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Organo-Metal Halide Scintillator with Weak Thermal Quenching Up to 200 °C
The prominent thermal quenching (TQ) effect of organic-inorganic metal halides limits their applications for lighting and imaging. Herein, we report an organo-metal halide scintillator (TTPhP)2MnCl4(TTPhP+= tetraphenylphosphonium cation), which exhibits a weak TQ effect up to 200 °C under ultraviolet-visible light (efficiency loss of 5.5%) and X-ray radiation (efficiency loss of 37%). The light yi
Dendrokronologisk analys av en byggnad på Ryssebo 1:5 i Eksjö kommun
Dendrokronologisk analys av två brunnar i Kristianopel, Blekinge
Vedartsanalys av ett vedstycke inför C14-datering, prov FP1607, funnen i Rönneholms mosse, Skåne
Narcotic City Archive
We invite you to explore and contribute to this free online archive on cultures, histories, activities, and spaces related to drugs. The Narcotic City Archive collects and preserves the heritage of substance use and many associated social, cultural, economic, and political issues. We aim to gather a wide range of historical and contemporary materials from different groups and inviduals – and we ho
Compensation for Victims of Sexual Violence in Sweden: Some Empirical Findings from a Socio-Legal Perspective
The background of this study is my doctoral thesis in Sociology of Law “Violation and Satisfaction: A Sociology of Law Study of Non-Pecuniary Damages to Victims of Crime” (2012). After about ten years, I decided to make a replication based on the same method as in the original study presented in 2012. The general findings from the replication study are presented in the report “Violation and SatisfCompensation for Victims of Sexual Violence in Sweden: Some Empirical Findings from a Socio-Legal PerspectiveKarl Dahlstrand, PhD, lecturer at Sociology of Law Department, Lund University, Sweden.The background of this study is my doctoral thesis in Sociology of Law “Violation and Satisfaction: A Sociology of Law Study of Non-Pecuniary Damages to Victims of Crime” (2012). After about ten years, I
Analys av barklocket på kopparkitteln ifrån Staleskatten, Gotland
Can the ECG be used to estimate age-related survival?
BACKGROUND: There are few reports of the relationship between electrocardiogram (ECG) findings and the age-related survival of acutely ill patients.AIM: This study compared the 1-year survival curves of patients attending two Danish emergency departments (EDs) with normal and abnormal ECGs. Patients were divided into age groups from 20 to 90 years of age, and an abnormal ECG was defined as low QRS
Motion iconicity in prosody
Evidence suggests that human non-verbal speech may be rich in iconicity. Here, we report results from two experiments aimed at testing whether perception of increasing and declining f0 can be iconically mapped onto motion events. We presented a sample of mixed-nationality participants (N = 118) with sets of two videos, where one pictured upward movement and the other downward movement. A disyllabi
Knowledge, attitude and practice of physical activity among patients with diabetes in Kilimanjaro region, Northern Tanzania : A descriptive cross-sectional study
Introduction Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common non-communicable diseases and is the fifth leading cause of death in most developing countries. Regular physical activity (PA) is strongly recommended for individuals with diabetes for its beneficial effects in improving blood glucose control and insulin sensitivity, prevention and reduction of morbidities and complications, and its cardiova
Predictors of singleton preterm birth using multinomial regression models accounting for missing data : A birth registry-based cohort study in northern Tanzania
Background Preterm birth is a significant contributor of under-five and newborn deaths globally. Recent estimates indicated that, Tanzania ranks the tenth country with the highest preterm birth rates in the world, and shares 2.2% of the global proportion of all preterm births. Previous studies applied binary regression models to determine predictors of preterm birth by collapsing gestational age a
Prevalence and factors associated with timely initiation of breastfeeding in Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania : A cross-sectional study
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends early initiation of breastfeeding within 1 h as it confers many benefits to the child and prevents neonatal mortality. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with timely initiation of breastfeeding in the Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania. Methods: We analyzed secondary data for 866 participants from a popu
Health care utilization among individuals who die by suicide as compared to the general population : a population-based register study in Sweden
BACKGROUND: Globally, 700 000 people die every year by suicide. Health care consultation patterns the period before suicide could be one potential way to identify people at risk for suicide. Therefore, this study examines health care patterns up to one year prior to the suicide by age, sex and prior diagnoses and specifically investigates if and how this differs from the general population of Skån
Anställningsskydd i utveckling
Anställningsskydd i utveckling: ständigt aktuella frågor och nya problem
A real eye-opener : Nursing home staff experiences of co-designing nursing home services together with residents
Introduction: Research and healthcare services struggle to fulfil the desires and needs of nursing home residents, and there is a call for person-centredness in both research and healthcare practice. Involvement of people outside academia in research has been advocated in an effort to increase the relevance and impact of research findings for the public. However, little is known on how to involve
Serving the community while balancing multiple responsibilities – experiences of working as a paid part-time firefighter
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe experiences of working as a paid part-time firefighter (PTF) in Swedish rural areas. Design/methodology/approach: An inductive explorative design was used, based on interviews with 18 paid PTFs in Sweden. Data were analyzed using qualitative latent content analysis. Findings: Three themes emerged from the interviews and describe paid PTFs’ experie
Bystander roles and motivation to defend victims in cyberbullying incidents
Estimated public health benefits of a low-emission zone in Malmö, Sweden
Air pollution is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Low-emission zones (LEZ) have been increasingly implemented in cities throughout Europe as a measure to reduce the adverse health effects and premature deaths associated with traffic-related air pollution. In the present study, a health impact analysis was conducted to estimate the effect of a hypothetical LEZ on mort