

Din sökning på "*" gav 535950 sökträffar

First patient receives milestone stem cell-based transplant for Parkinson’s Disease

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 28 February 2023 Lund University: Press release On 13th of February, 2023, a transplant of stem cell-derived nerve cells was administered to a person with Parkinson’s at Skåne University Hospital, Sweden. Please go to the below links to find out more about STEM PD. English: https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/arti

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/first-patient-receives-milestone-stem-cell-based-transplant-parkinsons-disease - 2025-02-21

Congratulations Fredrik!

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 28 April 2023 2023-04-27. We are very happy to join Fredrik Nilsson for the nailing of his thesis "Cell Replacement Therapy for Parkinson's Disease: Evaluating the potential of autologous grafting". The defence will take place on May 10th, 2023 at 9.00 am at the Belfrage Lecture Hall (Klinikgatan 32, Lund) - yo

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/congratulations-fredrik - 2025-02-21

Congratulations Dr. Nilsson!

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 10 May 2023 2023-05-10. We are very happy to announce that Fredrik Nilsson successfully defended his thesis "Cell Replacement Therapy for Parkinson's Disease: Evaluating the potential of autologous grafting" today. Congratulations Dr. Nilsson! To read an interview with Fredrik, please go to the following articl

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/congratulations-dr-nilsson - 2025-02-21

Malin Parmar and Roger Barker recieve the Oon Award for Preventative Medicine 2024

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 5 March 2024 The prize was given in recognition of their pioneering work in researching neurodegenerative diseases and translational stem cell biology. For more information of the event, please see:https://www.dow.cam.ac.uk/news/experts-delve-advancements-parkinsons-treatment-oon-lecture 

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/malin-parmar-and-roger-barker-recieve-oon-award-preventative-medicine-2024 - 2025-02-21

Klinisk stamcellsbaserad transplantationsstudie – STEM-PD – mot Parkinsons har inlett doshöjning

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 6 May 2024 Positiva tidiga säkerhetsresultat har uppnåtts efter de fyra första patienterna som genomgått transplantation av dopaminproducerande stamceller inom den kliniska studien STEM-PD.För att läsa artikeln vänligen gå till: https://www.lu.se/artikel/klinisk-stamcellsbaserad-transplantationsstudie-stem-pd-m

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/klinisk-stamcellsbaserad-transplantationsstudie-stem-pd-mot-parkinsons-har-inlett-doshojning - 2025-02-21

Press release: ERC Synergy Grant awarded for the development of custom-made stem cell therapies

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 6 November 2024 Malin Parmar, professor of cellular neuroscience, along with three researchers in Italy and Denmark, has been awarded the prestigious ERC Synergy Grant worth EUR 10 million. The four researchers aim to develop custom-made neurons from stem cells for cell therapies to treat Parkinson’s or Hunting

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/press-release-erc-synergy-grant-awarded-development-custom-made-stem-cell-therapies - 2025-02-21

Celebrating our new grant from The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 16 January 2019 We are very thrilled to be recepients of a prestigious grant awarded by The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation! 2019-01-14. For this new and exciting project Malin Parmar's group will closely collaborate with Tomas Björklund's group. Both of the groups belong to the Department of Experimental

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/celebrating-our-new-grant-knut-and-alice-wallenberg-foundation - 2025-02-21

Besök hos Bålsta Parkinson Föreningen / Visit to Bålsa Parkinson's Society

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 10 October 2018 Jenny Nelander Wahlestedt har idag besökt Bålsta Parkinson Föreningen där hon berättade om vår forskning för ca. 50 engagerade åhörare. Tack till Bålsta Parkinson Föreningen för att ni bjöd in oss! In English: Jenny Nelander Wahlestedt has today visited the Bålsta Parkinson's Society to talk to

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/besok-hos-balsta-parkinson-foreningen-visit-balsa-parkinsons-society - 2025-02-21

Storsatsning från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 2 October 2018 På svenska. Läs nedan om Malin Parmars femåriga projekt som nu tilldelas närmare 22 miljoner kronor från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse.     Lunds Universitet - nyheter:     Miljonregn över forskning på skadad hjärna och kiselalger

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/storsatsning-fran-knut-och-alice-wallenbergs-stiftelse - 2025-02-21

New collaboration between Lund scientists and Novo Nordisk / Nytt samarbete mellan Lundaforskare och Novo Nordisk

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 16 May 2018 Read here about how Novo Nordisk, together with the Swedish biotech company Biolamina in Stockholm, collaborates with Malin Parmar and her close collegues Agnete Kirkeby and Anders Björklund at Lund University to develop a new stem cell based treatment for Parkinson's disease.     for Lund Universit

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/new-collaboration-between-lund-scientists-and-novo-nordisk-nytt-samarbete-mellan-lundaforskare-och - 2025-02-21

Hon gör serier av sin forskning

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 18 April 2018 Vet du om att ultraseriös forskning kan även vara riktigt rolig? Och bli en tecknad serie? Läs mer om hur Malin Parmars forskning har blivit en del av projektet ERCcOMICS "A Cell's Life" där den lilla cellen Jojo upptäcker reprogrammering.     ERCcOMICS - "A Cell's Life"    

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/hon-gor-serier-av-sin-forskning - 2025-02-21

Congratulations Daniella!

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 23 May 2019 Today we congratulate Daniella Ottosson on her prize from the Harald och Greta Jeansson Foundation! The prize ceremony took place in Stockholm on May 21st, 2019 and Daniella was awarded a personal prize for "a successful effort as a young researcher and group leader".For more information please go t

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/congratulations-daniella - 2025-02-21

Thesis Defence Interview - Sara Nolbrant

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 27 January 2020 Sara Nolbrant, from the Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology lab, will be defending her PhD thesis on Friday 31st of January. Researching in the group led by Malin Parmar, Sara has been directing and dissecting the fate of dopaminergic neurons with the aim developing cell replacement ther

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/thesis-defence-interview-sara-nolbrant - 2025-02-21

Thesis Defence Interview – Marcella Birtele

Published 30 September 2020 Marcella Birtele will be defending her PhD thesis titled “Functional and Transcriptional Studies of Human Dopaminergic Neurons” on Friday 2nd October. Researching within the Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology group led by Prof. Malin Parmar, here Marcella tells us about her PhD studies at Lund Stem Cell Center.For full article please click on teh follwing link:

https://www.regenerative-neurobiology.lu.se/article/thesis-defence-interview-marcella-birtele - 2025-02-21