

Din sökning på "*" gav 540285 sökträffar

Markus Gunneflo ny koordinator med passion för tvärvetenskapen

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 4 February 2024 Markus Gunneflo är sedan årsskiftet koordinator för forskarskolan Agenda 2030. Foto: Kenneth Rouna. Markus Gunneflo har alltid intresserat sig för tvärvetenskap och att få arbeta med doktorander har varit det roligaste i hans yrkesliv. En perfekt kombination för uppdraget som forskarskolan Agenda 2030:s

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/markus-gunneflo-ny-koordinator-med-passion-tvarvetenskapen - 2025-02-09

Advocacy for veganism and animal liberation is neither a new nor a Western phenomenon – but plant-based capitalism is

Published 21 February 2024 Photo: We Animals Media Popular media discourses and heated debates on possible transitions to plant-based food systems can sometimes give the impression that veganism is a newfangled trend or that advocacy for animals is an intrinsically Western or even ‘white’ social phenomenon. However, such portrayals neglect how advocacy for Earth Others can be traced way back in th

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/advocacy-veganism-and-animal-liberation-neither-new-nor-western-phenomenon-plant-based-capitalism - 2025-02-09

The Graduate School celebrates the achievements of PhD graduates Maria Takman and Christie Nicoson

Published 29 April 2024 Maria Takman and Christie Nicoson. Photo: Hilde Skar Olsen and Sara Håkansson Two new PhDs! Congratulations to the Graduate School's two new doctors, Maria Takman and Christie Nicoson. On 26 April, they successfully defended their doctoral theses at Lund University. Both scholars have made significant contributions in their respective fields. Maria Takman has written "From

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/graduate-school-celebrates-achievements-phd-graduates-maria-takman-and-christie-nicoson - 2025-02-09

Thesis successfully defended by Tanya Andersson Nystedt

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 10 June 2024 Tanya Andersson Nystedt has successfully defended her thesis on migrants' vulnerability to sexual violence. We are proud to announce that the Agenda 2030 Graduate School PhD student, Tanya Andersson Nystedt, successfully defended her thesis on 5 June and now has her PhD! Tanya has been an integral part of

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/thesis-successfully-defended-tanya-andersson-nystedt - 2025-02-09

Stubbendorff's Index paves way for sustainable healthy diets

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 12 June 2024 Eating according to new dietary recommendations reduces premature deaths and greenhouse gas emissions. Agenda 2030 PhD student Anna Stubbendorff compared seven dietary indices to find a good way to measure how we eat in relation to the recommendations. The Planetary Health Diet. That's the diet that will k

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/stubbendorffs-index-paves-way-sustainable-healthy-diets - 2025-02-09

Integrating existential aspects into sustainability

Published 18 June 2024 As the climate crisis deepens, discussions on sustainability are evolving to include the existential aspects of human life. In the autumn of 2023, Lund University's Agenda 2030 Graduate School introduced a PhD course on existential sustainability. The course ended with a student conference, where some of the papers are now being shared with a wider audience. Sustainability h

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/integrating-existential-aspects-sustainability - 2025-02-09

New thesis sheds light on Hyllie’s sustainable urban development

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 19 September 2024 'We can't build cities that are fundamentally unsustainable and expect individual behaviour change to solve the problems. Urban development must contribute to norm change by actively redistributing resources,' says Alva Zalar in her thesis. Can a new neighbourhood be a spearhead for sustainability if

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/new-thesis-sheds-light-hyllies-sustainable-urban-development - 2025-02-09

How little does it take to create an artistic experience?

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 26 September 2024 Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir has experimented with podcast interviews, created four performance works and several video articles. Photo: Sara Håkansson PhD student Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir not only has a background as a director, writer, theologian, life coach and actor. When she started her PhD in Lund

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/how-little-does-it-take-create-artistic-experience - 2025-02-09

New thesis highlights sustainable solutions to protect the Amazon rainforest

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 17 October 2024 Stricter environmental requirements and alternative sources of income for the population are needed to stop deforestation in the Amazon, Jesica López's thesis shows. Photo: Sara Håkansson In the Colombian rainforest, cattle ranching is spreading and leading to forest fires and deforestation. This threat

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/new-thesis-highlights-sustainable-solutions-protect-amazon-rainforest - 2025-02-09

Juan Ocampo researched the organizing of money in places where money is assumed to be scarce

Published 19 December 2024 Juan Ocampo's research examines how complementary currencies are implemented in communities, drawing on observations from a collaboration in Kenya. Photo: Sara Håkansson What does it take to implement a complementary currency in a community, and how does it reshape social, technical, and economic dynamics? Juan Ocampo, a PhD graduate from Lund University’s School of Econ

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/article/juan-ocampo-researched-organizing-money-places-where-money-assumed-be-scarce - 2025-02-09

Narrating Climate Futures on Esplanad

Published 10 July 2020 Narratives and futures was the theme of the latest episode of the podcast Esplanad, hosted by Caroline Ljungberg Toulson at Trivector. In Swedish. See description and link below. Vad är en berättelse och varför är de viktiga? Kan olika typer av berättelser hjälpa oss att förstå klimatförändringar och framtiden? Och hur ska man göra om man vill använda berättelser proaktivt f

https://www.climatefutures.lu.se/article/narrating-climate-futures-esplanad - 2025-02-09

CenCIP vid JRC i Ispra

Publicerad 10 juli 2017 Jonas Johansson visiting researcher vid JRC Ispra, Italien, under 2 veckor. Under två veckor, 10 juli till 28 juli, är Jonas Johansson vid CenCIP visiting researcher vid EU:s Joint Research Centre (JRC) i Ispra, Italien. JRC är Europeiska kommissionens vetenskaps- och kunskapsservice för att genomföra forskning och ge oberoende vetenskapliga råd och stöd EUs policyarbete. V

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/cencip-vid-jrc-i-ispra - 2025-02-09

SSV-seminarium, Stockholm 22 november

Av jonas [dot] johansson [at] risk [dot] lth [dot] se (Jonas Johansson) - publicerad 16 oktober 2017 CenCIP anordnar ett seminarium i Stockholm den 22 november med fokus på aktuella frågor och utmaningar inom området skydd av samhällsviktig verksamhet. Skydd av Samhällsviktig verksamhet – Aktuella frågor och utmaningarVälkomna till ett heldagsseminarium med fokus på det viktiga arbetet med skydd a

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/ssv-seminarium-stockholm-22-november - 2025-02-09

Publication in Safety Science

Av bjorn [dot] arvidson [at] risk [dot] lth [dot] se (Björn Arvidsson) - publicerad 19 januari 2018 Congratulations to CENCIP researchers Alexander Cedergren, Jonas Johansson and Henrik Hassel Congratulations to CENCIP researchers Alexander Cedergren, Jonas Johansson and Henrik Hassel who have published an article in Safety Science on "Challenges to critical infrastructure resilience in an institu

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/publication-safety-science - 2025-02-09

Ny uppsats om samhällsviktig verksamhet, incitament och riskhantering

Publicerad 8 februari 2018 CenCIP forskare har fått med uppsatsen "Using microworlds to study critical infrastructure protection – The effect of incentives on risk management" på konferensen ESREL2018 i Trondheim i sommar. Uppsatsen handlar om hur olika typer av incitament kan påverka hanteringen av risk i en samhällsviktig verksamhet och hur man genom att använda riskbedömningar kan motverka skad

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/ny-uppsats-om-samhallsviktig-verksamhet-incitament-och-riskhantering - 2025-02-09

Artikel om Sveriges Infrastrukturers Resiliens

Publicerad 13 mars 2018 CenCIP-forskare presenterar en artikel vid konferensen ESREL2018 i juni i Trondheim, Norge. I artikeln jämför vi några av Sveriges kritiska infrastrukturers resiliens utifrån avbrottsdata och drar slutsatsen att relativt stora skillnader existerar. Ett vidare arbete blir att undersöka orsakerna till dessa skillnader, beror de på skillnader i regleringar, riskkultur eller he

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/artikel-om-sveriges-infrastrukturers-resiliens - 2025-02-09

Anmäl till kurs i Venedig: Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Publicerad 13 mars 2018 CenCIP-forskare medverkar i en uppföljare till en lyckad sommarkurs i Venedig med fokus på kritiska infrastrukturers resiliens. Anmälan till kursen är öppen till den 29 mars. För mer information och anmälan till kursen, se nedan.VIU Summer School on Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) In this second edition, we bring together academics and professional experts to discu

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/anmal-till-kurs-i-venedig-critical-infrastructure-resilience - 2025-02-09

Ny avhandling: Risk Communication in Multi-stakeholder Disaster Risk Management Systems: Insights and recommendations from the Swedish system

Publicerad 4 maj 2018 Den 18/5 klockan 10.15 försvarar Lexin Lin sin avhandling "Risk Communication in Multi-stakeholder Disaster Risk Management Systems: Insights and recommendations from the Swedish system” i sal V:D, V-huset, Lund. Länk till avhandlingenAbstractThe overall purpose of this thesis is to improve our understanding of how disaster risk management (DRM) systems function. Specifically

https://www.cencip.lu.se/artikel/ny-avhandling-risk-communication-multi-stakeholder-disaster-risk-management-systems-insights-and - 2025-02-09