

Din sökning på "*" gav 530026 sökträffar

Åtalsuppgörelser i svensk rätt - en främmande fågel?

Förhandlingar mellan åklagaren och den brottsmisstänkte associeras ofta med angloamerikanska rättssystem, där så kallad plea bargaining dominerar brottmålsförfarandet. Åtalsuppgörelser som processuellt instrument har fått spridning också till Europa. För svenskt vidkommande utgör det däremot fortfarande en främmande företeelse. Historiskt sett har lagstiftaren tagit avstånd från ett förfarande därNegotiations between the prosecutor and the suspect is often associated with Anglo-American legal systems, where so-called plea bargaining dominates criminal procedures. Plea bargaining as a procedural instrument has spread to Europe but is still a foreign phenomenon in Sweden. Historically, the legislator has rejected a procedure that allows the parties of the criminal case to negotiate. The thre

Social manipulation i en straffrättslig kontext - beaktas mänskliga sårbarhetsfaktorer i den straffrättsliga bedömningen?

Genom att utnyttja generella socialpsykologiska mänskliga sårbarhetsfaktorer kan en gärningsperson manipulera en individ att lämna ifrån sig konfidentiell information. Utnyttjandet av mänsklig kontakt och förtroende i syfte att erhålla information kan företas med hjälp av informationsteknik eller genom en mer traditionell och humanistisk interaktion. Denna typ av utnyttjande benämns som social manBy utilizing general social psychological human vulnerability factors, an offender can manipulate an individual to disclose confidential information. The utilization of human contact and trust for the purpose of obtaining information can be done with the help of information technology or through traditional humanistic interaction. This type of exploitation is referred to as social engineering. The

Exploring the Sustainability of the Teaching Profession: A Thematic Analysis of teachers' Perspectives

Lärarbrist och personalomsättning är växande problem i Sverige, ändå har vi lite kunskap om de underliggande organisatoriska faktorerna till dessa problem. Denna studie undersöker lärarnas upplevelser av de organisatoriska processerna och försöker identifiera relevanta faktorer för yrkets hållbarhet. Semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer har genomförts i fem fokusgrupper. Totalt har 44 lärare (33 kvinTeacher shortage and turnover is a growing problem in Sweden, yet little is known about the organisational factors associated with these problems. The current study explores teachers' experiences of organisational processes and aims to identify relevant factors linked to the sustainability of the profession. Semi-structured focus group-interviews were conducted with five groups. In total, 44 t

Otur, orsakande och oaktsamhet - om rättssäkerhet i bedömningen av vållande

I svensk rätt är vållande till annans död kriminaliserat under 3 kap. 7 § brottsbalken. I den juridiska litteraturen har olika metoder utformats för att tolka rekvisitet vållande. En av metoderna, lanserad av professor Nils Jareborg, har särskilt på senare tid vunnit genomslag i den juridiska litteraturen. Läran separerar gärningsculpa, oaktsamhet i gärningen och ett rekvisit för brottsbeskrivningChapter 3 § 7 of the Swedish Penal Code (brottsbalken) criminalizes the causing of another’s death by negligence. Several systems for determining the necessary prerequisite causing has been established in the legal literature. One learning developed by Nils Jareborg has obtained considerable recognition in the Swedish judicial literature. It separates culpa of the deed (gärningsculpa), a prerequi

Rituell kontinuitet: En jämförelse av gravritualer hos Ertebølle- och gropkeramisk kultur

New data shows that there is genetic continuity between the Scandinavian Mesolithic Ertebølle culture and the Scandinavian Neolithic Pitted Ware culture. To examine whether it is possible to demonstrate the continuity in other aspects than the genetic, this paper examines graves from three Mesolithic grave fields (Skateholm I & II and Vedbæk) and two Neolithic grave fields (Ajvide and Västerbj

Effects of Vacuum Impregnation with Various Substances in Combination with Pulsed Electric Field to Improve the Freezing Tolerance of Arugula Leaves

As of 2020 an estimated number of 821 million people across the world are undernourished and that figure is expected to grow by 2 billion before the end of 2050 (United Nations Sustainable Development 2020). Despite this, every year over 1/3 of food produced globally is disposed of without consumption (Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition 2018), and the actual number might be

No title

This study analyses the representation of Monarchy and Republic in Dante’s Divine Comedy. The starting point is the puzzling fact that Dante places Bruto and Cassius in the deepest pit of Hell but makes Cato the custodian of Mount Purgatory, bound for everlasting glory in Paradise at the Day of Judgement, even though all three of them were on the same side in the war against Julius Ceasar at the e

The Application of Blockchain for the Intellectual Property Protection

With a far going protection of IP rights, the EU aims to protect the assets of companies which invested in innovative products. If the EU framework provides a far going mechanism of protection of IP rights, the complexity and the cost of this mechanism have been a barrier to the access of IP rights. In additional to these structural issues, the digital revolution introduced new challenges for the

Klassensemble i högstadiets musikundervisning: En intervjustudie med fokus på instrumentering och differentierad undervisning

Denna studie fokuserar på högstadiets musikundervisning och undersöker hur lärare undervisar i klassensemble. Med klassensemble så avses den undervisningsform som innebär att en helklass på minst femton elever spelar tillsammans och där det vanligen är så att flera elever spelar samma typ av instrument. Studien har två fokusområden. Det första är att undersöka hur klassensemble relaterar till diffThis study focuses on the Swedish high-stadium (grade 7-9 of the Swedish school system) music teaching and examines how teachers teach class ensembles. Class ensemble refers to the form of teaching in which a class of at least fifteen students plays together, and where it is usually the case that several students play the same type of instrument. The study has two focus areas. The first one is to

Brand heritage – äkta eller illusion? – En kvalitativ studie av hur konsumenter skiljer äkta brand heritage från uppdiktat

Examensarbetets titel: Brand heritage – äkta eller illusion? – En kvalitativ studie av hur konsumenter skiljer äkta brand heritage från uppdiktat Seminariedatum: 2021-01-14 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Carl Ljunggren, Gabriel Radman och Stefan Sarmes Handledare: Oskar Christensson Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att skapa förståelse för förekoms

Urban foodprint - Exploring a design that merges urban landscape and local food production

Globally, there is an intensification of agriculture that puts high pressure on local eco-systems. Soil degradation and deforestation are some effects that in the long-term perspectives cause agricultural degradation. Still, UN projects that we would need to increase our food production by 70 per cent to supply our growing population with food. Currently, we are facing intense urbanisation and in

Art history through a queer lens - Focalization and semiotics applied to two Instagram accounts dedicated to queer art history

This thesis examines how queer art history is created through the interaction between two Instagram accounts, the art they post, and their followers. This thesis has analysed how the semiotic meaning-making construct a representation of queerness and what the effects are of a queer focalization in a social media context. This research has analysed several posts and screenshots of the Instagram acc

Investigation of Autoencoders for Jet Images in Particle Physics

Dark matter is an invisible type of matter believed to make up 85 % of the matter in the universe, but it has not yet been identified by experiments. According to certain particle physics theories, possible signatures of dark matter are so-called dark jets. They are the dark matter equivalent to classic jets, i.e collimated streams of particles. These jets could be produced from the proton-proton

List prices in Icelandic residential property sales - A strategic tool for achieving higher sales price or shorter time-on-market?

Att sälja sin bostad hör till en av livets största affärer. Ett viktigt moment är att bestämma ett utgångspris för sin bostad, men det råder oklarheter kring vilken inverkan utgångspriser har på utfallet i en försäljning. Studien ”List prices in Icelandic residential property sales – A strategic tool for achieving higher sales prices or quicker time-on-market?” tar sikte på Islands bostadsmarknad,In recent years, Iceland has experienced a growing demand for residential housing and the average square-meter price for apartments and single-family homes in the Capital Region has almost doubled between 2010 and 2019. Property sales in Iceland are most commonly intermediated by real estate brokers and the sales process stands in contrast to other Nordic countries, since it involves a bidding pro

The Two-Envelope Problem: A Numerical Simulation

We study a version of the two-envelope problem where a host presents two indistinguishable envelopes to a player. a player is informed that the monetary content of one of the envelopes is twice that of the other and is then allocated one of the envelopes. The player decides whether or not to keep the allocated envelope knowing the content of the allocated envelope and the probability distribution

Adaptive Clay Formations

Rapid Clay Formations (RCF) is an ongoing research project investigating robotic aggregation of soft clay elements. This thesis presents our research into RCF construction on an architectural scale. It outlines our development of a fabrication process suitable for the construction of tall and slender structures made out of clay. This fabrication process is evaluated through a series of prototypes

Är CAS kass? - Uppfyller idrottsskiljedomstolen Europakonventionens garantier om rätten till en rättvis rättegång?

Idrottens skiljedomstol inrättades på 1980-talet efter en ökad efterfrågan på ett domstolsorgan som kunde döma i samtliga idrottsrelaterade tvister. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) blev produkten och har sedan dess begynnelse dömt i ett stort antal tvister inom idrottsvärlden. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för hur CAS verksamhet fungerar samt utreda huruvida processen införThe Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) was established in the 1980s following an increased demand for an arbitration tribunal to handle all sports-related disputes. The Court of Arbitration for Sport was introduced and has since its inception delivered a large number of decisions within the world of sports. The subject of the paper is to describe how CAS operates as an institution and analyze w

Nödvärn - en rätt för alla? - Om kvinnors rätt till nödvärn efter våld i nära relationer

Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett utbrett problem i samhället som innefattar systematiserat psykiskt och fysiskt våld. Våldets normaliseringsprocess leder till svårigheter att lämna relationen och kan i slutändan innebära att kvinnan ser dödande av mannen som den enda utvägen. Det råder en diskussion huruvida denna handling kan omfattas av nödvärn som ansvarsfrihetsgrund. Svårigheter råder i att avgöraMen's violence against women is a widespread problem in society that involves systematic psychological and physical violence. The normalization process of violence leads to difficulties in leaving the relationship and may ultimately entail that the woman perceives the killing of the man as the only way out. There is a discussion as to whether this act can be covered by self- defense as a basis