

Din sökning på "*" gav 534080 sökträffar

From negative to positive stress & from efficiency to effectiveness for doctoral student supervisors (FULLY BOOKED)

Published 30 September 2019 WINGS Workshop with Finish on Time:From negative to positive stress & from efficiency to effectiveness for doctoral student supervisors  Date and timeFriday 8 November, 09.00-16.00 PlaceAF Borgen, Sandgatan 2, Lund (https://goo.gl/maps/bCj8eCTMX4cwXw1s5) Target groupDoctoral student supervisors ObjectiveThe objective of this one-day workshop is to show and discuss vario

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/negative-positive-stress-efficiency-effectiveness-doctoral-student-supervisors-fully-booked - 2025-03-09

WINGS Annual Meeting and Marie Curie Exhibition Opening

Published 18 October 2019 Nobel prize winner Marie Curie is coming to town… This year we are combining the WINGS annual meeting with a month-long exhibition about Marie Curie, her work, and her life as a woman scientist. In addition to the actual exhibition "Maria Sklodowska-Curie. A Polish in Paris”, which will run from 28th November 2019 to the 20th December 2019, Professor Curie’s grandson Prof

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/wings-annual-meeting-and-marie-curie-exhibition-opening - 2025-03-09

How to become a better speaker - November

Published 21 October 2019 The objective of this half-day workshop is to show and discuss strategies and methods how to become a better speaker, in order to understand and improve your presentation skills. These skills are essential when it comes to presenting research and achievements on conferences and meetings all over the world. The workshop is aimed for both new and experienced staff. The tool

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/how-become-better-speaker-november - 2025-03-09

How to become a better speaker - February

Published 2 January 2020 The objective of this half-day workshop is to show and discuss strategies and methods how to become a better speaker, in order to understand and improve your presentation skills. These skills are essential when it comes to presenting research and achievements on conferences and meetings all over the world. The workshop is aimed for both new and experienced staff. The tools

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/how-become-better-speaker-february - 2025-03-09

The just transition towards a circular society

Published 22 January 2020 A hands-on workshop exploring new ideas, opportunities and actions at the intersection of zero waste and gender equality Date of Event: 11/9 2020 Location: ZOOM Register Here The objectives of this half-day workshop are to understand the many different entry-points and challenges there are for us to create just transition towards a circular society. In this workshop, the

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/just-transition-towards-circular-society - 2025-03-09

The Journey from a Brave Lecturer to a Timid Researcher...

Published 7 April 2020 WINGS is proud to invite you to the first lunch seminar of 2020. Given the highly unusual circumstances, the seminar will be accessible via Zoom. Presenter: Anna Ekwall Kristensson, RN, PhD. Date: April 20 Time: 12-1 PM To sign up please email Ann Alriksson-Schmidt at ann [dot] alriksson-schmidt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se. You will receive zoom log in information prior to th

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/journey-brave-lecturer-timid-researcher - 2025-03-09

How to strategically build and sell your CV across fields, industries, and cultures - June

Published 19 May 2020 The objective of this lunchtime seminar is to provide a guided reflection on the different ways in which a CV can be constructed to maximize your potential for success in job and grant applications. Why: CVs are the most commonly used instrument for job and grant applications across many different fields, industries and cultures. The CV for most applications is severely limit

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/how-strategically-build-and-sell-your-cv-across-fields-industries-and-cultures-june - 2025-03-09

WINGS Annual Meeting 2020

Published 5 February 2021 WORKSHOP ON DIVERSE TEAMS. Work practices for maximising the potential of diverse teams and research groups. ●  Why do we need diverse teams? ●  What are the challenges when working with diverse teams? ●  What work practices should we consider when working in diverse teams. This event is for anyone who wants to work within or create great diverse teams within in research

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/wings-annual-meeting-2020 - 2025-03-09

Movie screening & debate (6-9 March, 2021)

Published 5 February 2021 Welcome to watch the movie Picture a Scientist and attend a panel discussion organized by WINGS. Sign up here (https://forms.gle/2UCpn9SkXPpGzEeJ9) before the 2nd of March. The dates for the screening are 6-9 March. In the evening of the 9th you are also welcome to join a panel discussion on Zoom (more information will follow). PICTURE A SCIENTIST (https://www.pictureasci

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/movie-screening-debate-6-9-march-2021 - 2025-03-09

“Strong Women of Lund” walking tour.

By pia [dot] johansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Johansson) - published 11 October 2021 WINGS recently organised a Lund walking tour called "Strong Women of Lund". During the 1.5 hr walking tour through the historical centre of town, we gained a new perspective of the university town of Lund thanks to our excellent tour guide. We learned about several interesting women, that lived from the m

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/strong-women-lund-walking-tour - 2025-03-09

WINGs first book club

Published 12 July 2022 On Tuesday, June 21st, we had our first book-club! Twenty-five eager and a little bit angry (this book evokes emotion) women gathered at Geocentrum II to discuss Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez (read more below). It was a very nice and inspirational afternoon lead by our hosts and organisers Rebecca and Amber. Did I mention there was also lunch and fika!!  For our n

https://www.wings.lu.se/article/wings-first-book-club - 2025-03-09

Två leveransmallar nu tillgängliga

Publicerad 27 maj 2020 Kustfåglar i Bottniska Viken och Svensk Fågeltaxering: Standardrutterna Leveransmallar för data från delprogrammen Kustfåglar i Bottniska Viken och Svensk Fågeltaxerings Standardrutter finns nu tillgängliga på sidan "Leverera data". Varje mall är specifikt utformad för respektive program, men med utgångspunkten att data från alla program ska kunna presenteras på ett likartat

https://www.naturdatavardskap.lu.se/artikel/tva-leveransmallar-nu-tillgangliga - 2025-03-09

Ny e-postadress

Publicerad 29 maj 2020 Datavärdskapet har fått en egen e-postadress dit det går bra att skicka alla typer av förfrågningar. Den nya e-postadressen lyder naturdatavardskap [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se och återfinns i rutan med kontaktuppgifter på startsidan och Om oss-sidan.

https://www.naturdatavardskap.lu.se/artikel/ny-e-postadress - 2025-03-09

SFTs standardrutter finns nu inlagda i Stationsregistret

Publicerad 3 juli 2020 Vi har nu påbörjat arbetet med att mata in våra dataleverantörers lokaler i det så kallade Stationsregistret. Först in är Standardrutterna från Svensk Fågeltaxering. Stationsregistret drivs av Naturvårdsverket och Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten. Här lägger de nationella datavärdarna in alla lokaler från vilka miljöövervakningsdata har samlats in. Som användare kan du söka fram

https://www.naturdatavardskap.lu.se/artikel/sfts-standardrutter-finns-nu-inlagda-i-stationsregistret - 2025-03-09

Leveransmall för data från Svensk Dagfjärils-övervakning nu tillgänglig

Publicerad 17 augusti 2020 Leveransmallen för data från delprogrammet Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning finns nu tillgänglig på sidan "Leverera data". Varje mall är specifikt utformad för respektive program, men med utgångspunkten att data från alla program ska kunna presenteras på ett likartat sätt i en kommande databas. Mallen är väl genomtänkt men har ännu inte testats i praktiken. Den kan därför ko

https://www.naturdatavardskap.lu.se/artikel/leveransmall-data-fran-svensk-dagfjarils-overvakning-nu-tillganglig - 2025-03-09

Lokaler från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning finns nu i Stationsregistret

Publicerad 20 augusti 2020 Det andra inventeringsprogrammet som har fått sina lokaler inmatade i Stationsregistret är Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning. Samma lokaler som det finns publicerade data från att hämta via den här webbsidan är registrerade. Detta innebär att i nuläget finns lokaler som inventerats fram till och med 2018. Stationsregistret drivs av Naturvårdsverket och Havs- och Vattenmyndigh

https://www.naturdatavardskap.lu.se/artikel/lokaler-fran-svensk-dagfjarilsovervakning-finns-nu-i-stationsregistret - 2025-03-09

Standardruttsdata från 2019 nu tillgängliga

Publicerad 7 oktober 2020 Datamängden från standardrutterna som ligger på gbif.org har uppdaterats med 2019 års data. Samtidigt rättade vi till ett misstag som innebär att data från en specifik rutt har tagits bort för fyra år. Trots allas bästa ansträngningar är det i stort sett oundvikligt att något fel smyger sig in i en datamängd. Men så fort sådant uppdagas så rättar vi till det hela och uppd

https://www.naturdatavardskap.lu.se/artikel/standardruttsdata-fran-2019-nu-tillgangliga - 2025-03-09