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Downstream Processing Using Membrane Technology
Popular Abstract in Swedish Membranteknik är en separationsteknik där stora partiklar skiljs av från mindre partiklar m.h.a. ett membranfilter. I min forskning har jag tittat på hur membranfiltrering kan användas inom bioteknikindustrin. Jag har tittat på hur mjölksyra kan renas upp från en lösning av jäst "vetemjölsvälling" samt hur första steget i uppreningen av protein A från en industriellt prMembrane filtration is a very gentle separation technique and can be used at low temperatures. This makes it suitable for liquids that contain micro-organisms and/or are heat sensitive, which is often the case in liquids processed in the field of biotechnology. However, one drawback is that these liquids are often very complex, which is a disadvantage when using membrane technology as it makes the
Med vektorprocessor blir Vaxen en superdator
UGT1A polymorphisms in a Swedish cohort and a human diversity panel, and the relation to bilirubin plasma levels in males and females.
Asymmetric Information and The Production of Health
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det samlade temat för de sju artiklarna i denna avhandling är att se på hur modern national-ekonomiska teori, som behandlar problem rela-terade till förekomsten av asymmetrisk infor-mation, kan användas för att studera insatser för åstadkomma bättre hälsa. Artiklarna rör dels vård på sjukhus,dels produktionen av läkemedel. För sjukhusen handlar det om hur man via olika The common theme of this thesis is the analysis of asymmetric information when applied to the market for health care production. The thesis consists of six more or less independent papers and an introduction to the thesis were purpose and methodology are stated (part one). Part two is an investigation into the pricing of pharmaceuticals in Sweden. This chapter deals with issues such as cost sharin
Interstitial laser hyperthermia of a rat liver adenocarcinoma
The aim of this study was to compare interstitial laser thermotherapy with excision of a liver tumour. A dimethylhydrazine-induced adenocarcinoma was implanted into the left lateral lobe of the rat liver, and treatment was performed 8 days later. Rats were treated with resection of the tumour-bearing lobe or underwent interstitial laser thermotherapy, which was performed at a steady-state temperat
The Faint Optical Stellar Luminosity Function in the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Analyses of their internal stellar kinematics imply that the dwarf spheroidal (dSph) companion galaxies to the Milky Way are among the most dark matter-dominated systems known. Should there be significant dark matter in the form of faint stars in these systems, the stellar luminosity function must be very different from that of a similar metallicity globular cluster, for which there is no evidence
Dimensions of Health among Patients in Mental Health Services
Popular Abstract in Swedish Empiriska studier som fokuserar på subjektivt upplevd hälsa hos patienter i psykiatrin är sällsynta och merparten av de frågeformulär som finns är baserade på en medicinsk grund där objektivt observerbara sjukdomsindikatorer betonas. I studie I och II analyseras och beskrivs uppfattningar av begreppet hälsa hos patienter och sjuksköterskor i psykiatrisk vård med hjälp aEmpirical studies focusing on the subjective experience of health among patients in contact with the mental health services are rare and most questionnaires are based on a medical model that emphasizes objectively observed disease-oriented health indicators. In studies I and II perceptions of the concept of health among patients and nurses in mental health services were explored and described usin
Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003
The drought of 2003 was exceptionally severe in many regions of Europe, both in duration and in intensity. In some areas, especially in Germany and France, it was the strongest drought for the last 50 years, lasting for more than 6 months. We used continuous carbon and water flux measurements at 12 European monitoring sites covering various forest ecosystem types and a large climatic range in ord
Benefits from membership in cancer patient associations: Relations to gender and involvement.
Demokrati och komplexa beslut - omigen
Qusta ibn Luqa and his production : A survey of an Arabic treatise on dental-nerve dysfunction
This paper concerns the history of medicine, particularly formal medieval medicine in the Islamic cultural sphere. It focusses on the 9th century physician Qusta ibn Luqa and his production, and includes a survey of the contents of a hitherto unpublished Arabic treatise, attributed to Qusta ibn Luqa, on dental-nerve dysfunction.
Cronenbergs logik och kreativitet och (kritiska) feltolkningar
Intervju med David Cronenberg
Response to "Comment on 'On the Coulomb potential in one dimension' " by W.Fisher, H.Leschke and P.Muller
The differential operator -(d2/dx2)-(y/x), γ∈R, in one dimension is studied using distribution theory. It is proven that there exists a unique self-adjoint operator corresponding to the differential expression understood in the principle-value sense. Point interactions determined by the singular operator -(d2/dx2)-(y/x)+αδ(x) are studied
A Turbo Code Interleaver Design Criterion Based on the Performance of Iterative Decoding
The performance of a turbo code is dependent on two code properties: its distance spectrum and its suitability to be iteratively decoded. Both these properties are influenced by the choice of interleaver used in the turbo encoder. This paper presents an interleaver design criterion that focuses on the performance of iterative decoding, based on the correlation properties of the extrinsic inputs. I
Implants in the abdominal wall of the rat
An experimental model is presented that allows qualitative as well as quantitative studies of the soft tissue response to implant materials used in reconstructive surgery. Plugs of non-alloyed titanium and polymers (Teflon, Delrin) were inserted into the abdominal wall of rats, with a portion of the plug penetrating through the peritoneum into the abdominal cavity. The tissue reaction was evaluate
Phenotype in a Swedish family with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa caused by a novel splice defect in the RPGR gene
PURPOSE: To assess the clinical phenotype in a Swedish family with X- linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) resulting from a novel splice defect in the RPGR gene. METHODS: RPGR mutation analysis was performed in one family with XLRP, and several individuals from the family were examined clinically. RESULTS: The causative mutation in the family was demonstrated to be a single base-pair change at the s
Models of compact simple Kantor triple systems defined on a class of structurable algebras of skew-dimension one
Let $(A,^-):={\cal M}(J)$ be the $2 \times 2$-matrix algebra determined by Jordan algebra $J:=H_3(\mathbb{A})$ of hermitian $3 \times 3$-matrices over a real composition algebra $\mathbb{A}$, where $(A,^-)$ is the standard involution on $A$. We show that the triple systems $B_A(x,\overline{y}^\sim,z), x,y,z\in\mathbb{A}$, are models of simple compact Kantor triple systems satisfying the condition
Europa, kristendomen, sekulariseringen
Artikeln belyser förhållandet mellan Europa, kristendomen och sekulariseringen.