

Din sökning på "*" gav 533332 sökträffar

Winner of European Entrepreneurship Education Award 2024

Published 15 February 2024 Professor Francisco Liñán, University of Seville, Spain The Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship is thrilled to announce Professor Francisco Liñán from the University of Seville, Spain, as the winner of the European Entrepreneurship Education Award (EEEA) for the year 2024. The EEEA award is presented annually by the Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship to

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/winner-european-entrepreneurship-education-award-2024 - 2025-03-12

New knowledge on economic methods receives LUSEM 2020 thesis prize

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 9 March 2021 ”A remarkably deep and impressive thesis improving our ability to analyse data in economics and other disciplines.” This is how Yana Petrova’s thesis is described by the Research Education Council at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) in their motivation for why Yana Petrova is comm

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/new-knowledge-economic-methods-receives-lusem-2020-thesis-prize - 2025-03-12

New research on accounting professionalisation in China receives LUSEM 2021 thesis prize

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 21 April 2022 “Important contributions include insights into potential strategies that developing countries may deploy to meet the proliferating regulations formulated and enforced by international organisations.” This is how Wenjun Wen’s thesis is described by the Research Education Council at LUSEM in their motivatio

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/new-research-accounting-professionalisation-china-receives-lusem-2021-thesis-prize - 2025-03-12

Nicolai Baumert receives the Best thesis at LUSEM in 2022

By peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - published 24 May 2023 The award winning thesis in Economic History is called: "For God's Sake –The Work and Long-Term Impact of Christian Missionaries in Cameroon 1844-2018". The award includes honor, praise and a prize of 25 000 SEK. In his research, Nicolai Baumert found that the colonial-era missionaries' work in Cameroon

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/nicolai-baumert-receives-best-thesis-lusem-2022 - 2025-03-12

Top ranked: LUSEM shines in latest THE World University Rankings

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 31 October 2023 Annually, THE World University Rankings produces the 'World University Rankings by subject'. In the most recent release on October 26, Lund University improved its standing in seven subjects, securing a position among the world's top universities in six of them. Notably, within LUSEM, the Business and Econo

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/top-ranked-lusem-shines-latest-world-university-rankings - 2025-03-12

The School acquires double accreditations – holds high international standard

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 21 August 2019 Photo: Johan Persson Lund University School of Economics and Management received two prestigious accreditation messages during the summer. We are now accredited for five years by both EQUIS and AMBA, and hence belong to the top 1 per cent of Business Schools globally that hold both accreditations. John A

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/school-acquires-double-accreditations-holds-high-international-standard - 2025-03-12

LUSEM joins the ranks of top business schools worldwide awarded with a “Triple Crown”

Published 3 March 2021 Through its third accreditation, LUSEM achieves "Triple Crown" status and can be counted among the business schools in the world that maintain absolute top quality. Lund University School of Economics and Management has received its third accreditation through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and thereby joins the ranks of top business schoo

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/lusem-joins-ranks-top-business-schools-worldwide-awarded-triple-crown - 2025-03-12

The Data Science Lab: For the passionate

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 25 May 2023 Natalie Irmert at Department of Economics and Hassan Hamadi at Department of Business Administration are responsible of the new Data Science Lab at LUSEM. Photo: Oskar Svensson What happens when a group of people share a big interest, want to develop this, and spread it further? Well, if this group consists of

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/data-science-lab-passionate - 2025-03-12

He researches algorithmic leadership

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 20 February 2024 Sverre Spoelstra is currently doing research on gamification in high-performance organisations and algorithmic leadership. Illustration: OpenAI/ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence has gone from horror visions on film to a tool in everyone’s pocket. From spelling advice to shopping tips – and now to assign

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/he-researches-algorithmic-leadership - 2025-03-12

Daniel Tomic Lindvall – alumnus from BSc in Design of Information Systems 2023

By carla [dot] bohme [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (Carla Böhme) - published 4 March 2024 Daniel Tomic Lindvall In Spring 2023, Daniel graduated with a bachelor's degree in information systems from the Department of Informatics at Lund University. We interviewed him about his successes in the labour market. (The below interview is translated from Swedish)Tell us about what you do today!“I work at Mon

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/daniel-tomic-lindvall-alumnus-bsc-design-information-systems-2023 - 2025-03-12

Career and leadership inspiration through the LUSEM Mentorship Programme

Published 10 June 2022 Mentors and mentees mingling during their final event in the programme. The LUSEM Mentorship Programme was concluded recently with mingling and valuable experience exchanges, between student mentees and alumni mentors. The programme offers LUSEM students and professionals the opportunity to exchange valuable experiences and ideas. Students thrive and get inspired by their me

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/career-and-leadership-inspiration-through-lusem-mentorship-programme - 2025-03-12

LUSEM students in the audience for Nobel minds round table discussion

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 20 December 2023 The broadcast ”Snillen spekulerar” (Nobel minds) can be seen world-wide on SVT Play. Three students from LUSEM were invited as audience for the round table discussion in Stockholm with the Nobel laureates, earlier in December. The show was broadcast on SVT and BBC World on 18 December 2023 and can be s

https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/lusem-students-audience-nobel-minds-round-table-discussion - 2025-03-12

Associated Senior Lecturer in Sociology

Publicerad 6 mars 2014 The successful candidate will conduct sociological research and teach sociology at the BA, MA, and PhD levels. The position includes 50 percent research and 50 percent teaching and administration. Biträdande lektor (Sw), Assistant Professor (US)In addition to conducting high-quality research and teaching insociology, the successful candidate is expected to be able to takeres

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/associated-senior-lecturer-sociology - 2025-03-12

Naturens tempel visas i Ystad

Publicerad 17 februari 2014 Antropologiprofessor Christer Lindbergs utställning Indianer – andlighet i naturens tempel hade vernissage på Klostermuseet i Ystad den 16 februari. Christer Lindberg är både fotograf och professor i socialantropologi på Sociologiska institutionen på Lunds universitet och vill i sin utställning bland annat visa de andliga delarna av de nordamerikanska indianernas tradit

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/naturens-tempel-visas-i-ystad - 2025-03-12

Nedgång i facklig organisering

Publicerad 13 februari 2014 År 2006 låg andelen fackligt anslutna arbetare och tjänstemän på samma nivå, 77 procent. År 2013 var tjänstemännens organisationsgrad 73 procent, medan arbetarnas var nere på 66 procent. Anders Kjellberg, forskare på Sociologiska institutionen, publicerar ny data i kapitlet ”Parternas organisationsgrad och kollektivavtalens utbredning” i Medlingsinstitutets nyligen publ

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/nedgang-i-facklig-organisering - 2025-03-12

Lundasociolog till House of Lords

Publicerad 10 februari 2014 Abdulhadi Khalaf på Sociologiska institutionen medverkar i ett seminarium i anrika House of Lords i London. För tre år sedan strömmade folket i Bahrain ut på gatorna och campade vid Pärlrondellen för att kräva demokrati och frihet. Men revolutionen i Bahrain har hamnat i medieskugga och omvärlden har förblivit tyst, även när regimen bevisligen gjort sig skyldig till sys

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/lundasociolog-till-house-lords - 2025-03-12

Barnbidrag spär på fattigdom

Publicerad 6 februari 2014 Johan Sandberg på Sociologiska institutionen har publicerat en artikel på sidan fyra i El País, den mest distribuerade dagstidningen i Spanien. I stora drag handlar artikeln om att riktade socialpolitiska program, såsom villkorade barnbidrag till de fattigaste i Latinamerika, paradoxalt nog spär på segmenteringen i samhället.Medel- och överklassen saknar incitament att b

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/barnbidrag-spar-pa-fattigdom - 2025-03-12

Kinas affärskvinnor och jämställdhet

Publicerad 29 januari 2014 Lisa Eklund forskar om Kina vid sociologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet och kommenterar i Sydsvenskan Kinas enbarnspolitik och villkoren för Kinas affärskvinnor. – Visst slås man av den självsäkerhet och det driv som affärskvinnorna utstrålar. Det är helt klart positivt att det finns en så stor andel kvinnliga företagare, men man får inte bli förförd av siffror.

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/kinas-affarskvinnor-och-jamstalldhet - 2025-03-12

Två lediga jobb som biträdande universitetslektor

Publicerad 27 januari 2014 Biträdande universitetslektor i sociologi och biträdande universitetslektor med inriktning mot genus i sociologi. Biträdande universitetslektor i sociologi med diarienummer SPA 2014/45Sista ansökningsdag: 2014-03-17Mer information på Lediga anställningar.Information in English. Biträdande universitetslektor med inriktning mot genus i sociologi med diarienummer SPA 2014/4

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/tva-lediga-jobb-som-bitradande-universitetslektor - 2025-03-12

Sociologen bidrar till efterlängtad handbok

Publicerad 16 januari 2014 David Wästerfors, Malin Åkerström har tillsammans med Katarina Jacobsson skrivit kapitlet "Reanalysis of Qualitative Data" som nyligen publicerats i SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis (red. Uwe Flick). Handboken erbjuder en efterlängtad överblick av det breda utbudet av metoder för dataanalys i kvalitativ forskning.Skriven av experter inom kvalitativ forskning fr

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/sociologen-bidrar-till-efterlangtad-handbok - 2025-03-12