Din sökning på "*" gav 532352 sökträffar
Kostnadsansvaret för trafikens externa effekter : En jämförelse mellan vägtrafik och tågtrafik
Hellenistisk retorik i första Korinthierbrevet
Shaping Nursing Home Meals
Spectral studies in highly ionised atoms of yttrium, zirconium, niobium and molybdenum
[abstract missing]
Are we there yet? A legal assessment and review of the concept of sustainable development under international law
Some of the most consistently utilized terms in international environmental law are “sustainable development” and “sustainability”. Sustainable development is mentioned in virtually every domestic, regional and international laws on environment, energy and natural resources. This has led to the contentions by some scholars that the concept of sustainable development has matured into customary inte
Konsumentskyddet i Allmänna reklamationsnämndens beslut mot Acta
Modern Times in L2 Swedish. Sýntax and morphology in formal and informal acquisition of Swedish
Towards a Design Theory for Synchronous Computer-mediated communication in E-Learning Environments
Starch inclusion complexes
No title
Caesarian Section on Request. Understanding bodily practices in late modernity
People Are Strange when You’re a Stranger: Senior Executives Select Similar Successors
Previous research has established that organizations as well as TMTs tend to be homogeneous. It has, however, suggested three different explanations by which such homosocial reproduction occurs, i.e. existing individuals tending to reproduce their own characteristics in the selection decisions they make. One explanation regards the organization level, arguing that persons similar to the organizati