

Din sökning på "*" gav 534753 sökträffar

Exhibition: Museet/The Museum/المتحف

Published 15 March 2017 March 25 – April 30, 2017 Opening Friday, March 24, 5–7 PM The exhibition Museet/The Museum/المتحف marks the conclusion of a collaboration between the Malmö Art Academy and Malmö Konstmuseum. During the 2016–17 school year, eleven students have completed a course that combines fine art and theory in a study of the art museum as a context. The course explores topics such as

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/exhibition-museetthe-museumalmthf - 2025-03-05

Assignment to the Swedish Forestry Agency to start re-wetting drained peatlands

Published 24 May 2021 The Swedish government has on 20 May 2021 decided on an assignment to the Swedish Forestry Agency to start re-wetting drained peatlands to reduce the amount of climate gases. This decision is based on the government inquiry “Vägen till en klimatpositiv framtid” (SOU2020:4). Findings from BECC-researchers, among others Åsa Kasimir, Katarina Hedlund, Jessica Coria, Mark Brady,

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/assignment-swedish-forestry-agency-start-re-wetting-drained-peatlands - 2025-03-05

Climate benefits of the forest – a balancing act in prioritisation

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 2 June 2021 The forest has many benefits. What climate benefit you get by leaving the forest for storing carbon, or by extracting biomass that can replace fossil raw materials, largely depends on the time horizon. Photo: kn1/IStockphoto. The forest is currently at the centre of an intense debate. It concerns, in

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/climate-benefits-forest-balancing-act-prioritisation - 2025-03-05

Urban private gardens promote biodiversity

By izabella [dot] rosengren [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Izabella Rosengren) - published 11 August 2021 Helena Hanson, researcher. Photo: Anna Maria Erling. They become smaller as urbanisation increases. Troublesome, according to researcher Helena Hanson, because urban private gardens affect both cities’ biodiversity and human wellbeing by functioning as social green spaces. Now she strikes a blow

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/urban-private-gardens-promote-biodiversity - 2025-03-05

What comes next: after the IPCC climate change report

By lotte [dot] billing [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Billing) - published 12 August 2021 Climate researchers Markku Rummukainen and Kimberly Nicholas are interviewed about the latest UN climate panel report. Photo by NOAA on Unsplash. Two Lund University climate scientists, Kimberly Nicholas, who has acted as an observer at two global climate summits, and Markku Rummukainen, Sweden’s IPCC repre

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/what-comes-next-after-ipcc-climate-change-report - 2025-03-05

New report: Measures that support both the climate and biodiversity

Published 10 July 2021 Climate change and biodiversity losses have long been addressed in parallel organisations. Now the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are launching the first global report that integrates the two issues. This is a welcome and much needed move, according to three

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/new-report-measures-support-both-climate-and-biodiversity - 2025-03-05

Call for presentations and posters: BECC Annual meeting 2021

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Nikoleris) - published 2 September 2021 Photo: Charlotte Carlberg This year's Annual meeting: Ecosystem-based climate mitigation and adaptation ​Submit your title and abstract (250 words) by 15th of October. ​ Call for presentations 4 talks will be selected Length: 10 minutes incl. questions ​Submit your title and abstract (250 words) by 15t

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/call-presentations-and-posters-becc-annual-meeting-2021 - 2025-03-05

Summary of ClimBEco summer meeting 2021 - Food and.....everything else

By cheryl [dot] sjostrom [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Cheryl Sjöström and Helena Gonzales Lindberg) - published 24 September 2021 At this ClimBEco summer meeting, mostly held online but with parallel in-person workshops in Gothenburg, Lund and Malmö, was themed around one of humanities ultimate equalizers; that of food. The way we produce, move and use food globally has important implications on ju

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/summary-climbeco-summer-meeting-2021-food-andeverything-else - 2025-03-05

BECC guest researchers: Professor Nina Buchmann and Associated professor Oliver Sonnentag

Published 27 September 2021 Welcome to Professor Nina Buchmann from the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zürich. The main research topics of Nina Buchmann include (1) plant and ecosystem physiology, (2) biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems, i.e., forest, grassland and cropland, particularly the response of soil and ecosystem carbon, nitrogen and water dynamics to climatic co

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/becc-guest-researchers-professor-nina-buchmann-and-associated-professor-oliver-sonnentag - 2025-03-05

BECC guest researcher: Professor Adam Hitchcock

Published 5 October 2021 Lawrence, Hitchcock et al 2003 Professor Adam Hitchcock is one of the most renown and experienced researchers in x-ray adsorption microscopy and especially soft X-ray transmission microscopy (STXM). He has been a full professor at the department of Chemistry at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario since 1989.  A major part of his work is the development of new experime

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/becc-guest-researcher-professor-adam-hitchcock - 2025-03-05

The Glasgow climate summit - what is it about and why does it matter?

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Nikoleris) - published 27 October 2021 Image: IStock On October 31st, representatives from across the globe will gather in Glasgow for two weeks to attend the UN climate change conference COP26. Expectations are high following last year's canceled conference, and the IPCC report released in August. As part of the Paris Agreement in 2015, it

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/glasgow-climate-summit-what-it-about-and-why-does-it-matter - 2025-03-05

Welcome to the Swedish Climate Symposium

Published 7 February 2022 Image: Ines Jakobsson Dear all, We are proud to welcome you to the first national scientific climate conference in Sweden - a unique opportunity for climate scientists to interact, reflect, and identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for the future. The Swedish Climate Symposium will highlight the main conclusions of the 6th Assessment Report (AR6) of the IPCC and its c

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/welcome-swedish-climate-symposium - 2025-03-05

ClimBEco winter meeting 2022 – summary

By cheryl [dot] sjostrom [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Cheryl Sjöström) - published 29 March 2022 Photo by Ars Buchatski on Unsplash. In February, ClimBEco PhD students gathered for our annual winter meeting. For the second consecutive year – but hopefully for the last time – the meeting was held digitally due to pandemic restrictions, with a small lunch gathering at the conclusion. During this two-

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/climbeco-winter-meeting-2022-summary - 2025-03-05

Call for up to 6 BECC-post docs for the years 2023-2025 and BECC call for research funding prolonged

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] see (Lina Nikoleris) - published 23 June 2022 The BECC Board and the BECC and MERGE steering group at the University of Gothenburg (UGOT) have decided to strengthen the interdisciplinary development of BECC research by announcing funding for up to six 2-year post doc positions. This effort aims to specifically favour BECC’s research development withi

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/call-6-becc-post-docs-years-2023-2025-and-becc-call-research-funding-prolonged - 2025-03-05

BECC guest researcher: Professor Detlef Sprinz

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] see (Lina Nikoleris) - published 30 August 2022 Professor Sprinz will join Lund University as BECC guest researcher during two time periods; from mid-September to the end of October this year, and for another six week period during the spring term 2023. His BECC hosting institution will be the Department of Political Science. Prof. Detlef Sprinz Prof

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/becc-guest-researcher-professor-detlef-sprinz - 2025-03-05

COVID Symptom Study live - Istället för Almedalen

Publicerad 29 juni 2020 When citizens engage in public health research: pitfalls and prospects Arrangör: Lunds universitetMedverkande: Paul Franks, professor i genetisk epidemiologi vid Lunds universitet och huvudansvarig för forskningsprojektet COVID Symptom Study, Tove Fall, professor i molekylär epidemiologi vid Uppsala universitet, Maria Gomez, professor i fysiologi vid Lunds universitet.Moder

https://www.covid19app.lu.se/artikel/covid-symptom-study-live-istallet-almedalen - 2025-03-05

Early signs in young children predict type 1 diabetes

Published 6 March 2015 New research shows that it is possible to predict the development of type 1 diabetes. By measuring the presence of autoantibodies in the blood, it is possible to detect whether the immune system has begun to break down the bodys own insulin cells. "In the TEDDY study we have found that autoantibodies often appear during the first few years of life", said professor Åke Lernma

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/early-signs-young-children-predict-type-1-diabetes - 2025-03-05