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Webinar "Research Updates for the Nordic Countries".

Published 4 June 2024 For the second time, the European Huntington Association/Moving Forward initiative for the Nordic countries will be hosting a webinar on research updates. The Webinar will be held on 11th June, from 18:00 CET to 19:15 CET. You need to register beforehand to be able to join.Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkdeyupz4oH9KRCnkguo_KMuS0Y6…Åsa Petersén

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/webinar-research-updates-nordic-countries - 2025-03-11

Congratulations, Oskar!

Published 4 July 2024 Oskar Simonsson har completed his Master's studies and passed with Distinction. Oskar has been with TNU since the end of October 2023 to work on his Master's thesis. In the end of May he presented his work "Effects of TDP-43 overexpression in oxytocin neurons on neuropathology and metabolism in mice". Congratulations to your Master of Science in Biomedicine, Oskar!

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/congratulations-oskar - 2025-03-11

JPND project kickoff in Istanbul

Published 30 August 2024 Mahmoud A. Pouladi, Åsa Petersén, Huu Phuc Nguyen, Jiří Klempíř and A. Nazlı Başak. Together with researchers from Germany, Canada, Turkey and the Czech Republic Åsa Petersén was awarded the JPND grant for the project Delineating the role of HTT Cis-Variants in the pathogenesis of Huntington disease. In Sweden the grant  is funded by Vetenskapsrådet, the Swedish Research C

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/jpnd-project-kickoff-istanbul - 2025-03-11

RHS National meeting 2024

By jenny [dot] mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 16 September 2024 Åsa Petersén will participate in the HD patients' organization's national meeting later in September. The patients’ organization, RHS, is inviting you to the national meeting in Gothenburg on 26 September 2024. Åsa Petersén will give an overview of the current HD research and the day will include inform

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/rhs-national-meeting-2024 - 2025-03-11

Welcome to Petersén’s talk on psychiatric health in HD

Published 1 October 2024 Åsa Petersén is one of the lecturers at MultiPark Café in October. On Wednesday 16 October, at 17.00-19.00, MultiPark Café is hosting an evening with lectures on “Psychiatric health in neurodegenerative diseases”. Åsa Petersén will talk about “Psychiatric health in Huntington’s disease”.All talks are in Swedish.Link to the event on MultiPark’s website

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/welcome-petersens-talk-psychiatric-health-hd - 2025-03-11

Petersén will give a talk on HD for young adults

Published 17 October 2024 The Swedish patients' organization RHS is arranging a weekend on Huntingon disease for young adults on 18-20 October 2024 in Karlstad. During the weekend there will be presentations on various topics, like genetic counselling, and the weekend also offers an opportunity to network with other young adults and to share experiences.Åsa Petersén will give a talk on HD research

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/petersen-will-give-talk-hd-young-adults - 2025-03-11

Webinar on HD clinical trials

Published 21 October 2024 On 23 October 2024, Åsa Petersén will be moderating the webinar "Research insights: Latest updates on ongoing studies", arranged by the European Huntington Association. The webinar will give information on ongoing clinical trials in the Huntington disease field. Representatives from companies with ongoing trials, or finalized, will be participating.The European Huntington

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/webinar-hd-clinical-trials - 2025-03-11

SAVE-THE-DATE: HD Information Evening, 7 April 2025

By jenny [dot] mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 20 December 2024 Huntington Disease Center in Lund is inviting you to an information evening on 7 April 2025, 18.00-20.30 in the Belfrage lecture hall on BMC D15 in Lund. The evening will include update on clinical trials and current research status in Sweden and internationally, as well as talks on different aspects on

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/save-date-hd-information-evening-7-april-2025 - 2025-03-11

Work in progress: International guidelines for treatment of psychiatric symptoms

By jenny [dot] mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 26 February 2025 Development of international guidelines for treatment of psychiatric symptoms in advanced Huntington's disease is in progress within the European Huntington's Disease Network (EHDN). The working group focusing on "Behavioural Phenotype” in Huntington's disease is addressing these guidelines. As part of t

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/work-progress-international-guidelines-treatment-psychiatric-symptoms - 2025-03-11

Med anledning av COVID-19

Publicerad 17 november 2020 Viktig information till dig som ska besöka någon av våra mottagningar. Foto: Pixabay.com Med anledning av de skärpta restirktionerna vill vi informera om att våra studiemottagningar är fortsatt öppna. Vi har dock vidtagit en rad åtgärder:Medarbetare som kan arbetar hemifrånAlla som kommer in på mottagningen ska tvätta händerna vid ankomstenForskningssjuksköterskorna bär

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/med-anledning-av-covid-19 - 2025-03-11

Glutenfritt eller snälla bakterier?

Av magnus [dot] aspegren [at] skane [dot] se (Magnus Aspegren) - publicerad 17 november 2020 Kan glutenfri kost under de första levnadsåren förhindra att barn utvecklar celiaki? Eller kan probiotika hejda immunförsvarets reaktion mot gluten? Det försöker forskarna få svar på. Daniel Agardh, överläkare inom barnmedicin på Skånes universitetssjukhus, adjungerad professor vid Lunds universitet. Foto:

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/glutenfritt-eller-snalla-bakterier - 2025-03-11

Frågor & svar om vaccin och d-vitamin

Av sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - publicerad 28 januari 2021 Är det något du undrar över, fråga oss! Kan jag vaccinera mig mot covid-19 när jag ammar?Svar: Amning utgör inget hinder för vaccination.Det är okänt om vaccinerna går ut i bröstmjölk. Det finns det ingen anledning att tro att vaccinet skulle ge några biverkningar hos barnet som ammas.Källa: Läkemedelsve

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/fragor-svar-om-vaccin-och-d-vitamin - 2025-03-11

Kan laktobaciller förhindra autoimmunitet?

Publicerad 29 januari 2021 Överläkaren Daniel Agardh och hans kollegor forskar nu för att se om så kallade laktobaciller (probiotika) kan dämpa den autoimmuna inflammationen som leder till att barn drabbas av sjukdomar som typ 1-diabetes, glutenintolerans och sköldkörtelinflammation. – Det långsiktiga syftet är att vi vill hitta metoder som förhindrar uppkomsten av någon av dessa sjukdomar hos bar

https://www.gppad.lu.se/artikel/kan-laktobaciller-forhindra-autoimmunitet - 2025-03-11

Teaterhögskolan medverkar på Bibu 2022

Publicerad 9 maj 2022 Foto: Pelle Hanæus Teaterhögskolan medverkar med ett seminarium om klass och genus på Bibu den 20 maj i Helsingborg. I seminariet kommer årskurs 1 från skådespelarprogrammet dela med sig av sitt undersökande kring klass och genus utifrån experimenterande med kostym. Karaktärer och situationer prövas, inspirerade av texter och textila material, samt av föreställningar om klass

https://www.thm.lu.se/artikel/teaterhogskolan-medverkar-pa-bibu-2022 - 2025-03-11

Announcing the new Master’s Programme in Performing Arts as Critical Practice and welcoming programme director Edit Kaldor

Publicerad 2 juni 2022 Malmö Theatre Academy will open up the application December 1, 2022, for a new international Master’s Programme in Performing Arts with a specialisation in Critical Practice and a social focus. The two-year, full-time study programme is taught in English, and the first cohort of students will be starting in September, 2023. Senior lecturer, theatre maker and researcher Edit

https://www.thm.lu.se/artikel/announcing-new-masters-programme-performing-arts-critical-practice-and-welcoming-programme-director - 2025-03-11

Hedersdoktor Terry O'Connor promoverades i Domkyrkan

Publicerad 14 juni 2022 Foto: Mats Javerud I början på juni hade Teaterhögskolan den stora glädjen att få besök av Konstnärliga fakultetens hedersdoktor Terry O'Connor (UK), professor, performer och skådespelare. Besöket i Sverige inleddes med en öppen föreläsning den 1 juni på Bryggeriteatern med titeln The Playful Labour of Improvisation and Collaboration - A performer’s tale of experimental pos

https://www.thm.lu.se/artikel/hedersdoktor-terry-oconnor-promoverades-i-domkyrkan - 2025-03-11