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Teknikens dag på LTH: Kemi- och fysikshower tog barnen med storm
Besparingar slår hårt mot Fysikum
Bibliotekens bokinköp via Bibliotekstjänst : analys av Bibliotekstjänsts beställningsstatistik och sambindningshäften
Implementahe of International Climate Change Agreements on Local Level from the Perspective of Sociology of Law
Hur Sverige fick sitt mellanöl: ett exempel på 1960-talets viktiga pseudohändelser
Hohfeld relations and spielraum for action
The paper intends to show, (1) that W.N. Hohfeld’s theory of fundamental jural relations is relevant to economic theory, and (2) that Hohfeld’s system can be reconstructed by the concepts of ‘liberty space’ and ‘ability space’, understood as an agent’s Spielraum for action. The first half of the paper is devoted to an exposition of Hohfeld’s system and to the question of its relation to the econom
Economic Transformation in Post-Communist Societies
Combinatorial Synthesis of Pilicides
This thesis describes a combinatorial approach to design and synthesis of three libraries of compounds, referred to as pilicides, designed to target periplasmic chaperones present in uropathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria that are the main cause of urinary tract infections. Periplasmic chaperones are required for assembly of adhesive organelles, i.e. pili, which recognize and bind to specific rec
Äldreomsorgens finansiering - Varför äldrevårdsförsäkring?
Sensor Systems for Bioprocess Monitoring
Popular Abstract in Swedish Olika sätt att mäta substrat (monosackarider) och produkter (främst etanol) vid tillverkning av biobränslet etanol har studerats. Etanoltillverkning sker i en fermentor med hjälp av mikroorganismer som kan omvandla socker. Det är av stort intresse att mäta koncentrationen av produkter och substrat under tillverkningsprocessens gång för att veta om den fortlöper som den Two different detection methods for on-line monitoring of substrates and products in ethanol fermentations have been studied. Amperometric biosensors were developed for use as detectors in flow injection or liquid chromatographic (LC) systems. Carbon paste was used as the electrode material and served as the supporting matrix to incorporate the enzymes alcohol oxidase or pyranose oxidase. Hydrogen
Maintenance Effectiveness and Economic Models in the Terotechnology Concept
The Prague School of Linguistics and its Influence on New Testament Language Studies
The period from 1910 to 1930 was a time when a number of theoretical systems saw the light of the day in Central Europe: psychoanalysis, neopositivism, phenomenology, the Warsaw School of logic, Gestalt-psychology and the structuralism of the Prague School of Linguistics. The Prague School arose in the liberal-minded Prague of the 1920s and came to have an enormous influence on multiple fields wit
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Trafikanters val av färdmedel - faktorer som bestämmer valet
Experimental Investigations of a Low Weber Liquid Spray in Air Cross Flow
A Low Weber water spray subjected to an air cross flow has been investigated. The spray is characterized by low liquid injection velocity, producing a column that is broken up by aerodynamic forces from the oncoming air.PIV and PDA have been used to quantify both the continuous and dispersed phases. Long range microscopy has been used to characterize the column breakup process. It has been shown t
Commentary: Burden of phobias: Focus on health-related quality of life.
Miljöprioriterad genomfart i Åstorp Förstudie
Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases from a Dietzia sp. - Enzyme Discovery, Characterization and Engineering
Popular Abstract in Undetermined Most of the things that we use daily are the product of chemical reactions. Plastics derive from the polymerization of smaller molecules, drugs are synthesised rigorously by pharmaceutical industries, and products for the house and personal care contain a number of different chemicals and fragrances. All these compounds are produced by different branches of the cheWith the emergence of Green Chemistry, biocatalysis is becoming an important approach in many laboratory and industrial processes. Enzymes catalyse chemical reactions with high regio- and stereoselectivity at mild conditions and, most importantly, are able to form products that are not possible to obtain by conventional synthetic chemistry. Monooxygenases are a fascinating group of enzymes which o