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Den ensamma fallosen. Mediala bilder, pornografi och kön av Anja Hirdman
En moraliskt grundad konstitution för EU
Författarfrågor i Lejonkulans dramatik : undersökningar jämte två textbilagor: "Nachspiel" och "Troas"
Therapy for BRAFi-Resistant Melanomas: Is WNT5A the Answer?
In recent years, scientists have advocated the use of targeted therapies in the form of drugs that modulate genes and proteins that are directly associated with cancer progression and metastasis. Malignant melanoma is a dreadful cancer type that has been associated with the rapid dissemination of primary tumors to multiple sites, including bone, brain, liver and lungs. The discovery that approxima
Kulturarvsteologi för bruk
Diskuterar problem och möjligheter i Svenska kyrkans arbete med kultuarvsfrågor. Osynliggörandet av kyrkans immaterialla kulturarv lyfts fram tillsammans med en kritik av tendenser att även inom kyrkan återupprepa den åtskillnad mellan kultur och religion som återfinns redan i kulturarvsbegreppets historia.
Mediatisation of European foreign policy – a cross-time, cross-national comparison
Islamiskt entreprenörskap : reflektioner kring tolkning, ledarskap och organisering
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Vertically sounding ozone lidar system based on a KrF excimer laser
A differential absorption (DIAL) lidar system based on a Raman shifted KrF excimer laser was constructed and employed for vertically sounding measurements of tropospheric ozone, This system is described, including a presentation of measurements of Raman shifting efficiencies in hydrogen and deuterium. The performance of the new system was evaluated in measurement campaigns involving two further op
Framework for characterizing the design of VMI systems
Felaktigheter i museiutredning
Note on the administrative situation of the Historical Museum in Lund
Kristen och postkristen teologi - en lägesrapport
Artikeln är en kritisk diskussion av Martinson, Sigurdson, Svenungsson, "Systematisk teologi - en introduktion" 2007 och av Mattias Martinson, "Postkristen teologi - experiment och tydningsförsök" 2007.
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Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria at Oslo University Hospital 2000-2010.
BACKGROUND Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare haematological disease characterised by chronic haemolysis, pancytopenia and venous thrombosis. The condition is attributable to a lack of control of complement attack on erythrocytes, thrombocytes and leukocytes, and can be diagnosed by means of flow cytometry. In this quality assurance study, we have reviewed information from the me
Jahai phonology: a preliminary survey
“Mournful and yet grand is the destiny of the artist.” Some Economic History of Music Composers and their Creativity
This dissertation provides new insights on creativity and the lives of creative people, by availing of unique data-sets covering the lives, works and emotional states of famous music composers. The underlying research documents the long-run persistence of a society’s preference towards cultural goods and shows that the geography of composer births displays remarkable continuity over a period of se
Balancing Contradictory Identities — Performing Masculinity in Victim Narratives
Årsrapport för Certec 1988-89
Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor Decontamination in a Patient Room Using Feline Calicivirus and Murine Norovirus as Surrogate Markers for Human Norovirus.
OBJECTIVE To determine whether hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV) could be used to decontaminate caliciviruses from surfaces in a patient room. DESIGN Feline calicivirus (FCV) and murine norovirus (MNV) were used as surrogate viability markers to mimic the noncultivable human norovirus. Cell culture supernatants of FCV and MNV were dried in triplicate 35-mm wells of 6-well plastic plates. These plates