

Din sökning på "*" gav 533406 sökträffar

Methods to generate and validate a Pregnancy Register in theUK Clinical Practice Research Datalink primary care database

Published 29 October 2019 The Pregnancy Register offers huge research potential because of its large size, high completeness, and availability. Further validation work is underway to enhance this data resource and identify optimal approaches for its use. Read the full paper here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/methods-generate-and-validate-pregnancy-register-theuk-clinical-practice-research-datalink-primary - 2025-03-12

Protocol of the European Registry on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection (Hp‐EuReg)

Published 30 October 2019 Noninterventionist prospective multicentre international Registry pro‐moted by the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group. National Coordinators will select recruiting gastroenterologists in their country that will register the H pylori‐related routine clinical practice consultations they receive in an electronic case report form (e‐CRF) provided by AEG‐REDCa Re

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/protocol-european-registry-management-helicobacter-pylori-infection-hp-eureg - 2025-03-12

Forskare ska undersöka hur självlärande datorprogram kan ge bättre vård

Published 9 October 2019 Artificiell intelligens (AI) och maskinlärning är heta områden inom hälso- och sjukvården. Genom att bearbeta stora datamängder kan självlärande datorprogram upptäcka komplexa samband hos patienter, hitta tidiga markörer för sjukdom och ställa mer korrekta diagnoser. Men med den nya tekniken kommer även risker. Ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprojekt vid bland annat Lunds

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/forskare-ska-undersoka-hur-sjalvlarande-datorprogram-kan-ge-battre-vard - 2025-03-12

PhD student in Public Health Sciences, with focus on Social Epidemiology

Published 12 October 2019 The PhD position is tied to a research project on ”Developmenal origins of women’s health”. The research project aims to investigate early life determinants of major health, reproductive and social outcomes in adulthood and their interactions over the life course, with a particular focus on gender differences and women’s health. This includes e.g. in depth investigations

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/phd-student-public-health-sciences-focus-social-epidemiology - 2025-03-12

A gold mine, but still no Klondike: Nordic register data in health inequalities research

Published 15 October 2019 Future research on health inequality relies on data that cover life-course exposure, different birth cohorts and variation in policy contexts. Nordic register data have long been celebrated as a ‘gold mine’ for research, and fulfil many of these criteria. However, access to and use of such data are hampered by a number of hurdles and bottlenecks. New publication in Scandi

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/gold-mine-still-no-klondike-nordic-register-data-health-inequalities-research - 2025-03-12

Network multipliers and public health

Published 16 October 2019 The term ‘spillover effect’ is sometimes used in the social and biomedical sciences to describe one person’s exposure affecting the outcome of another. The term ‘contagion’ is sometimes used to describe one person’s outcome affecting another’s outcome. One classic setting for such spillover and contagion is that of vaccines and infectious diseases. New publication in Inte

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/network-multipliers-and-public-health - 2025-03-12

Stronger together — The power of combining existing registry data

Published 17 October 2019 Patients with psychiatric disorders have a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac arrest than the general population, and this study by Barcella et al. has demonstrated that patients with a psychiatric disorder were twice as likely to die as a result of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). New publication in Resuscitation.Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/stronger-together-power-combining-existing-registry-data - 2025-03-12

Estimation of Natural Indirect Effects Robust to Unmeasured Confounding and Mediator Measurement Error

Published 18 October 2019 The use of causal mediation analysis to evaluate the pathways by which an exposure affects an outcome is widespread in the social and biomedical sciences. Recent advances in this area have established formal conditions for identification and estimation of natural direct and indirect effects. However, these conditions typically involve stringent assumptions of no unmeasure

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/estimation-natural-indirect-effects-robust-unmeasured-confounding-and-mediator-measurement-error - 2025-03-12

EpiDem Junior Conference - Call for papers

Published 22 October 2019 The EpiDem Network has been funded by FORTE (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare) 2015, 2016 - 2018, and 2019-2021. The aim of this national network is to strengthen the position of Swedish register-based research, partly through increased knowledge and shared experiences regarding adequate scientific approaches and partly by forming new long-ter

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/epidem-junior-conference-call-papers - 2025-03-12

The Third China National Stroke Registry (CNSR-III) for patients with acute ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: design, rationale and baseline patient characteristics

Published 24 October 2019 Stroke is the leading cause of mortality and disability in China. Precise aetiological classification, imaging and biological markers may predict the prognosis of stroke. The Third China National Stroke Registry (CNSR-III), a nationwide registry of ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) in China based on aetiology, imaging and biology markers, will be consid

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/third-china-national-stroke-registry-cnsr-iii-patients-acute-ischaemic-stroke-or-transient-ischaemic - 2025-03-12

Survival Bias in Mendelian Randomization Studies A Threat to Causal Inference

Published 25 October 2019 It has been argued that survival bias may distort results in Mendelian randomization studies in older populations. Through simulations of a simple causal structure we investigate the degree to which instrumental variable (IV)-estimators may become biased in the context of exposures that affect survival. We observed that selecting on survival decreased instrument strength

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/survival-bias-mendelian-randomization-studies-threat-causal-inference - 2025-03-12

Was it worth it? Older adults’ experiences of participating in a population-based cohort study – a focus group study

Published 28 October 2019 At present, we know relatively little about priorities and problems with topics that older adults experience when completing different examinations in longitudinal population-based studies. To examine these topics, research must be adapted to investigate the meanings, motivations, and interpretations of the individual participants themselves. New publication in BMC Geriat

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/was-it-worth-it-older-adults-experiences-participating-population-based-cohort-study-focus-group - 2025-03-12