

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Grön omställning måste genomsyra hela finanspolitiken

Det är dags för ett nytt socialt kontrakt som utgår ifrån individens skyldighet att bidra till ett samhällssystem som tar de ekologiska gränserna på allvar. Staten bör i sin tur garantera att det sätts ett tak på hur jordens resurser ska kunna användas för befolkningens välbefinnande, skriver Jayeon Lindellee och Max Koch.

Single Shot SLIPI LIF/Mie Ratio for Droplet Sizing in DISI-Sprays

This paper reports on the first realization of two-phase SLIPI (Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging) in combination with LIF/Mie ratio imaging for a single shot mapping of relative SMD (Sauter Mean Diameter) in a transient fuel spray. The technique is applied to a non-combusting multi-jet DISI (direct-injection spark-ignition) spray of ethanol fuel injected into an optically accessible co

Controlled protein mediated aggregation of polystyrene nanoplastics does not reduce toxicity towards Daphnia magna

Microplastics have recently become a growing environmental issue, whereas the smaller fractions, nanoplastics, have received less attention. Due to their small size, nanoplastics may affect organisms differently and potentially more severely than larger microplastics. In natural environments nanoplastics also interact with organic material and form larger aggregates, which may, potentially, reduce

Analysis of ethanol and butanol direct-injection spark-ignition sprays using two-phase structured laser illumination planar imaging droplet sizing

This paper reports on the spray structure of the biofuels, ethanol, and butanol generated by a multihole direct-injection spark-ignition injector, which is studied in a constant volume chamber. The spray shape and structure are analyzed using two-phase structured laser illumination planar imaging where both laser-induced fluorescence and Mie-scattering light are recorded simultaneously for the ext

Chapter 15: Circular economy and sustainable consumption: Suggestions for ethical marketing

Currently there is an ongoing push towards a circular economy. Governments, the EU, green NGOs, think-tanks, companies and their industry organizations are all advocating more circular solutions meaning that the current linear take-make-use-lose model of consumption should be replaced with a reuse-repair-recycle circular model. The circular economy is being heralded as one of the main, if not the

Linton, Magnus, 2019. Text & Stil. Om konsten att berätta med vetenskap.

Recension av Magnus Linton, Text & Stil. Om konsten att berätta med vetenskap. Bedömningen är avgjort positiv. Linton har skrivit en träffande, relevant, adekvat bok för alla som skriver sakprosa – samhälls- och kulturvetare, humanister, essäister. Boken är full av exempel och mindre full av goda råd. Den är därtill mycket välskriven och välkomponerad.

Spectral stability of nonlinear gravity waves in the atmosphere

We apply spectral stability theory to investigate nonlinear gravity waves in the atmosphere. These waves are determined by modulation equations that result from Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin theory. First, we establish that plane waves, which represent exact solutions to the inviscid Boussinesq equations, are spectrally stable with respect to their nonlinear modulation equations under the same conditi

Familjejordbruk utan familjer? : Syskonjordbruk på svensk landsbygd

This article analyses sibling farms in Sweden during the 20th century. The term sibling farm refers to a farm that two or more adult siblings have taken over from their parents. Although varied research themes have focused on a rangeof topics, this form of extended family constellation is traditionally associated with the past, whereas the smaller, nuclear family is characterized as modern. When r

Buttermilk and Krill Oil Phospholipids Improve Hippocampal Insulin Resistance and Synaptic Signaling in Aged Rats

Impaired glucose metabolism and mitochondrial decay greatly increase with age, when cognitive decline becomes rampant. No pharmacological or dietary intervention has proven effective, but proper diet and lifestyle do postpone the onset of neurodegeneration and some nutrients are being investigated. We studied insulin signaling, mitochondrial activity and biogenesis, and synaptic signaling in the h