

Din sökning på "*" gav 527347 sökträffar

Lineshape in Quantum Cascade Lasers - Temperature, Screening and Broadening

This dissertation deals with the optical properties of Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs). Studies are performed using transport calculations employing the theory of Non-Equilibrium Green's Functions, and screening is studied within the Random Phase Approximation. Focus is put on the temperature dependent effects in THz QCLs. After a popular science summary and a presentation and discussion of the theo

Att leva sin dröm - livsstilsföretagaren mellan vardaglig prakti, drömmar poch politisk retorik

Gränsen mellan arbete och fritid förskjuts och människor sägs arbeta mer på sin fritid. För en del innebär detta att fritiden, som associeras med ett visst innehåll och värde, också blir arbete. Vår studie tar sin utgångspunkt i s.k livsstilsentreprenörer, som startar och driver ett företag med den egna hobbyn eller livsstilen som en bas för företagandet, och där denna livsstil också blir en del a

Power flow optimization using positive quadratic programming

The problem to minimize power losses in an electrical network subject to voltage and power constraints is in general hard to solve. However, it has recently been discovered that semidefinite programming relaxations in many cases enable exact computation of the global optimum. Here we point out a fundamental reason for the successful relaxations, namely that the passive network components give rise

On Distributed Knowledge Bases for Small-Batch Assembly

This paper presents ongoing research involving design and evaluation of different architectures for providing knowledge-based solutions in industrial robotized automation systems. The conclusions are that distributed, cloud-based approaches offer many possibilities, in particular for knowledge exchange and reuse, and facilitate new business models for industrial solutions. However, there are many

Impact of Non-Stationary Noise on xDSL Systems: an Experimental Analysis

Broadband services require data rates that can only be achieved by using relatively high spectrum frequencies. At such high frequencies, the DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) signal is more susceptible to external noise sources, such as radio frequency interference and impulsive noise. This paper aims to characterize how the impulsive noise impacts on services and applications for a broadband system u

Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937

This dissertation examines the role of modernism and modernity in Chinese spoken drama and film during the years between the May Fourth Movement and the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War. This influence is traced through close readings of a selection of works in different categories, underlining relevant themes and structures that are recurring in both drama and film.