

Din sökning på "*" gav 529131 sökträffar

Artikel: Representation of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Swedish News Media: A Discourse Analysis

Publicerad 6 augusti 2020 Bildkälla: Pikist Maria Wemrell, forskare på genusvetenskapliga institutionen, har med medförfattare skrivit en artikel om representationen av våld mot kvinnor.  En artikel om representation av våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer i svensk nyhetsmedia, skriven av Maria Wemrell tillsammans med Nadja Karlsson, Marisol Lila och Enrique Gracia, har nyligen publicerats i tidskri

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/artikel-representation-intimate-partner-violence-against-women-swedish-news-media-discourse-analysis - 2025-01-15

Forskningsprojekt: Fördjupad tvärprofessionell kommunikation inom intensiv- och perioperativ vård

Publicerad 25 augusti 2020 Grattis till vår forskare Rebecca Selberg som har blivit beviljad Flexit och forskningsmedel inom Riksbankens Jubileumsfond! Vi har gjort en intervju med Rebecca som berättar mer om sitt projekt. Hur ser arbetsförhållanden ut mellan läkare, sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor för hela arbetsprocessen på en klinik? Vad kommer projektet att handla om?-    Intensivvård bygge

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/forskningsprojekt-fordjupad-tvarprofessionell-kommunikation-inom-intensiv-och-perioperativ-vard - 2025-01-15

Lena Gunnarsson på Bokmässa i Göteborg

Publicerad 21 september 2020 Vår forskare Lena Gunnarsson deltar i år på Bokmässan i Göteborg med sin bok - Samtyckesdynamiker - sex, våldtäkt och gråzonen däremellan. I år kommer eventet vara digitalt, samtal med bland annat forskare från LU kommer delas den 24 september. Lena deltar i samtalet "Gränsen mellan sex och övergrepp". LU på Bokmässan kommer till dig! Lär dig mer om alltifrån trädgårds

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/lena-gunnarsson-pa-bokmassa-i-goteborg - 2025-01-15

World Mental Health Day, 10 October: Mental health at work celebrated with coffee at the Stem Cell Centre

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 10 October 2024 Stem Cell Centre, Mental Health Day, 2024, by Agata Garpenlind This year's theme for WHO Day is "Mental health at work". At the Stem Cell Centre, they took a joint mental break for coffee and mingle with colleagues in order to promote a supportive and inclusive work environment. This year's theme fo

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/world-mental-health-day-10-october-mental-health-work-celebrated-coffee-stem-cell-centre - 2025-01-15

Event: Building and sharing machine learning demo applications within life sciences – a practical tutorial

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 15 October 2024 Register no later than 24 October. Limited number of spots. This tutorial is aimed at researchers working within life sciences who work with machine learning models but do not have the skills to build applications for web. It is becoming increasingly popular to share machine learning models with the

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/event-building-and-sharing-machine-learning-demo-applications-within-life-sciences-practical - 2025-01-15

LU Holding investerar i Strominnate Therapeutics

Publicerad 1 februari 2022 Bioteknikbolag Strominnate Therapeutics utvecklar läkemedel och behandlingar mot sjukdomar i centrala nervsystemet och är grundat av LU-forskaren Tania Ramos-Moreno. Strominnate Therapeutics riktar i första hand in sig på att utveckla en läkemedelskandidat för att behandla glioblastoma multiforme, som bland vuxna är den vanligaste och mest aggressiva formen av cancer i h

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/lu-holding-investerar-i-strominnate-therapeutics - 2025-01-15

Stena New Ventures investerar i Spec-Imaging

Publicerad 8 februari 2022 Det forskningsbaserade bolaget Spec-Imaging har nyligen attraherat Stena New Ventures som strategisk investerare och siktar nu på att inleda ett antal pilotstudier med sin första prototypserie. Spec-Imaging har tagit fram en ny patenterad mätmetod baserad på absorptions-spektroskopi som möjliggör mätning av ämnen direkt i grumliga vätskor utan utspädning. Att använda lju

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/stena-new-ventures-investerar-i-spec-imaging - 2025-01-15

NordAmps bygger kunskapsmässig tillgång

Publicerad 9 mars 2022 LU Holdings portföljbolag NordAmps, som utvecklar en ny typ av nanotransistorer, knyter till sig två tunga namn: Anand Murthy som är halvledarexpert på Intel och Sven Mattisson, en av upphovspersonerna bakom Bluetooth-tekniken. NordAmps utvecklar nya typer av nanotransistorer, som har stora fördelar i både kostnad och prestanda och som möter det ökande behovet av högprestera

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/nordamps-bygger-kunskapsmassig-tillgang - 2025-01-15

Asgard Therapeutics når milstolpe

Publicerad 9 mars 2022 Fábio Rosa, Cristiana Pires och Filipe Pereira är forskarna bakom Asgard Therapeutics. Asgard Therapeutics, portföljbolag sedan 2018, har nu lyckats visa att deras metod för omprogrammering av celler – som tidigare visats effektiv hos möss – även fungerar på mänskliga celler. Det för bolaget ett stort steg närmare att använda immunterapi i behandling mot cancer och att utvec

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/asgard-therapeutics-nar-milstolpe - 2025-01-15

Portföljbolaget Debricked förvärvas av global mjukvarujätte

Av lotte [dot] larsen [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Larsen) - publicerad 14 mars 2022 Debrickeds team inför 33-listan 2021. Foto Alma Söderholm. Debricked är specialiserade inom säkerhet i öppen källkod och grundat från ett forskningsprojekt vid Lunds universitet 2018. Nu förvärvas de av Micro Focus och blir del av säkerhetsplattformen CyberRes. Debricked har utvecklat en molntjänst som

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/portfoljbolaget-debricked-forvarvas-av-global-mjukvarujatte - 2025-01-15

Link between cognitive impairment and worse prognosis in heart failure patients

Published 26 August 2020 Martin Magnusson (Photo: Kennet Ruona) Heart failure is an endemic disease affecting 250 000 Swedes. Despite new treatments such as modern medicines and defibrillators, the mortality rate is still high and the prognosis worse than for certain cancers. A new study from Lund University in Sweden now shows a link between cognitive impairment and an increased risk for rehospit

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/link-between-cognitive-impairment-and-worse-prognosis-heart-failure-patients - 2025-01-15

Atlantic sturgeon in the King’s pantry – unique discovery in Baltic Sea wreck from 1495

Published 27 August 2020 Wooden barrel with parts of the sturgeon (in orange) Photo: Brett Seymour Researchers at Lund University in Sweden can now reveal what the Danish King Hans had planned to offer when laying claim to the Swedish throne in 1495: a two-metre-long Atlantic sturgeon. The well-preserved fish remains were found in a wreck on the bottom of the Baltic Sea last year, and species iden

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/atlantic-sturgeon-kings-pantry-unique-discovery-baltic-sea-wreck-1495 - 2025-01-15

Six LU researchers receive ERC Starting Grants

Published 4 September 2020 Upper row, from the left: Paul Bourgine, Alison Gerber, Pablo Villanueva Perez. Lower row, from the left: Emma Hammarlund, Rik Ossenkoppele, Nathalie Feiner. Colourful common wall lizards, an innovative X-ray microscope and advanced research on Alzheimer’s, leukaemia, photographic evidence and the origin of life. Six researchers from Lund University in Sweden have been g

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/six-lu-researchers-receive-erc-starting-grants - 2025-01-15

Could singing spread Covid-19?

Published 7 September 2020 Photo: Alexios Matamis If silence is golden, speech is silver – and singing the worst. Singing doesn’t need to be silenced, however, but at the moment the wisest thing is to sing with social distancing in place. The advice comes from aerosol researchers at Lund University in Sweden. They have studied the amount of particles we actually emit when we sing – and by extensio

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/could-singing-spread-covid-19 - 2025-01-15

Lund University receives donation for Medical Humanities

Published 15 September 2020 Birgit Rausing A donation of SEK 76 million from Birgit Rausing will enable Lund University’s Faculty of Medicine to establish the humanities as an integrated part of medical training and research. This is a long-term investment, focusing on interpersonal relations between care providers and care recipients within all the faculty’s disciplines. Both research and educati

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-receives-donation-medical-humanities - 2025-01-15

Rare pattern observed in migrating common swifts

Published 15 September 2020 The researchers tracked 102 common swifts on their journey to Africa (Photo: Aron Hejdström) Compared with other migratory birds, the common swift follows a very unusual pattern when it migrates from the breeding areas in Europe to its wintering locations south of the Sahara. This is what researchers have observed in a major eleven-year international study of the birds.

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/rare-pattern-observed-migrating-common-swifts - 2025-01-15

Metformin for type 2 diabetes patients or not? Researchers now have the answer

Published 17 September 2020 Charlotte Ling and Sonia Garcia Carlzon Metformin is the first-line drug that can lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients. One third of patients do not respond to metformin treatment and 5 per cent experience serious side effects, which is the reason many choose to stop medicating. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now identified biomarkers that

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/metformin-type-2-diabetes-patients-or-not-researchers-now-have-answer - 2025-01-15

LU researcher receives Ig Nobel prize for alligator helium study

Published 18 September 2020 Stephan Reber (Photo: Seth Burdick) Stephan Reber has been awarded an Ig Nobel Prize for Acoustics - for a 2015 study that involved an alligator inhaling helium. This was done to understand if crocodilians have resonances in their vocalizations, something that certain animals use to communicate body size. “I am extremely happy and grateful for this prize. As we all know

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lu-researcher-receives-ig-nobel-prize-alligator-helium-study - 2025-01-15

New analytical model detects mutations in breast cancer

Published 24 September 2020 Lao Saal (Photo: Olle Dahlbäck) Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a computational model which is effective in detecting and identifying genetic mutations in breast tumours. The study, the largest of its kind in the world, includes results from over 3 200 patients with breast cancer. The researchers used RNA sequencing, a sensitive, precise tool whi

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-analytical-model-detects-mutations-breast-cancer - 2025-01-15

New book: avoid predicting foreign exchange rates

Published 25 September 2020 Photo: Istock Anyone who can predict outcomes for Forex rates can earn considerable amounts of money. However, research shows this cannot be done reliably and should be avoided by serious corporations - as it does not generate any excess profit, according to two leading Lund University researchers in foreign exchange risk management. “It’s like looking into a crystal ba

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-book-avoid-predicting-foreign-exchange-rates - 2025-01-15