

Din sökning på "*" gav 531156 sökträffar

Labour and delivery ward register data availability, quality, and utility - Every Newborn - birth indicators research tracking in hospitals (EN-BIRTH) study baseline analysis in three countries

Published 21 January 2021 Countries with the highest burden of maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths often have little information on these deaths. Since over 81% of births worldwide now occur in facilities, using routine facility data could reduce this data gap. We assessed the availability, quality, and utility of routine labour and delivery ward register data in five hospitals in Banglade

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/labour-and-delivery-ward-register-data-availability-quality-and-utility-every-newborn-birth - 2025-03-16

Can the validity of a cohort be improved by reweighting based on register data? Evidence from the Swedish MDC study

Published 21 January 2021 We reweighted the Malmö Diet and Cancer (MDC) study based on population register data on background variables, including socio-demographics and hospital admissions for both participants and the background population. Following individuals from baseline in 1991-1996 and at most until 2016, we studied mortality (all-cause, cancer, and CVD), incidences (cancer and CVD), and

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/can-validity-cohort-be-improved-reweighting-based-register-data-evidence-swedish-mdc-study - 2025-03-16

NordMAN facilitates researchers’ access to Nordic microdata and provides metadata on existing Nordic registers

Published 9 April 2018 A project jointly conducted by the Nordic national statistical institutes and funded by NordForsk was initiated in 2015. The project, Nordic Microdata Access Network (NordMAN), seeks to establish a single pan-Nordic solution to facilitate researchers' access to the Nordic metadata compiled for statistical purposes, and to provide an overview of the existing Nordic registers.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/nordman-facilitates-researchers-access-nordic-microdata-and-provides-metadata-existing-nordic - 2025-03-16

Exploring the impact of cancer registry completeness on international cancer survival differences: a simulation study

Published 22 January 2021 Data from population-based cancer registries are often used to compare cancer survival between countries or regions. The ICBP SURVMARK-2 study is an international partnership aiming to quantify and explore the reasons behind survival differences across high-income countries. However, the magnitude and relevance of differences in cancer survival between countries have been

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/exploring-impact-cancer-registry-completeness-international-cancer-survival-differences-simulation - 2025-03-16

Probabilistic Quantification of Bias to Combine the Strengths of Population-Based Register Data and Clinical Cohorts-Studying Mortality in Osteoarthritis

Published 22 January 2021 We propose combining population-based register data with a nested clinical cohort to correct misclassification and unmeasured confounding through probabilistic quantification of bias. We have illustrated this approach by estimating the association between knee osteoarthritis and mortality. We used the Swedish Population Register to include all persons resident in the Skån

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/probabilistic-quantification-bias-combine-strengths-population-based-register-data-and-clinical-0 - 2025-03-16

The Validity of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Diagnoses in the Danish Patient Registry and the Danish Stroke Registry

Published 22 January 2021 Based on discharge summaries and brain imaging reports, we estimated the positive predictive value (PPV) of a first-ever diagnosis code for ICH (ICD-10, code I61) for all patients in the Region of Southern Denmark (1.2 million) during 2009– 2017 according to either DNPR or DSR. We estimated PPVs for any non-traumatic ICH (a-ICH) and spontaneous ICH (s-ICH) alone (ie, with

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/validity-intracerebral-hemorrhage-diagnoses-danish-patient-registry-and-danish-stroke-registry - 2025-03-16

The Israel Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention (IRAP) Study: Design and Baseline Characteristics

Published 22 January 2021 Participants are members of the Maccabi Health Services, 40–65 years of age, with exquisitely detailed laboratory, medical diagnoses and medication data available in the Maccabi electronic medical records since 1998. Data collected through IRAP include genetic, sociodemographic, cognitive, brain imaging, lifestyle, and health-related characteristics at baseline and every

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/israel-registry-alzheimers-prevention-irap-study-design-and-baseline-characteristics - 2025-03-16

The Importance of Cancer Registry Linkage for Studying Rare Cancers in Prospective Cohorts

Published 23 January 2021 Large prospective cohort studies may offer an opportunity to study the etiology and natural history of rare cancers. Cancer diagnoses in observational cohort studies are often self-reported. Little information exists on the validity of self-reported cancer diagnosis, especially rare cancers, in Canada. This study evaluated the validity of self-reported cancer diagnosis in

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/importance-cancer-registry-linkage-studying-rare-cancers-prospective-cohorts - 2025-03-16

Administrative and Registry Databases for Patient Safety Tracking and Quality Improvement

Published 23 January 2021 Acquisition of data on clinical performance is essential to improve outcomes in surgery. Large, national datasets allow hospitals to monitor events involving patient safety, complications, and benchmark against peer hospitals and facilitate quality improvement (QI) development. Although clinical datasets are often preferable, administrative data also have potential for ac

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/administrative-and-registry-databases-patient-safety-tracking-and-quality-improvement - 2025-03-16

The validity of child and adolescent depression diagnoses in the Danish psychiatric central research register

Published 24 January 2021 A nationwide random sample of 500 children (6–17 years) diagnosed with depression between 1996 and 2016 was identified in the DPCRR. Psychiatric hospital records were reviewed and rated using an online checklist. The primary outcome was whether depressive symptoms and functional impairment documented in hospital records justified a depressive disorder diagnosis based on I

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/validity-child-and-adolescent-depression-diagnoses-danish-psychiatric-central-research-register - 2025-03-16

Developing a trauma registry in a middle-income country - Botswana

Published 24 January 2021 A cross sectional study was piloted at a tertiary hospital and a secondary level hospital in Botswana. The study consisted of two stages: stage 1 - stakeholders' consultation and trauma registry prototype was designed. Stage 2 consisted of two phases: Phase I involved retrospective collection of existing data from existing data collection tools and Phase II collected data

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/developing-trauma-registry-middle-income-country-botswana - 2025-03-16

The validity of child and adolescent depression diagnoses in the Danish psychiatric central research register

Published 25 January 2021 A nationwide random sample of 500 children (6–17 years) diagnosed with depression between 1996 and 2016 was identified in the DPCRR. Psychiatric hospital records were reviewed and rated using an online checklist. The primary outcome was whether depressive symptoms and functional impairment documented in hospital records justified a depressive disorder diagnosis based on I

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/validity-child-and-adolescent-depression-diagnoses-danish-psychiatric-central-research-register-0 - 2025-03-16

Population research awarded the Färs and Frosta Prize

Published 10 April 2018 Anna Tegunimataka awarded prize for best dissertation at LUSEM Anna Tegunimataka, who finished her PhD in economic history last June, has been awarded the Färs and Frosta Prize for best doctoral dissertation at LUSEM. The prize is 100,000 SEK. The titel of her thesis is: Trajectories of Integration: Naturalization, Intermarriage and Education in Denmark, 1980-2015

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/population-research-awarded-fars-and-frosta-prize - 2025-03-16

Ny indelning av beredningsgrupper inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap

Published 5 February 2021 Från och med 2021 gör Vetenskapsrådet en ny indelning av beredningsgrupperna inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap. Syftet är att få en jämnare fördelning av ansökningar mellan dem. Ny indelning av beredningsgrupper inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap - Vetenskapsrådet (vr.se)

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/ny-indelning-av-beredningsgrupper-inom-naturvetenskap-och-teknikvetenskap - 2025-03-16

Den svenska covid-19-dataportalen växer

Published 8 February 2021 Sverige var först i Europa med att lansera en nationell dataportal för forskning om covid-19. Portalen har växt i takt med att fler forskningsprojekt har tillgängliggjort sina data, nya projekt har startat och nya datatjänster etablerats. Scilifelab driver portalen i samverkan med Vetenskapsrådet. Den svenska covid-19-dataportalen växer - Vetenskapsrådet (vr.se)

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/den-svenska-covid-19-dataportalen-vaxer - 2025-03-16

ONCOR: design of the Dutch cardio-oncology registry

Published 8 February 2021 The relative new subspecialty 'cardio-oncology' was established to meet the growing demand for an interdisciplinary approach to the management of cancer therapy-related cardiovascular adverse events. In recent years, specialised cardio-oncology services have been implemented worldwide, which all strive to improve the cardiovascular health of cancer patients. However, limi

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/oncor-design-dutch-cardio-oncology-registry - 2025-03-16

High acquisition rate and internal validity in the Scandinavian Obesity Surgery Registry

Published 8 February 2021 The acquisition rate during 2012–2018 was compared with Swedish national databases, while registered data in 89 selected variables (67 mandatory) was compared with medical records of 1860 randomly selected patients from all bariatric centers (n = 39–43) reporting to SOReg. The evaluation was done by 1 independent observer. Completeness of data in the entire registry for t

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/high-acquisition-rate-and-internal-validity-scandinavian-obesity-surgery-registry - 2025-03-16

The case for open science: rare diseases

Published 9 February 2021 The premise of Open Science is that research and medical management will progress faster if data and knowledge are openly shared. The value of Open Science is nowhere more important and appreciated than in the rare disease (RD) community. Research into RDs has been limited by insufficient patient data and resources, a paucity of trained disease experts, and lack of therap

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/case-open-science-rare-diseases - 2025-03-16