

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Linking content and technology : on the geography of innovation networks in the Bergen media cluster

This paper deals with the geography of innovation networks and analyses combinatorial knowledge dynamics from a single cluster perspective. Addressing firms in the media cluster in Bergen, Norway, we examine how and from where companies acquire and combine different types of knowledge for their innovation activities. The empirical analysis, which is based on structured interviews with 22 media com

Equilibrium oxygen storage capacity of ultrathin CeO2-δ depends non-monotonically on large biaxial strain

Elastic strain is being increasingly employed to enhance the catalytic properties of mixed ion-electron conducting oxides. However, its effect on oxygen storage capacity is not well established. Here, we fabricate ultrathin, coherently strained films of CeO2-δ between 5.6% biaxial compression and 2.1% tension. In situ ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals up to a fourfold enhan

Geant4-aided Quantum State Selective Decay Spectroscopy of 213Ra

Utilizing the excellent mass resolving power of SHIPTRAP and the charged-particle-g multicoincidence setup TASISpec, the decay path of the 213Ra ground state can be exclusively studied. Based on virtual experiments with Geant4 it is possible to refine the a-branching ratios of the 213Ra ground state as well as g-ray branching ratios in the 209Rn daughter. The present study provides a proof of conc

Measurement of W± and Z-boson production cross sections in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of the W±→ℓ±ν and Z→ℓ+ℓ− production cross sections (where ℓ±=e±,μ±) in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV are presented using data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 81 pb−1. The total inclusive W±-boson production cross sections times the single-lepton-flavour branching ratios are σW+ tot=11.83±0.02 (stat

Prolonged stopover duration characterises migration strategy and constraints of a long-distance migrant songbird

Stopover behaviour is a central element of migration strategies. But in recent geolocator studies, despite now being able to track individual songbirds during their entire migration, their stopover behaviour has received little attention. We used light-sensitive geolocators to identify the migratory routes and schedules of 12 northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) breeding in Sweden. Three geoloca

Is centre-based provision of hearing aids better than community-based provision? A cluster-randomized trial among adolescents in Bangladesh

Purpose: In response to the need for hearing aids in low-income countries, an approach to provide hearing aids through trained community workers was developed. This study compares the effectiveness of the community-based approach with that of a centre-based approach. Methods: One hundred and forty adolescents (56% girls; 12–18 years; mean: 15 years) from eleven sub-districts participated in a clus

Nestling American robins compete with siblings by begging

The evolution of intense begging by dependent nestling birds has recently been the subject of several theoretical papers. The interesting problem here is that nestlings should be able to communicate their nutritional status to parents in ways that are less costly energetically and less likely to attract predators. Thus, conspicuous begging behaviour is thought to have evolved as a result of either

Interclutch variation in egg size among starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) reflects female condition

Starlings show considerable variation in egg mass among clutches. Mean clutch egg mass was highly repeatable for females, but few characteristics of females were found to relate to egg mass. Egg mass related weakly to female age, but female age only explained a small part of the variation. Hatchling mass was strongly correlated with egg mass, but body mass at 14 d of age was unrelated to egg mass.

The landscape of W± and Z bosons produced in pp collisions up to LHC energies

We consider a selection of recent experimental results on electroweak W±,Z gauge boson production in pp collisions at BNL RHIC and CERN LHC energies in comparison to prediction of perturbative QCD calculations based on different sets of NLO parton distribution functions including the statistical PDF model known from fits to the DIS data. We show that the current statistical PDF parametrization (fi

Functional study of raw and cooked blue maize flour : Starch digestibility, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity

The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of blue maize (BM) (Zea mays L.) flour and to investigate the effects of polyphenol-containing extracts and BM wholegrain flour on starch digestion under uncooked and cooked conditions; commercial white maize flour was used as control. Total phenolic content in BM flour (BMF) (164 ± 14 mg gallic acid/g of

Dynamic Holocene glacial history of St. Jonsfjorden, Svalbard

Evidence of a dynamic Holocene glacial history is preserved in the terrestrial and marine archives of St. Jonsfjorden, a small fjord-system on the west coast of Spitsbergen, Svalbard. High-resolution, remotely sensed imagery from marine and terrestrial environments was used to construct geomorphological maps that highlight an intricate glacial history of the entire fjord-system. The geomorphology

Expression and phylogenetic analyses reveal paralogous lineages of putatively classical and non-classical MHC-I genes in three sparrow species (Passer)

Background: The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) plays a central role in immunity and has been given considerable attention by evolutionary ecologists due to its associations with fitness-related traits. Songbirds have unusually high numbers of MHC class I (MHC-I) genes, but it is not known whether all are expressed and equally important for immune function. Classical MHC-I genes are highly

Structural Characterization of Histatin 5-Spermidine Conjugates : A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study

Histatin 5 (Hst5) is a naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide that acts as the first line of defense against oral candidiasis. It has been shown that conjugation of the active Hst5 fragment, Hst54-15, and the polyamine spermidine (Spd) improves the candidacidal effect. Knowledge about the structure of these conjugates is, however, very limited. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize th