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The affective profiles, psychological well-being, and harmony: environmental mastery and self-acceptance predict the sense of a harmonious life
Background. An important outcome from the debate on whether wellness equals happiness, is the need of research focusing on how psychological well-being might influence humans' ability to adapt to the changing environment and live in harmony. To get a detailed picture of the influence of positive and negative affect, the current study employed the affective profiles model in which individuals are c
A Coherent Signature of Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition to Remote Watersheds of the Northern Hemisphere
Humans have more than doubled the amount of reactive nitrogen (Nr) added to the biosphere, yet most of what is known about its accumulation and ecological effects is derived from studies of heavily populated regions. Nitrogen (N) stable isotope ratios (N-15:N-14) in dated sediments from 25 remote Northern Hemisphere lakes show a coherent signal of an isotopically distinct source of N to ecosystems
Visklekande chefers kommunikativa självsvält
Non-linear behaviour of base-isolated building supported on flexible soil under damaging earthquakes
Seismic isolation is a strategy to reduce damage of structures exposed to devastating earthquake excitations. Isolation systems, applied at the base of buildings, lower the fundamental frequency of the structure below the range of dominant frequencies of the ground motion as well as allow to dissipate more energy during structural vibrations. The effectiveness of the base-isolated buildings in dam
Automatic pre-tessellation culling
Graphics processing units supporting tessellation of curved surfaces with displacement mapping exist today. Still, to our knowledge, culling only occurs after tessellation, that is, after the base primitives have been tessellated into triangles. We introduce an algorithm for automatically computing tight positional and normal bounds on the fly for a base primitive. These bounds are derived from an
Mechanistic studies on the role of extracellular vesicles in the tumor microenvironment
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancerceller är celler som på grund av mutationer, felaktigheter i cellernas DNA, har erhållit förmågan att dela sig ohämmat. Celler behöver tillgång till syre och näring för att överleva, vilket levereras via kroppens blodkärl. Den snabba tillväxten av tumörvävnad leder dock till att befintlig blodtillförsel inte räcker till och delar av tumörerna drabbas därför av syrThe transition from normal into malignant cells with acquired uncontrolled growth is a process where cancer cells viciously develop adaptive strategies to overcome microenvironmental and metabolic stress. Hypoxia, or deficient oxygen supply, is a common feature of the expanding tumor which alters cell metabolism and consecutively causes lowered intracellular pH. To alleviate hypoxic and acidotic s
Coordination-Mix: The Hidden Face of STI Policy
This paper sheds light on the policy coordination concept and explores its implications for science, technology, and innovation (STI) policies at the regional level. In particular it analyzes whether systemic and complex STI policies entail a larger and more complex need for coordination. We contribute to the literature by developing a conceptual framework that brings together insights from instit
Effects of public sector reforms on management of cultural organizations in Europe
This study investigates the effects that public sector reforms had in the cultural field in European countries over the past two decades. The study highlights changing conditions for public/nonprofit management due to governance and public sector reforms. It does so by applying a multidisciplinary literature survey methodology, which is rare in management studies. The literature survey identifies
Leaf area index is the principal scaling parameter for both gross photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration of Northern deciduous and coniferous forests
Data on net CO2 exchange from eight forests in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland were used to analyse which factors were controlling photosynthesis and respiration. The forests consisted of different species ranging in climatic condition from temperate to subarctic. Only well mixed conditions were analysed (u* > 0.3 m s(-1)). The parameters of a light response function showed strong seasonal va
Kyrkan och idrotten under 2000 år : Antika, medeltida och moderna attityder till idrott
Measurement of pion, kaon and proton production in proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV.
The measurement of primary [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] production at mid-rapidity ([Formula: see text] 0.5) in proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text][Formula: see text] 7 TeV performed with a large ion collider experiment at the large hadron collider (LHC) is reported. Particle identification is performed using the specific ionisat
Similarities and differences in the characteristics and primary treatment of breast cancer in men and women - a population based study (Sweden)
Purpose. Male breast cancer (MBC) is an uncommon disease. In the absence of randomized studies, current guidelines are mainly based on data on the management of female breast cancer (FBC). In light of concerns regarding the quality and extent of management in men, the aim of the present study was to investigate whether there are differences in tumor characteristics, treatment and outcome in male c
Fermi Large Area Telescope First Source Catalog
We present a catalog of high-energy gamma-ray sources detected by the Large Area Telescope (LAT), the primary science instrument on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi), during the first 11 months of the science phase of the mission, which began on 2008 August 4. The First Fermi-LAT catalog (1FGL) contains 1451 sources detected and characterized in the 100 MeV to 100 GeV range. Source detec
Kullabergs grottor : mellan istid och nutid, mellan humaniora och naturvetenskap
På Kullaberg finns ett drygt 30-tal kustnära grottor. Klippor och branta stup gör dem svåra att nå, från hav och från land. Hur har grottorna använts under de tusentals år som de funnits? Hur har bilden av grottmänniskor vuxit fram och har de överhuvudtaget funnits på Kullaberg? Arkeologiska utgrävningar och osteologiska djurbensanalyser från några av grottorna ger en del av svaren. Lokalhistoria
Identification Of Three Tyrosine Residues Of Importance For Survival Signaling Of Flt3 Ito Through Gab2
Chairmen's Summary
Several important observations emerge from this 2008 International Consultation "Bladder Cancer from Pathogenesis to Prevention". The following is a brief summary the issues that have been discussed in the articles from the meeting.
Functionally Relevant Interplay between the Fe(4)S(4) Cluster and CN(-) Ligands in the Active Site of [FeFe]-Hydrogenases.
[FeFe]-hydrogenases are highly efficient H(2)-evolving metalloenzymes that include cyanides and carbonyls in the active site. The latter is an Fe(6)S(6) cluster (the so-called H-cluster) that can be subdivided into a binuclear portion carrying the CO and CN(-) groups and a tetranuclear subcluster. The fundamental role of cyanide ligands in increasing the basicity of the H-cluster has been highligh
Sven Snogerup – ett liv med botaniken
En av Sveriges ledande botanister har gått ur tiden. Sven Snogerup (1929-2013), hedersmedlem i Svenska Botaniska Föreningen sedan 1999, porträtteras här av Ingvar Kärnefelt.
Variants in MTNR1B influence fasting glucose levels
To identify previously unknown genetic loci associated with fasting glucose concentrations, we examined the leading association signals in ten genome-wide association scans involving a total of 36,610 individuals of European descent. Variants in the gene encoding melatonin receptor 1B (MTNR1B) were consistently associated with fasting glucose across all ten studies. The strongest signal was observ