

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

Uhlin med flera om demokratiseringsprocesser

Publicerad 30 november 2023 Anders Uhlin har tillsammans med Joakim Ekman, Jonas Linde och Thomas Sedelius författat boken Demokratiseringsprocesser: Nya perspektiv och utmaningar, vars tredje omarbetade upplaga just getts ut på Studentlitteratur. Professor Anders Uhlin, Lunds universitet. Varför utvecklas vissa länder men inte andra till väl fungerande demokratier? Är det ekonomisk utveckling, en

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/uhlin-med-flera-om-demokratiseringsprocesser - 2025-03-18

Catarina Kinnvall och Ian Manners representerar Lunds universitet i HORIZON-projektet PLEDGE: ’Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance’

Publicerad 12 december 2023 Professor Catarina Kinnvall och professor Ian Manners, Lunds universitet. Projektet fokuserar på den känslomässiga ekonomin avseende anti/pro-demokratiska missnöjesyttringar, med målet att förklara hur anti-social missnöjespolitik kan utvecklas till demokratisk politisk handling. Gratulerar till forskningsanslaget! Projektets namn: Politics of Grievance and Democratic G

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/catarina-kinnvall-och-ian-manners-representerar-lunds-universitet-i-horizon-projektet-pledge - 2025-03-18

Ny bok om det svenska EU-ordförandeskapet!

Publicerad 15 december 2023 Docent Rikard Bengtsson vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet är redaktör för en ny forskarantologi som analyserar det svenska EU-ordförandeskapet. I dagarna utkommer För Europa i en ny tid: Sveriges ordförandeskap i EU 2023, en utvärderande forskarantologi som analyserar det svenska EU-ordförandeskapet våren 2023 inom en rad olika politikområden. Boke

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/ny-bok-om-det-svenska-eu-ordforandeskapet - 2025-03-18

Sara Kalm om medborgarskap och regleringen av fattiga människors rörlighet

Publicerad 19 december 2023 Docent Sara Kalm, Lunds universitet. Det moderna medborgarskapets utmärks av att det är både internt inkluderande och externt exkluderande. Det växte fram i denna form under det "långa 1800-talet", alltså perioden mellan den franska revolutionen och första världskriget. Denna period var, liksom vår egen, präglad av ökad migration, både inhemsk och internationell. Av sär

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/sara-kalm-om-medborgarskap-och-regleringen-av-fattiga-manniskors-rorlighet - 2025-03-18

Agneman och Strömbom ny artikel i Journal of Conflict Resolution

Publicerad 9 januari 2024 Gustav Agneman och Lisa Strömbom har tillsammans författat en ny artikel i Journal of Conflict Resolution (open access). Den presenterar resultat från ett fältexperiment i Meta, Colombia. Docent Lisa Strömbom, Lunds universitet. Associate Professor Gustav Agneman, Department of Economics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Artikeln bidrar till att öka förståe

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/agneman-och-strombom-ny-artikel-i-journal-conflict-resolution - 2025-03-18

Arvidsson och Uhlin om gränsöverskridande civilsamhälleseliter

Publicerad 11 januari 2024 Anders Uhlin har tillsammans med Malin Arvidsson skrivit kapitlet “Civil Society Boundary Crossing and Elite Integration” som publicerats i Civil Society Elites: Exploring the Composition, Reproduction, Integration, and Contestation of Civil Society Actors at the Top, redigerad av Håkan Johansson & Anna Meeuwisse. Professor Anders Uhlin, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen,

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/arvidsson-och-uhlin-om-gransoverskridande-civilsamhalleseliter - 2025-03-18

Ny artikel och specialnummer om digitala förändringsprocesser inom diplomatin

Publicerad 12 januari 2024 Karin Aggestam och Constance Duncombe har författat artikeln ”Advancing A New Research Agenda on Digital Disruption in Diplomacy” och redigerat specialnumret om digitala förändringsprocesser inom diplomatin som publicerats i den internationella tidskriften Hague Journal of Diplomacy. Abstrakt: This article introduces the special issue on digital disruption in diplomacy.

https://www.svet.lu.se/artikel/ny-artikel-och-specialnummer-om-digitala-forandringsprocesser-inom-diplomatin - 2025-03-18

Risk of bladder cancer by disease severity in relation to metabolic factors and smoking

Published 31 May 2018 New population study from Lund University Risk of bladder cancer by disease severity in relation to metabolic factors and smoking; a prospective pooled cohort study of 800,000 men and womenPrevious studies on metabolic factors and bladder cancer (BC) risk have shown inconsistent results and have commonly not investigated associations separately by sex, smoking, and tumor inva

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/risk-bladder-cancer-disease-severity-relation-metabolic-factors-and-smoking - 2025-03-18

Perspectives on pain registries

Published 17 May 2022 Registries are one way to provide longitudinal, observational data, giving rise to a range of possibilities in terms of audit and research. They allow examining approaches to management, which would not be feasible by a trial or where there was no trial data (currently or likely ever) available. In this Perspective, we will discuss aspects of their design, analysis, and use i

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/perspectives-pain-registries - 2025-03-18

“Translating” All-Cause Mortality Rate Ratios or Hazard Ratios to Age-, Longevity-, and Probability-Based Measures

Published 19 May 2022 Epidemiologists commonly use an adjusted hazard ratio or incidence density ratio, or a standardized mortality ratio, to measure a difference in all-cause mortality rates. They seldom translate it into an age-, time-, or probability-based measure that would be easier to communicate and to relate to. Several articles have shown how to translate from a standardized mortality rat

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/translating-all-cause-mortality-rate-ratios-or-hazard-ratios-age-longevity-and-probability-based - 2025-03-18


Published 20 May 2022 Results of randomized trials and observational studies can be difficult to communicate. Results are often presented as risk or survival functions stratified by the treatment or exposure (1, 2). However, a contrast between the stratified risk functions is often of primary interest. Here we propose a “twister” plot to visualize contrasts in risk over the duration of a study. Th

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/twister-plots-time-event-studies - 2025-03-18

Constructed Measures and Causal Inference: Towards a New Model of Measurement for Psychosocial Constructs

Published 23 May 2022 Psychosocial constructs can only be assessed indirectly, and measures are typically formed by a combination of indicators that are thought to relate to the construct. Reflective and formative measurement models offer different conceptualizations of the relation between the indicators and what is sometimes conceived of as a univariate latent variable supposed to correspond in

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/constructed-measures-and-causal-inference-towards-new-model-measurement-psychosocial-constructs - 2025-03-18

Mendelian Randomization With Repeated Measures of a Time-varying Exposure

Published 24 May 2022 Mendelian randomization (MR) is often used to estimate effects of time-varying exposures on health outcomes using observational data. However, MR studies typically use a single measurement of exposure and apply conventional instrumental variable (IV) methods designed to handle time-fixed exposures. As such, MR effect estimates for time-varying exposures are often biased, and

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/mendelian-randomization-repeated-measures-time-varying-exposure - 2025-03-18

A comparison of statistical methods to predict the residual lifetime risk

Published 25 May 2022 Lifetime risk measures the cumulative risk for developing a disease over one’s lifespan. Modeling the lifetime risk must account for left truncation, the competing risk of death, and inference at a fixed age. In addition, statistical methods to predict the lifetime risk should account for covariate-outcome associations that change with age. In this paper, we review and compar

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/comparison-statistical-methods-predict-residual-lifetime-risk - 2025-03-18

Cohort profile and representativeness of participants in the Diet, Cancer and Health—Next Generations cohort study

Published 30 May 2022 The Diet, Cancer and Health—Next Generations (DCH-NG) study is a large population-based cohort study that was established as a resource for transgenerational research. The cohort is an extension of the Diet, Cancer and Health (DCH) cohort. The aim of this paper was to describe the study design and methods and to investigate the representativeness of participants by comparing

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/cohort-profile-and-representativeness-participants-diet-cancer-and-health-next-generations-cohort - 2025-03-18

Early experience with an opt-in research register - Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE): a multi-method evaluation of participant recruitment performance

Published 1 June 2022 Recruiting participants to a clinical study is a resource-intensive process with a high failure rate. The Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE) provides recruitment support service which helps researchers recruit participants by searching patients’ Electronic Health Records (EHRs). The current study aims to evaluate the performance of SHARE in participant recruitment. Rea

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/early-experience-opt-research-register-scottish-health-research-register-share-multi-method - 2025-03-18

Registries, Databases and Repositories for Developing Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Care

Published 2 June 2022 Modern artificial intelligence techniques have solved some previously intractable problems and produced impressive results in selected medical domains. One of their drawbacks is that they often need very large amounts of data. Pre-existing datasets in the form of national cancer registries, image/genetic depositories and clinical datasets already exist and have been used for

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/registries-databases-and-repositories-developing-artificial-intelligence-cancer-care - 2025-03-18

High Validity of the Danish National Patient Registry for Systemic Anticancer Treatment Registration from 2009 to 2019

Published 3 June 2022 Background: The Danish National Patient Registry is a major resource for Danish epidemiology. Only a few studies have been conducted to check the validity of the reporting of systemic anticancer treatments. In this study, we assessed this validity for a range of cancer types over a long period of time. Patients and Methods: We extracted systemic anticancer treatment procedure

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/high-validity-danish-national-patient-registry-systemic-anticancer-treatment-registration-2009-2019 - 2025-03-18

The German Multiple Sclerosis and Pregnancy Registry: rationale, objective, design, and first results

Published 7 June 2022 The DMSKW is a valuable structure in providing safety data on drug exposure during pregnancy and lactation in combination with information on disease activity up to 6 years postpartum. This article will be the reference for describing the methods of future publications from the DMSKW. Read the paper at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17562864211054956

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/german-multiple-sclerosis-and-pregnancy-registry-rationale-objective-design-and-first-results - 2025-03-18