

Din sökning på "*" gav 529182 sökträffar

En studie av en klinisk population inom späd- och småbarnspsykiatrin-relationen mellan föräldrars anknytningsmönster, föräldrastress och kontaktanledning.

Inom späd- och småbarnspsykiatrin behandlas familjer av en mängd olika anledningar. Det kan bero på dåligt mående hos föräldern, att känslorna för barnet inte är så starka som förväntat, att relationen mellan barn och förälder är konfliktfylld eller att det finns en oro över barnets symtom. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka och beskriva den kliniska populationen inom två späd- och småIn child and infant mental health clinics families are treated for a variety of reasons. It may be that the feelings expressed for the child by the parent may not be as expected, due to the mental health problems of the parent, or that the relationship between the child and parent is filled with conflict, or that there is a parental concern for the child's symptoms. This study aimed at investi

Are limited editions limited to products?

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to explore whether service can be implemented as limited edition in order to strengthen the brand and to drive business. Methodology/Approach: This research is based on a qualitative approach with a multi case study analyzing Visit Sweden, Finnair and Lund University. Each brand has implemented a limited service of own kind this year. Findings: The research sh

Automatic Belt Tension Device

In this master’s thesis, the development of a new belt tensioning solution, for use in ASSA ABLOY's sliding doors is treated. As a starting point for the work, ASSA ABLOY’s current belt tension solution has been used as a reference. On this reference, an extensive problem analysis have been carried out, including interviews, field studies and laboratory tests in order to understand what is req

Remote Leadership - A Qualitative Study About Leaders' Experience of Leading Remotely

The main objective of this research study is to investigate how today’s leaders experience remote leadership, thus the following research question is examined: How does a leader make sense of remote leadership? The concept of remote leadership is investigated from a leader perspective using a qualitative method, interviewing 11 remote leaders in the private sector. The following categories have em


Korslimmat trä, eller KL-trä, har gett nya möjligheter för storskaligt byggande av träkonstruktioner. Träets låga egenvikt kan dock resultera i ökad risk för vibrationer som upplevs obehagliga och mentalt påfrestande. Därför behövs bättre förståelse för det dynamiska beteendet av KL-trä för framtida användning. Datorsimuleringar för bjälklag av KL-trä kan dock vara tidskrävande och ibland försvåraThe deregulation of timber for use in large scale constructions has seen the addition of new innovative timber-based products to a category of products referred to as engineered wood products. A now well established addition to these products is cross laminated timber, or CLT for short. CLT products use a form of orthogonal layering, where several parallel wooden boards are arranged in a number of

Immigrant background and hospital care because of dental caries among preschool children in Sweden: A longitudinal, register-based study in a national cohort.

Introduction: Dental caries among preschool children is a global problem, a burden on children’s well-being, and an economic burden on healthcare systems. In Sweden, preschool children with an immigrant background have a higher prevalence of caries. Extensive treatment need and long-standing poor oral health may require dental treatment within hospital care. This study aimed to investigate whether

Vad är en specialistsocionom? : En undersökning av socionomers tankar om specialisttjänster i den sociala barn- och ungdomsvården.

Abstract Author: Emilie Probert Title: What is a specialist social worker? - A study of social workers thoughts regarding specialist social workers in social child care. Supervisor: Kerstin Svensson Assessor: Anna Angelin The aim for this study was to seek in depth knowledge regarding the arguments towards a more specialized social child care and the implementation of specialist social workers w

”En grannlaga uppgift”- en kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares och särskilda företrädares upplevelser att meddela åklagarbeslut till barn

När ett barn misstänks vara utsatt för brott startas utredning hos både socialtjänsten och polisen. Barnahus är en organisation som under gemensamt tak samverkar kring barn som utsatts för allvarliga brott. I riktlinjerna till Barnahus framgår att barn har rätt till deltagande och information. Denna studie undersöker hur barn får information om förundersökningens fortlöpande. Barn har, oavsett om

Baljväxter - bästa maten i klimatkrisen

Varannan tugga i Sverige är importerad från alla världens hörn och det enda vi är helt självförsörjande på är spannmål, socker och morötter. I en krissituation där vi inte längre har tillgång till importerade livsmedel kanske vi får leva på enbart morotskaka om vi inte ökar vår livsmedelsproduktion. Klimatförändringen kommer att påverka hela världen och ändra förutsättningar som vi idag mer eller Only 50 percent of Swedish food supply comes from domestic production, which creates a high dependency on an international trade to import foods. This leads to a high vulnerability within the food system. In order to secure food supply in times of crisis Sweden must increase its food production. According to climate research, future climate will be characterized by a higher rate of extreme weather

Analys av användbarhet och arbetsflöde vid modernisering av applikation

Detta examensarbete har utförts i samarbete med Knowit Core i Malmö för att utveckla nästa generation av ett system för markupplåtelser, som används på Malmös fastighets- och gatukontor. Målet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur ny teknologi och kunskap kan användas för att förbättra användbarhet och arbetsflöde i ett förlegat system. För att bygga en kravspecifikation över det nya systemet haThis thesis work has been done in collaboration with Knowit Core in Malmö to develop the next generation of a system that handles leases, used by the housing and street office of Malmö city. The purpose of this thesis has been to research how new technologies can be used to enhance the useability and workflow in an outdated system. Interviews and focus groups have been held with users from Malmö a

Begränsningar i den försäkringsrättsliga produktfriheten - Särskilt om vad som utgör ett lagligt försäkringsintresse och relationen mellan biförpliktelser och omfattningsvillkor

En oskriven men samtidigt stark princip inom den svenska försäkringsrätten är produktfrihetsprincipen. I korthet föreskriver principen att det är försäkringsbolagets prerogativ att fritt få utforma sin produkt. Den här friheten följer dock inte helt oväntat med en rad begränsningar, i den här uppsatsen undersöks några av de framför allt försäkringsrättsliga lagregler som inverkar på den här frihetAn unwritten but yet strong tenet of Swedish insurance law has long been the principle of product freedom (Produktfrihetsprincipen). In essence this principle states that it is the prerogative of the insurance company to freely design their product. However, this freedom naturally has its legal limitations and this paper seeks to investigate some of the cornerstones of Swedish insurance law that r

ERA: Evolution of Residual Architectures

I detta arbetet har en evolutionär algoritm utformats för att hitta artificella neurala nätverk (ANN) optimerade för att klassificera bilder. Artificiella neurala nätverk (ANN) är en AI-teknik där hjärnans nervsystem efterliknas i ett datorprogram, med målet att datorn själv ska lära sig utföra uppgifter. Detta har visat sig mycket framgångsrikt och har gett AI-forskningen ett stort uppsving de sThis thesis investigates how well a neural architecture search can find competitive image classifiers on the CIFAR-10 data set with limited computational resources. Most work done on architecture search either uses vast computational resources or narrow and strongly informed space of possible solutions. The solution space proposed consists of residual convolutional networks with separable convol

Sex identification of white storks (Ciconia ciconia) using biometric measurements of the skull, bill and tarsus

Seeing double - Sexing of the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) Imagine a world in which all humans looked the same and were indistinguishable between sexes. That is the confusing case of the monomorphic white stork (Ciconia ciconia). Since 1989 a breeding project has been in place to re-establish the white stork in Sweden. The project has been largely successful. In conservation biology such as th

The high involvement customer journey: A study on customer motivations for touchpoint choice

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about baby boomers’ motivations for using either digital or analogue touchpoints in the high involvement customer journey. This ultimately contributes to an increased understanding of the high involvement customer journey. Methodology: A qualitative study with social constructionism as the research philosophy, where an abductive appro

Design of a Disconnect Clutch and Actuator for a 48V P4 Electric Drive Transmission

The vehicle industry is making great strides in electric and hybrid technologies, representing a significant step towards reducing emissions from personal vehicles. In order to make the transition to new hybrid technologies as convincing as possible, well-functioning and smooth transitions between traditional combustion engines and electric motors are required. So-called mild hybrids enable a cos

Do immune challenges affect migratory decisions?

Should I stay or should I go? Every year billions of animals migrate! For different reasons, to different places and different distances but they all have the act of migration in common. In almost all groups of animals migration have evolved time and time again. This raises the question of how and why migration came to be? One possible answer is that it evolved from partial migration, where only

Disability risk disparity among the immigrant population in the United States, 2009-2018

This thesis attempts to examine the relationship between immigrant generation status and disability risk in the US. The difference in disability risk, resulting from a series of chronic health conditions, is one of the major indicators of health disparities among immigrants which contribute to persistent ethnic/racial stratification of health. Existing literature has primarily focused on the first

Segmentation of White Blood Cells Using Deep Learning

The white blood cell count and differential is an important part of diagnosing a number of medical conditions. Instead of doing this by manual microscopy, CellaVision’s technology has automated the process of finding and classifying white blood cells. To support a diagnosis it is desired that the system can produce cytoplasm-to-nucleus-ratio. This ratio is calculated from a segmented image where t

Learnings for Future

In the present time, the rate of environmental degradation requires us to use all available means to avoid further damage and restore the environment to the best of our possibilities. Education is an important channel to promote environmentalism and sustainability, and to promote pro-environmental individual decisions, especially regarding consumption and purchasing patterns. The case study analys