Din sökning på "*" gav 526761 sökträffar
Pragmatic ability in children with early onset brain damage and children with pragmatic language impairnent
The general purpose was to study pragmatically related abilities in children with early-onset brain damage, i.e. children with cerebral palsy (CP) and children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus (SBH), and in a group of children with pragmatic language impairment (PLI). In study I and III children with CP, SBH and PLI were compared. In study I pragmatically related abilities were assessed. No s
Financing healthcare
Folkliga svenska koralmelodier från Gammalsvenskby och Estland
Long-term survival after allogeneic stem cell transplant for relapsed large B cell lymphomas: a retrospective study
Identifying map regions that are difficult to read
Potentials facilitators of workplace learning in a TPS based company
Estimating the rate of progressive visual field damage in those with open-angle glaucoma, from cross-sectional data
PURPOSE. To estimate the rate of visual field progression in open-angle glaucoma (OAG) subjects, by using data from population-based cross-sectional studies. METHODS. Subjects with OAG were identified in nine surveys of randomly sampled populations using standard criteria for glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Subjects were of European, African, Chinese, and Hispanic ethnicity. The measure of OAG dama
The metabolic syndrome in hypertension: European society of hypertension position statement.
The metabolic syndrome considerably increases the risk of cardiovascular and renal events in hypertension. It has been associated with a wide range of classical and new cardiovascular risk factors as well as with early signs of subclinical cardiovascular and renal damage. Obesity and insulin resistance, beside a constellation of independent factors, which include molecules of hepatic, vascular, an
Endogenous IFN-β signaling exerts anti-inflammatory actions in experimentally induced focal cerebral ischemia.
Interferon (IFN)-β exerts anti-inflammatory effects, coupled to remarkable neurological improvements in multiple sclerosis, a neuroinflammatory condition of the central nervous system. Analogously, it has been hypothesized that IFN-β, by limiting inflammation, decreases neuronal death and promotes functional recovery after stroke. However, the core actions of endogenous IFN-β signaling in stroke a
Group B Streptococcus suppression of phagocyte functions by protein-mediated engagement of human Siglec-5
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a leading cause of invasive bacterial infections in human newborns. A key GBS virulence factor is its capsular polysaccharide (CPS), displaying terminal sialic acid (Sia) residues which block deposition and activation of complement on the bacterial surface. We recently demonstrated that GBS Sia can bind human CD33-related Sia-recognizing immunoglobulin (Ig) superfami
Pa leo-environment and flooding of the Limpopo River-plain, Mozambique, between c. AD 1200-2000
Multi-proxy analysis was performed on a radiocarbon-dated core, collected from a relic oxbow lake in the Limpopo River-plain, Mozambique, with the aim to reconstruct paleo-environment and past flooding of the lower river system over the past c. 800 years. An additional objective was to evaluate and investigate the potential use of different proxies as recorders of paleo-flooding events and paleo-e
Berries in Prevention of Metabolic Disease – focus on obesity, diabetes and gut microbiota
Popular Abstract in Swedish Att bär är nyttigt är ett påstående som de flesta känner igen. På butikshyllorna trängs våra nordiska bär med exotiska ”superbär” som utlovar att göra oss friska. Men vilka hälsoeffekter kan egentligen uppnås genom att äta bär? Är vissa bär mer nyttiga än andra? Forskningsresultaten som presenteras i denna avhandling visar att lingon, svarta vinbär och blåbär kan motverThe increasing prevalence of obesity is a worldwide health problem closely linked to diet and lifestyle factors. Obesity is associated with increased risk of several metabolic disorders including insulin resistance, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Hence, there is a great need to identify dietary strategies for the prevention of obesity and related diseases. This thesis invest
Proteomics in Nasal Lavage Fluids from Persulfate Challenged Hairdressers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hårfrisörer utsätts dagligen för en mängd kemikalier på arbetet. Många frisörer drabbas därför av luftvägsbesvär vilka ofta kan kopplas till hårblekningsmedel. Blekningsmedlen innehåller bland annat så kallade persulfater. Dessa tros vara en av huvudorsakerna till luftvägsbesvären. Flera studier har visat att persulfater kan ge symptom från luftvägarna såsom hösnuva ellHairdressers have an increased risk for developing airway symptoms e.g. asthma and rhinitis. Persulfate salts, which are oxidizing agents present in bleaching powder, are considered to be important causal agents for these symptoms. The underlying mechanisms are unclear and efficient tools for risk assessment and diagnosis are scarce. The general aim of this thesis was to measure proteomic changes,
Electronic structure and chemical bonding in W-2 molecule
The electronic structure of the lowest-lying electronic states of W-2 were investigated at the CASPT2 level. The ground state is a X-1 Sigma(+)(g) state, followed by the a(3)Delta(u), b(3)Sigma(+)(u) and A(1)Delta(u) electronic states. Seven low-lying Omega-states were computed: (1)0(g)(+), (2)3(u), (3)2(u), (4)1(u), (5)0(u)(-), (6)1(u), and (7)2(u), with the ground state corresponding to the (1)0
Terminal fatty-acyl-CoA desaturase involved in sex pheromone biosynthesis in the Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata)
The Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata L., Lepidoptera: Geometridae) utilizes a single hydrocarbon, 1,Z3,Z6,Z9-nonadecatetraene, as its sex pheromone. We tested the hypothesis that a fatty acid precursor, Z11,Z14,Z17,19-nonadecanoic acid, is biosynthesized from α-linolenic acid, through chain elongation by one 2-carbon unit, and subsequent methyl-terminus desaturation. Our results show that labeled
The specificity triad: notions of disease and therapeutic specificity in biomedical reasoning
Biomedicine is typically defined as the branch of medicine that is based on the principles of biology and biochemistry. A central tenet for biomedicine is the notion of disease and therapeutic specificity, i.e. the idea of tailored treatments for discrete disorders underpinned by specific pathologies. The present paper is concerned with how notions of disease and therapeutic specificity guide biom
High-resolution genomic profiling of male breast cancer reveals differences hidden behind the similarities with female breast cancer
Male breast cancer (MBC) is extremely rare and poorly characterized on the molecular level. Using high-resolution genomic data, we aimed to characterize MBC by genomic imbalances and to compare it with female breast cancer (FBC), and further to investigate whether the genomic profiles hold any prognostic information. Fifty-six fresh frozen MBC tumors were analyzed using high-resolution tiling BAC
There's more to the picture than meets the ear - Gaze behavior during communication in children with hearing impairment
Many children and adolescents with hearing impairment struggle to meet school demands. The difficulties can be traced to the characteristics of the hearing impairment, and to adverse consequences on language development, often overlooked in diagnostics and intervention. This thesis investigates the communicative ability of children and adolescents with bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment by