

Din sökning på "*" gav 533050 sökträffar

Simple Ceiling Jet Correlation Derived from Numerical Experiments

Numerical experiments, constituting of 90 simulations in FDS, were used in this paper for two purposes. Firstly an evaluation of previously derived correlations for ceiling jet excess temperatures and velocities was performed. Secondly the numerical experiments were used to demonstrate how computer simulations could be used as a complement to actual fire experiments in fire science research. The

On the Logistics Effects of Integrated Product and Package Design

If engineering designers consciously design product and package in an integrated manner, there is a great potential for industrial global enterprises to develop and produce mechanical products, such as exhaust extraction systems, ear washer machines and fuel handling systems while simultaneously obtaining error-free deliveries, saving costs and avoiding quality problems. Thus, the authors of this

Transition-Metal Catalyzed Synthesis of Small- and Medium-Sized Rings Applications toward oxazole synthesis, cycloheptadienes, and natural products

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi lever i ett samhälle under ständig utveckling där användandet av nya kemikalier ökar explosionsartat. Med vardagligt användande av avancerade material såsom extremt tunna skärmar, billiga och miljövänliga bekämpningsmedel och läkemedel – vilka ofta är inspirerade av naturens komplexitet – kommer ett behov av organisk syntes. För att tillverka den här typen av komplicThis thesis deals with the development of novel methodologies for the synthesis of hetero- and carbocycles enabled by transition metal catalysis. The second chapter of the thesis describes a gold-catalyzed three-component reaction to form a variety of substituted oxazoles from readily available N-benzylimines, terminal alkynes, and acyl chlorides. Sacrificial benzyl groups are used to merge two o

Responses to product features: An affective neuroscience perspective

Design aesthetics concerns the study of the way the features of a product are perceived by an observer. This paper shows that the moment of perception can be advantageously described with the help of results from affective neuroscience. It also shows, among other things, that the affective state of an individual is always prior to a later, slower, conscious cognition, and that it influences judgme

Decision analysis concerned with investments in fire safety

Decision analysis concerned with investments in fire safety is discussed. Particular attention is directed at the treatment of uncertainty, the evaluation of consequences, and the choice of a decision rule for use in this context. An approach involving use of a decision rule based on the principle of maximizing expected utility, together with a complementary evaluation of the decision alternatives

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Abstract in French La thèse est un commentaire et une traduction en francais d'un ancien mansucrit suédois, Codex Verelianus, qui relate l'histoire en prose de Namnlös och Valentin,un récit initialement francais mais dont l'original est perdu. Le texte fut édité en 1846 en suédois dans Samlingar utgifna av svenska fornskrift-sällskapet par Gustaf Edward Klemming. Le roman, qui est probablement bas

Acute pancreatitis - Cellular response and dynamic inflammatory changes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut pankreatit (bukspottkörtelinflammation) drabbar årligen cirka 300 individer per miljon invånare i Sverige. Dödligheten ligger totalt på cirka 4-7 % och betydligt högre, cirka 20 %, vid svår nekrotiserande pankreatit. Mortaliteten är vanligen associerad med multipel organsvikt och korrelerad till storleken på det inflammatoriska svaret. Underliggande mekanismer för Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common disorder where underlying mechanisms for the local initiating events in the pancreas, the systemic dissemination of the inflammatory response and the remote organ dysfunction still are unclear. The aim of the present study was to further characterize the dynamics and sequence of the immune response in AP, and to determine the cellular origin of the initiating ev

Bilden av den "hotfulla ungdomen" : Om ungdomsproblem och fastställandet och upprätthållandet av samhällets moraliska gränser

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen försöker jag visa hur polis, socialtjänst, rättsväsen, massmedia, olika intressegrupper, allmänhet och inte minst ungdomar själva skapar föreställningar om vad som är ett ungdomsproblem. De rutiner som de olika organisationernas aktörer utvecklar och det sätt som ungdomar och vi övriga "pratar" om ungdomsproblem bidrar till att den framställda bilden som The main aim of my dissertation is to investigate som conceptions, power relations, and practices in the discourse of youth problems. I have studied some of the actors that are involved in the social constructing of the "juvenile delinquent" such as the police, the judical system, the social service, the media, the general public and last but not least, the young people themselves. The bulk of my