled through the call to action, “Akademiuppropet”, which started on Facebook. Lena Lindell is human resources consultant at the University’s central administration. How big i

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/what-scale-sexual-harassment-lu - 2025-03-09

Leaving her comfort zone for Lund University

Published 7 December 2017 Curiosity, openness and compassion are words to live by for Sylvia Schwaag Serger, who will become the new deputy vice-chancellor as of next year. She believes that we all have a civic duty to be proactive but must also be aware that we might, actually, be wrong. Sylvia Schwaag-Serger, new deputy vice-chancellor at Lund University. Sylvia Schwaag Serger currently works at

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/leaving-her-comfort-zone-lund-university - 2025-03-09

Complement or competitor?

Published 7 December 2017 Two universities within 20 km of each other will become a reality next year when the higher education institution in Malmö will receive full university status. What this will mean for Lund is unclear. Will the university in Malmö be a complement or a competitor? In Lund, the feeling is cautiously optimistic. Huset Orkanen, Malmö Högskola (foto: Fiora M.C /Mostphotos) och

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/complement-or-competitor - 2025-03-09

First actress to broaden the repertoire with artistic doctoral degree

Published 16 February 2018 Petra Fransson is the first member of the Malmö Theatre Academy to obtain a PhD as a stage performer. The dilemma between the tough conditions for professional actors on the one hand, and the potential between the body and delivering lines on the other led her to her PhD project. “I started eight years ago, but I chose to study part-time while continuing to work as an ac

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/first-actress-broaden-repertoire-artistic-doctoral-degree - 2025-03-09

Biology could partially explain sexual abuse of power

Published 22 February 2018 Is there any underlying biological explanation for why men are responsible for such a large proportion of sexual assaults compared to women? Or, from a biological point of view, could women just as easily have been the ones to commit this type of harassment and assault, if the social and historical power structure were reversed? In the light of the #metoo movement’s many

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/biology-could-partially-explain-sexual-abuse-power - 2025-03-09

Will male roles change after #metoo?

Published 22 February 2018 Swedish manhood enters into crisis at irregular intervals; the male role may now be about to change once again in the aftermath of the #metoo protest. Gender historian Emma Severinsson hopes that the boys of today will learn to show feelings – and gender scholar Jens Rydström adds that men need to get better at talking about problems. Despite Sweden’s ground-breaking rol

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/will-male-roles-change-after-metoo - 2025-03-09

Odd pair solves evolutionary riddle

Published 22 February 2018 What does the origin of life on Earth have to do with malignant tumour cells? In an unusual research project, a geochemist and a tumour biologist have joined forces to explain the emergence of animals in a new way, thereby questioning one of the cornerstones of evolution. Geochemist Emma Hammarlund is excited to see what kind of response she and Sven Påhlman will get bas

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/odd-pair-solves-evolutionary-riddle - 2025-03-09

Gender equal dads risk falling into women’s trap

Published 22 February 2018 “When I see the ideal father role today, I see a copy of the motherhood myth. I am concerned that men are about to end up where many women have been in relation to parenthood, never satisfied and always feeling that they should have done more”, says developmental psychologist Elia Psouni. Elia Psouni. Photo: Ulrika Oredsson “I think it was naïve to think that if men took

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/gender-equal-dads-risk-falling-womens-trap - 2025-03-09

Combine government funding for research and education

Published 22 February 2018 Today’s governance of Swedish higher education institutions is short-sighted, poorly coordinated and much too general and competitive. The separation of direct government funding between education and research has created unnatural boundaries and promoted a culture within academia that underestimates education in relation to research. Pam Fredman, former vice-chancellor

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/combine-government-funding-research-and-education - 2025-03-09

Three-year research project casts light on sexual harassment

Published 19 April 2018 Anette Agardh, professor of global health, has been appointed to lead a project to develop a knowledge platform and a plan for strengthening efforts to counteract sexual harassment at the University. She considers that sexual harassment is a complex issue. “Many aspects can be related to the occurrence of sexual harassment”, she says and refers, among other things, to the f

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/three-year-research-project-casts-light-sexual-harassment - 2025-03-09

Diminished focus on scapegoats – scrutiny of the entire research environment

Published 19 April 2018 More focus on the institutional environment and less on individual researchers in the assessment of research misconduct – and protection for whistle-blowers should be increased. These are some new points in the revised code of conduct for research integrity – points developed in a process led by Göran Hermerén. The EU Commission is now launching the code as a benchmark for

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/diminished-focus-scapegoats-scrutiny-entire-research-environment-0 - 2025-03-09

The new Nordic green cuisine has become a mark of identity

Published 19 April 2018 Economy packs of Danish meat and potato chips or venison and hand-picked lingonberries? The new Nordic green cuisine has become one of our most important marks of identity. Eating like a foodie – organic, ethical, modern and innovative food, is a way of acquiring status.  Sofia Ulver, Associate professor of marketing at the School of Economics and Management. Interior desig

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/new-nordic-green-cuisine-has-become-mark-identity - 2025-03-09

New trends in the fashion industry – from fast and cheap to sustainable?

Published 19 April 2018 Consumers are demanding cheaper clothing while more are becoming aware and reassessing their consumption: second hand rather than “fast fashion”. The sustainability challenges of clothing companies often have to do with long supply chains – and the consumers’ demands. But together, consumers, businesses and politicians can change the fashion industry, according to Johan Jan

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/new-trends-fashion-industry-fast-and-cheap-sustainable - 2025-03-09

Doctors with new borders

Published 19 April 2018 Moving from South America, learning Swedish and getting your medical degree approved in Sweden represent a major challenge. Mariana Reza Felix and Marcelo Petri recently started a new training programme for doctors with a foreign license to practise medicine, and must adapt their internationally-acquired skills to the Swedish healthcare system. But they will also need to le

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/doctors-new-borders - 2025-03-09

“You can have fun while still being ultraserious”

Published 19 April 2018 Malin Parmar is the stem cell researcher whose research was turned into a cartoon on ERC’s initiative; she found that it turned out better and more fun than she could have imagined. However, from the research world, she has had mixed reactions about prioritising a cartoon project. Malin Parmar, Professor of developmental and regenerative neurobiology. Some colleagues find t

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/you-can-have-fun-while-still-being-ultraserious - 2025-03-09