

Din sökning på "*" gav 534833 sökträffar

Limiting resources for soil microbial growth in climate change simulation treatments in the Subarctic

The microbial use of resources to sustain life and reproduce influences for example, decomposition and plant nutrient provisioning. The study of “limiting factors” has shed light on the interaction between plants and their environment. Here, we investigated whether carbon (C), nitrogen (N), or phosphorus (P) was limiting for soil microorganisms in a subarctic tundra heath, and how changes in resou

Metal assisted chemical etching of silicon in the gas phase : A nanofabrication platform for X-ray optics

High aspect ratio nanostructuring requires high precision pattern transfer with highly directional etching. In this work, we demonstrate the fabrication of structures with ultra-high aspect ratios (up to 10 000 : 1) in the nanoscale regime (down to 10 nm) by platinum assisted chemical etching of silicon in the gas phase. The etching gas is created by a vapour of water diluted hydrofluoric acid and

Diffractive small angle X-ray scattering imaging for anisotropic structures

Insights into the micro- and nano-architecture of materials is crucial for understanding and predicting their macroscopic behaviour. In particular, for emerging applications such as meta-materials, the micrometer scale becomes highly relevant. The micro-architecture of such materials can be tailored to exhibit specific mechanical, optical or electromagnetic behaviours. Consequently, quality contro

Stay away from math? Data literacy and math anxiety in seventh-grade students

The term data literacy has been defined as “the ability to collect, manage, evaluate, and apply data, in a critical manner” and the concept speaks for an important skill in today’s information-rich digital landscape. The educational system is a key factor in supporting students in their quest of strengthening this ability. The following thesis aims to investigate how student performance related to

Fallet Åkerberg Fransson

Rättsfallspodd från Juridiska fakulteten.Hur ledde en berusad rysk militärs förehavanden på militärområde till att den norrbottniske fiskaren Åkerberg Fransson undslapp att straffas två gånger för samma gärning i ett skattemål? I det här avsnittet diskuteras Åkerberg Fransson fallet – ett viktigt mål som bl.a. ledde till att det svenska skattetilläggsförfarandet kom att omprövas i ljuset av europa

Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse av stress perioperativt - En systematisk litteraturstudie med kvalitativ inriktning

Bakgrund: Inom vården är stress vanligt förekommande, där stress tillfälligt kan vara prestationshöjande, men kan också påverka operationssjuksköterskors hälsa negativt. Operationssjuksköterskan arbetar i en miljö som i många avseende kan vara stressande och i brist på återhämtning kan det påverka patientsäkerheten negativt. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva operationssjuksköte

Assessment of the Impact of Interior Insulation on Exterior Walls in Three Swedish Buildings

Among thermal improvements of external walls in heritage buildings, interior insulation of external walls might be the only option. However, interior insulation is associated with several risks of damage due to the diminishment of the hygrothermal performance of the existing wall. This project aims to assess the impact of available solutions for interior insulation through field measurements and h

Two-particle transverse momentum correlations in pp and p -Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Two-particle transverse momentum differential correlators, recently measured in Pb-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), provide an additional tool to gain insights into particle production mechanisms and infer transport properties, such as the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density, of the medium created in Pb-Pb collisions. The longitudinal long-range

Application of the Merton Model and the Altman Z-score Model in Credit Risk Assessment - an Empirical Study on Chinese Listed Companies

Corporate default poses significant risks to investors and stakeholders, highlighting the importance of predicting and managing financial risk effectively. When the geographical scope is narrowed down to China, the unique characteristics of the Chinese market, such as the lack of comprehensive credit risk databases and the influence of state-owned enterprises and small-medium enterprises, present

Personalized Investment Recommendations Using Recommendation Systems

This paper presents a Deep Learning-based Hybrid Recommendation System (DLHR) designed specifically for institutional investors with public portfolio holdings on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The objective is to provide personalized investment recommendations, complement existing portfolios, and explore untapped cross-selling opportunities. We evaluate the DLHR's effectiveness using selected m

A New Technique for Pelvic and Vaginal Reconstruction in Abdominoperineal Rectal Excision : Combination of Gluteus Maximus Flap and Fasciocutaneous Flap

Resection of advanced rectal cancer might result in significant tissue loss, including pelvic floor and parts of the vaginal wall. Pelvic floor reconstruction using a musculocutaneous flap offers optimized healing abilities and the possibility of vaginal reconstruction. In Skåne University Hospital, two different flap techniques are used to reconstruct the perineum: the vertical rectus abdominis m

A child play-and-learn area contributing to urban regeneration : A case in Christchurch, New Zealand

This study regards a Child Play-and-Learn Area (CPLA) in a library as a third place and investigates its relationships with visitors through the concept of place attachment. To understand the influence of the CPLA, the study examined the relationships among visitors' place attachment, servicescape and behavioural intentions involving place scales. A survey was conducted in a CPLA in Christchurch,

Bending Magnet Synchrotron Radiation Imaging with Large Orbital Collection Angles

Synchrotron radiation (SR) from bending magnets, wigglers, and undulators is now extensively produced for users at storage ring based light sources, with unique properties in terms of average brightness and stability. We present a profound study of bending magnet SR intensity distribution in the image plane of a focusing optical system. Measurements of this intensity distribution at the MAX-IV low

Sub-pixel correlation length neutron imaging : Spatially resolved scattering information of microstructures on a macroscopic scale

Neutron imaging and scattering give data of significantly different nature and traditional methods leave a gap of accessible structure sizes at around 10 micrometers. Only in recent years overlap in the probed size ranges could be achieved by independent application of high resolution scattering and imaging methods, however without providing full structural information when microstructures vary on


Criteria for diagnosing atrial blockade, which is manifested on the electrocardiogram by lengthening and changing the morphology of wave P, are examined. The prognostic value of far-reaching atrial blockade as a predictor of the development of supraventricular arrhythmias and embolic stroke is discussed.