Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar
Starch in Processed Potatoes -Influence of Tuber Structure, Thermal Treatments and Amylose/Amylopectin Ratio
Popular Abstract in Swedish Potatis är ett av våra viktigaste baslivsmedel, men erbjuder trots det stor variation. Traditionella recept varvas med nya innovationer i hushåll och restauranger, och inom livsmedelsindustrin processas potatisen till en rad olika produkter. Från traditionell kokt potatis med sås inom husmanskosten har våra matvanor förändrats radikalt. Ökade krav på snabb och enkel tilThe potato is one of our most important food crops, being sold in its natural state or processed into a wide range of products. Starch, by far the most abundant component in the tuber, is greatly affected by heat processing. Therefore it is logical to study starch thermal properties within the tuber tissue, although most previous studies have focused on starch-water model systems. One of the main
The Plasminogen Activation System in Human Endometrium and Endometrial Cancer; Function, Tissue Localization and Prognostic Importance
Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen studeras plasminogenaktiverings-systemets (PA-systemets) komponenter i livmoderslemhinnan. PA-systemet reglerar omvandlingen av plasminogen till plasmin. Plasminogen är ett inaktivt enzym som finns överallt i kroppsvätskor samt i kroppens olika organ. Aktiveringen katalyseras av aktivatorer, antingen urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) eller tissue plasThe release of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) from endometrial stromal cells decreased after progesterone stimulation, due to upregulation of PA inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and uPA receptor (uPAR). Subsequently, the uPA:PAI-1 complex was internalized and degraded via uPAR. Predecidual cells in the late secretory phase expressed PAI-1 and uPAR, supporting a specific role for predecidual cells in the
Neutrophil Extracellular Traps That Are Not Degraded in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Activate Complement Exacerbating the Disease.
Ongoing inflammation including activation of the complement system is a hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Antimicrobial neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are composed of secreted chromatin that may act as a source of autoantigens typical for SLE. In this study, we investigated how complement interacts with NETs and how NET degradation is affected by complement in SLE patients. We
The Early Town System and Attempts at Urbanization. Refelections Provoked by a Symposium volume
Parental occupation and risk of hospitalization for asthma in children and adolescents.
Our aim was to analyze risk of first hospital diagnosis of asthma in children (< 10 years) and adolescents (10 through 19 years) in Sweden between 1970 and 2004 by parental occupation, controlling for potential confounders. Data from the Multigeneration Register, in which all children born in Sweden from 1932 onward are registered with their parents, were linked to nationwide Hospital Register dat
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, Linalyl hexanoate, CAS Registry Number 7779-23-9.
Extending Family: Lesbian Baby Boomers, Heteronormativities, Sexual Citizenship, and Kinship
Review of The Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751
A sub-picosecond accumulating streak camera for x-rays
An x-ray streak camera system uses a laser triggered photo-conductive switch to synchronize the high voltage ramp applied to its sweep plates to the photo-excitation of a sample. This technique allows the jitter. between successive sweeps to be kept below 100 fs compared to over 1 ps:using classical methods. By accumulating a stable pulsed x-ray signal over many sweeps, a very high dynamic range c
On a Correspondence Between Ideals and Commutativity in Algebraic Crossed Products
Det förflutna som sophög eller levande historia
Recension av Gunnar Wetterbergs Levande 1600-tal
Stirrandets kulturella koreografi
Recension av Carola Nordbäck: Lycksalighetens källa. Kontextuella närläsningar av Anders Chydenius budordspredikningar, 1781-82
Funktionell stilren och blond: designretoriken i tridskriften Form
En stångridning i Malmö på 1800-talet
European Union Foreign Policy: Norms, Values and Responsibilities
Mer tid för patienten hos läkare i England - En jämförande tidsstudie av svenska och engelska läkares arbetsdag.
Little is known concerning the amount of time doctors spend doing different work tasks. A comparative study between four surgical departments in Sweden and England was performed. The time study shows that doctors in Sweden spent around 37% of working hours on administration and 40% on patient work. The numbers in England were 15% and 66% respectively. From the survey, only performed in Sweden, it
Den medeltida träskulpturen i Skåne : en bilddokumentation
A compact CMOS MEMS microphone with 66dB SNR
A microphone system, comprising two differentially-operated MEMS microphones and a CMOS differential amplifier mounted on a common die substrate, has a very small volume of 2.6x3.2x0.865mm3, showing a record-high SNR of 66dB over the 20Hz-20kHz audio band. The system sensitivity is -33.5dB (Vrms/Pa), PSRR is above 55dB, and THD is below 1% for sound pressure levels below 112dB. The current consump