

Din sökning på "*" gav 533106 sökträffar

Obesity reprogrammes muscle stem cells

Published 22 February 2017 Cajsa Davegårdh (Photo: Sara Liedholm) Obesity is associated with reduced muscle mass and impaired metabolism. Epigenetic changes that affect the formation of new muscle cells may be a contributing factor, according to new research from Lund University, Sweden. In a new study, doctoral student Cajsa Davegårdh has studied so-called DNA methylation in muscle stem cells in

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/obesity-reprogrammes-muscle-stem-cells - 2025-03-09

The King of Sweden and Canada’s Governor General on a visit to Lund

Published 22 February 2017 On Wednesday 22 February, the Governor General of Canada David Johnston will visit Lund together with King Carl XVI Gustaf in the context of a major Canadian state visit. In Lund, the King and the Governor General will attend a presentation of the MAX IV and ESS research facilities. There will also be a round-table discussion on the theme "Where to next? The benefits and

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/king-sweden-and-canadas-governor-general-visit-lund - 2025-03-09

How blood can be rejuvenated

Published 23 February 2017 David Bryder (Photo: Gunnar Menander) Our blood stem cells generate around a thousand billion new blood cells every day. But the blood stem cells’ capacity to produce blood changes as we age. This leads to older people being more susceptible to anaemia, lowered immunity and a greater risk of developing certain kinds of blood cancer. Now for the first time, a research tea

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-blood-can-be-rejuvenated - 2025-03-09

Frogs have unique ability to see colour in the dark

Published 28 February 2017 Photo: Carola Yovanovich The night vision of frogs and toads appears to be superior to that of all other animals. They have the ability to see colour even when it is so dark that humans are not able to see anything at all. This has been shown in a new study by researchers from Lund University in Sweden. Most vertebrates, including humans, have two types of visual cells l

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/frogs-have-unique-ability-see-colour-dark - 2025-03-09

Science week: Is the world becoming a better place?

Published 5 March 2017 Lund University celebrates its 350th anniversary by organising the first out of five science weeks, starting with the topic: Is the World Becoming a Better Place? The week takes place 6–12 March 2017 in Lund, Sweden, and includes almost 20 open seminars, activities and debates. It almost seems as if there is no end to the major global challenges that we face, including globa

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/science-week-world-becoming-better-place - 2025-03-09

Fish, selective hunting strategies and a delayed-return lifestyle among ancient foragers

Published 8 March 2017 Photo: Blekinge Museum A unique trove of bone material from the 9,200 year old coastal settlement Norje Sunnansund in Blekinge, Sweden, has revealed that surprisingly sophisticated hunting strategies were used at the time. One key find was that the early Mesolithic humans practiced so-called selective hunting – seemingly in order to maximise gain and preserve the local popul

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/fish-selective-hunting-strategies-and-delayed-return-lifestyle-among-ancient-foragers - 2025-03-09

Top 100 rank for 20 Lund University subjects in new QS Subject Ranking

Published 8 March 2017 In the QS World University Rankings by Subjects 2017 released today, Lund University once again reinforces its position as a top 100 University. Four Lund University subjects are ranked in the top 50 in the new QS 2017 subject ranking: geography (26th) environmental sciences (38th) development studies (32nd) nursing (49th) An additional 16 subjects are ranked in the top 100

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/top-100-rank-20-lund-university-subjects-new-qs-subject-ranking - 2025-03-09

Watch: What cancer research can learn from military strategy

Published 8 March 2017 David Gisselsson Nord (Photo: Kennet Ruona) When David Gisselsson Nord, a cancer researcher at Lund University in Sweden, read a history book last summer, he was struck by the similarities between how cancer and insurgencies evolve over time. Could military strategy be used as inspiration for cancer treatment? He teamed up with Robert Egnell at the Swedish Defence University

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/watch-what-cancer-research-can-learn-military-strategy - 2025-03-09

Never before seen images of early stage Alzheimer’s disease

Published 13 March 2017 Illustration: Per Uvdal Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have used the MAX IV synchrotron in Lund – the strongest of its kind in the world - to produce images that predate the formation of toxic clumps of beta-amyloid, the protein believed to be at the root of Alzheimer’s disease. The unique images appear to contradict a previously unchallenged consensus. Instead of

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/never-seen-images-early-stage-alzheimers-disease - 2025-03-09

No publication bias found in climate change research

Published 15 March 2017 Johan Hollander Rarely do we encounter a scientific fact that stirs public controversy and distrust in science as much as climate change. However, the theory is built on honest reporting of facts. This emerges from a new study from Lund University in Sweden. The study in question investigates whether there is a so-called publication bias within climate research, i.e. a stat

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/no-publication-bias-found-climate-change-research - 2025-03-09

Biological supercomputers to be powered by molecular motors

Published 20 March 2017 Illustration of a network-based biocomputer (Till Korten) Crashing computers or smartphones - and security loopholes that allow hackers to steal millions of passwords - could be prevented if it were possible to design error-free software. To date, this is a problem that neither engineers nor current supercomputers have been able to solve. A major reason for this is the comp

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/biological-supercomputers-be-powered-molecular-motors - 2025-03-09

Electrons used to control ultrashort laser pulses

Published 21 March 2017 Samuel Bengtsson and Johan Mauritsson in the laser lab We may soon get better insight into the microcosm and the world of electrons. Researchers at Lund University and Louisiana State University have developed a tool that makes it possible to control extreme UV light - light with much shorter wavelengths than visible light. The new method uses strong laser pulses to direct

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/electrons-used-control-ultrashort-laser-pulses - 2025-03-09

Pris till yngre forskare i psykologi

Publicerad 12 februari 2018 Priset till yngre forskare i psykologi har 2017 tilldelats Arvid Erlandsson. Arvid Erlandsson disputerade 2015 vid Lunds universitet och arbetar idag på Linköpings universitet.Motiveringen lyder:”För att han med sina studier inom socialpsykologi kombinerar teoretisk analys med snillrik experimentell design. I studier som präglas av kreativitet och originalitet har han s

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/pris-till-yngre-forskare-i-psykologi - 2025-03-09

Jämställda pappor riskerar gå i klassisk kvinnofälla

Publicerad 28 februari 2018 – När jag ser papparollsidealet i dag ser jag en kopia av moderskaps­myten. Jag är orolig över att män håller på att hamna där många kvinnor har varit i relation till att vara förälder, att man aldrig kan vara nöjd och ständigt känner att man borde ha gjort mer. Det menar utvecklingspsykologen Elia Psouni i en intervju med LUM. "Jämställda pappor riskerar gå i klassisk

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/jamstallda-pappor-riskerar-ga-i-klassisk-kvinnofalla - 2025-03-09

Studera psykologi du också!

Publicerad 15 mars 2018 Ansökan är öppen 15 mars till 16 april för fristående kurser, Beteendevetenskapliga programmet och Psykologprogrammet, samt även kompletteringsutbildningen för psykologer. Våra olika utbildningar hittar du här:Studera psykologiDu ansöker till våra program på antagning.seAntagning.se

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/studera-psykologi-du-ocksa - 2025-03-09

Framtidens innovationer prisades i Lund

Publicerad 21 mars 2018 Katarina Lundberg, Oscar Kjell och Sverker Sikström vid Institutionen för psykologi tog emot förstapris för sitt verktyg baserat på artificiell intelligens och ordanalys för diagnos av psykisk ohälsa. Det var Lunds universitet och Sparbanken Skåne som på tisdagskvällen delade ut priser för framtidens innovationer. Katarina Lundberg, Oscar Kjell och Sverker Sikström vid Inst

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/framtidens-innovationer-prisades-i-lund - 2025-03-09

Fyra miljoner för forskning om psykisk ohälsa hos äldre

Publicerad 12 april 2018 Sverker Sikström vid Institutionen för psykologi har fått anslag från Familjen Kamprads stiftelse. Projektet har namnet "Förbättrad diagnostik för psykisk ohälsa hos äldre: implementering av beslutsstöd baserat på beskrivande ord och artificiell intelligens."Projektet genomförs av Lunds universitet i samverkan med bland annat Riksförbundet för depression och Sveriges Pensi

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/fyra-miljoner-forskning-om-psykisk-ohalsa-hos-aldre - 2025-03-09

Ny rapport om fysisk smärta

Publicerad 3 maj 2018 Nu finns en ny rapport i serien Lund Psychological Reports. Benjamin Claréus och Emma A. Bäck har skrivit ”An investigation of physical pain among Swedish community adults: Sample demographics and pain characteristics”. Data har samlats in via en internetenkät och baseras på svaren från 1184 personer.An investigation of physical pain among Swedish community adults: Sample dem

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/ny-rapport-om-fysisk-smarta - 2025-03-09

Engagerade vuxna ökar små barns inlevelseförmåga

Publicerad 17 maj 2018 För att människor ska fungera socialt är det viktigt att kunna förstå andras perspektiv. Elia Psouni har tillsammans med kollegor studerat barns inlevelseförmåga att kunna förstå andra människors perspektiv. Engagerade vuxna ökar små barns inlevelseförmåga – Lunds universitetElia Psouni – Lunds universitets forskningsportal

https://www.psy.lu.se/artikel/engagerade-vuxna-okar-sma-barns-inlevelseformaga - 2025-03-09