

Din sökning på "*" gav 530014 sökträffar

Barnsoldatens rättigheter

The child soldier issue is complex in many different ways. Taking into account the different ideas of childhood, the concept of human rights in general and child rights in specific the question about the child soldier and its rights appears to be far from easy to understand. In this thesis I will try to illustrate the complexity by comparing relevant international law applicable to the child sold

The Principle of Non-Refoulement in Swedish Migration Law

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om Sverige har uppfyllt sina internationella åtaganden gällande efterlevnaden av principen om non-refoulement i svensk migrationsrätt. I generella termer innebär principen om non-refoulement ett verkställighetshinder mot avvisning och utvisning då personen i fråga riskerar att utsättas för tortyr och förföljelse i det mottagande landet. Denna princip kommeThe purpose of this thesis is to assess whether Sweden has fulfilled its obligation to implement the principle of non-refoulement in Swedish migration law. The principle of non-refoulement, in general terms, implies an impediment for execution that obliges a state not to permit removal of a person to a county where he or she is at risk of being subjected to torture or persecution. This principle i

Jag trodde att man ska få kompis svensk - En kvalitativ studie om fadderprojektet "Tjej till tjej"

”I thought you would get a Swedish friend” – A qualitative study about a mentorship project called ”Girl to girl”. [Translated title] During the last couple of years, integration has become a central part of Swedish society. Studies show two ways to look at the integration process. One refers to the immigrants’ responsibility to adapt to the majority population. The other approach argues that int

Religionsfrihet enligt den nya skollagen, en analys av vilken syn SFS 2010:800: s reglering av konfessionella friskolor ger på religionsfrihet

The secularization of formerly Christian countries in Europe and the immigration to these countries has led to a great religious diversity. This new situation has made the question about religious freedom a highly debated topic. It concerns that of what freedom of religion should consist of, i.e. whose and what religious freedom should prevail? According to Maria Klasson Sundin, clergyman and PhD

Riskjusterad överavkastning med teknisk analys? - En studie som behandlar avkastning kontra risk vid användadet av glidande medelvärden.

Uppsatsen undersöker om det är möjligt att erhålla riskjusterad överavkastning på sex olika börsindex med hjälp av teknisk analys. Som mått på riskjusterad avkastning används Sharpekvoten och som tekniska indikatorer används glidande medelvärden samt ett lågpassfilter. Som jämförelseavkastning till den tekniska analysen väljs en ”buy-and-hold”-strategi. Ett testverktyg programmeras i VBA för att g

Socialförvaltningens hemlighet: Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare. En kvalitativ studie om motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse i socialförvaltningen

Abstract Authors: Madelene Samuelsson and Linnéa Jönsson Title: The secret of social services: Sweden’s most attractive employer – a qualitative study about motivation and job satisfaction in social services Supervisor: Claes Levin Assessor: Kristina Göransson The aim of this qualitative study was to examine what factors that affect Swedish social workers motivation and job satisfaction, and whic

Conditional Heteroscedastic Cointegration Analysis with Structural Breaks - A study on the Chinese stock markets

A large number of studies have shown that macroeconomic variables can explain co-movements in stock market returns in developed markets. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether this relation also holds in China’s two stock markets. By doing a heteroscedastic cointegration analysis, the long run relation is investigated. The results show that it is difficult to determine if a cointegrat

CRM-Hur gör man?

Title: CRM - how to deal with it Seminar date: 31st of May 2011 Course: FEKK01 Business Administration: Degree Project undergraduate level, 15 ECTS credits Authors: Louise Hedenmark, Malin Isaksson and Tatiana Shalalvand Advisors: Ola Mattisson and Christine Blomqvist Key words: Strategic implementation, strategic change, Customer Relationship Management, Telia. Purpose: The purpose of the study i

Stock returns explained - using a volume filter, interest rates, and the oil price

Using a volume filter on daily index and stock price data the daily return has been researched. The explanatory variables used in the study are the 1 M T-Bill, the term spread - 10 Y Treasury bond versus a 3 M T-Bill -, and the oil price. The results revealed that accounting for trade volume is an important part in explaining the return of a stock or index. The volume activity provides additional

The search for alpha continues. Estimating time-varying risk premia of hedge funds with a conditional model.

Numerous past studies investigating the performance of hedge funds suffer from two distinct problems: unreliable and biased return data inherent in virtually all databases and the use of static asset-pricing models. Using “indexes of indexes” for our hedge fund returns, both free of biases and highly representative, we investigate which risk factors investors are exposed to and whether hedge fund

Medvetenhet och uppsåt vid allvarlig psykisk störning - En studie om prövningen av uppsåt i mål med allvarligt psykiskt störda lagöverträdare

Psykiskt störda lagöverträdare har i alla tider särbehandlats straffrättsligt på ett eller annat sätt. I Sverige sker den särbehandlingen vid påföljdsbestämningen vilket innebär att en allvarligt psykiskt störd lagöverträdare inte ska dömas till fängelse om inte särskilda skäl föreligger. I detta hänseende är Sverige tämligen unikt, då det i de flesta andra stater, för straffansvar krävs, att gärnMentally disordered offenders have throughout history in law been treated differently than other offenders. In Sweden this special treatment occurs when appropriate criminal sanction is decided, which means that severely mentally disordered offenders should not be convicted to a prison sentence without special circumstances. Sweden is in this regard quite unique, because most other states require

Otillbörlig förmån - En undersökning av lagstiftningen beträffande mut- och bestickningsbrotten med fokus mot otillbörlighetsrekvisitet

Sveriges självbild som länge varit lyckligt befriad från svågerpolitik, maktmissbruk och pengar under bordet har under det senaste decenniet fått sig en törn. Stora svarta rubriker på löpsedlar har uppmärksammat oss på att korruption och mutor även förekommer i vårt trygga demokratiska samhälle. För att på ett effektivt sätt komma åt detta krävs ett fungerande regelverk, något som haltar då det koThe Swedish Bribery Legislation in use today was written in 1977 and is consequently neither completely modern nor crystal clear. There are no legal definitions on what constitutes a bribe or what is giving rise to corruption and the verdicts are instead made on a case by case basis. The Swedish Bribery Legislation has over the years received a lot of criticism as it is seen as unpredictable and d

The Italian-Ukrainian Care Chain: Transnational Welfare, Transnational Families and Care Drain

The thesis is devoted to the analysis of the care chain between Italy and Ukraine, which is a highly feminised and multi-sided phenomenon. The focus is kept on such aspects as organisation of transnational welfare, transnational families and care drain in Ukraine. Pushed by the unstable socio-economic situation and necessity in Ukraine, Ukrainian women perform carework and domestic work in Italy a

The Impacts of Sovereign Credit Ratings on Exchange Rates-Evidence from Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis

This paper examines the impacts of Eurozone sovereign credit rating announcements by three leading rating agencies on exchange rates from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2011. Firstly we report the mean and volatility of USD/EUR in response to Eurozone sovereign rating news. Secondly, thanks to the high integration in Europe, we extend our analysis to the movement of USD/SEK in order to see how non-E

Olika perspektiv på ADHD - En kritisk diskursanalys av svensk dags- och kvällspress framställning av olika synsätt kring diagnosen

The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze images created about ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in Swedish newspapers, with a critical discourse analysis and to address the stigma that exists before and / or after the diagnose. We made a strategic choice by the selection of 21 articles from Swedish newspapers. The articles we selected were written by professionals wit

Are you Hungry or Danish? Migrant dishwashers in Copenhagen restaurants.

This bachelor’s thesis is based on interviews with male migrants from South Asia working as dishwashers in Copenhagen restaurants. Throughout the text it is illustrated how the structural conditions affect the dishwashers and what strategies they use to react upon the structures. It is described how the dishwashers perceive their jobs, how they are employed and valued by the employers, and how the

Access to Essential Medicines and Intellectual Property Protection in the Context of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Fundamental human rights belong to everyone by virtue of humanity and any inequalities are inacceptable. Human rights do not distinguish human beings according to their economic welfare, geographic location or health status. Every person is entitled to enjoy human rights whereas every government is required to ensure adequate realization of these rights. Human rights should outline and guide state

Expectations abound: family obligations and remittance flow amongst Cameroonian “bushfallers” in Sweden. A gender insight

In Cameroon, there is a tradition for heterosexual family system inherent in a patriarchal order of things; accordingly, this study shed light on how gender pervades into, and ‘force’ migrants to remit in order to fulfill family expectations at the country of origin. Contemporary academic studies and reports from various organizations have highlighted the active role of women as migrants and remit

Working and Mothering in Sweden and Ukraine. The case of lone mothers.

This thesis discusses social welfare systems in Ukraine and in Sweden with focus on working and mothering reconciliation for the category of lone mothers. The theories applied in the thesis include welfare and care regimes, citizenship perspective, care culture and care packaging. Using analysis of interviews and of social policies in both countries, the author comes to some concluding remarks. Wh

Utan spaning ingen aning - En kvalitativ sociologisk studie om spanare inom polisen

ABSTRAKT Författare: Dimitrios Anastasiadis Titel: Utan spaning ingen aning - En kvalitativ sociologisk studie om spanare inom polisverksamhet Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01, 15p Handledare: Malin Åkerström, Sociologiska institutionen, Höstterminen 2010 Problem/Bakgrund: En spanare är en polis vars arbete går ut på att, genom att uppträda som civil, övervaka och avslöja misstänkta brottslingar. Studien hABSTRACT Author: Dimitrios Anastasiadis Title: No clue without surveillance - A qualitative sociological study of undercover police Mentor: Malin Åkerström, The Department of Sociology, Lund University, S2 2010 Background: The undercover police officers major task is, by appearing as a civilian, to monitor and detect criminal suspects. The study is based on the undercover police officers behavi