

Din sökning på "*" gav 527347 sökträffar

Charging forward for apartments: Quantifying the gap in electric vehicle ownership between apartments and houses – a Swedish case study

This thesis provides the first empirical analysis of the electric vehicle ownership gap between vehicle owners living in apartments and those living in houses. Using 2018 survey data collected by RISE Viktoria on Swedish vehicle owners, this study uses regression techniques to quantify the extent to which occupants of apartments adopt electric vehicles at a lower rate compared to occupants of hous

The prospect of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading in microgrids: two Swedish cases

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy trading in microgrids is an innovative solution to local energy problems where consumers produce and sell their energy to their neighbours. The idea of a microgrid-based local energy trading enables decentralised energy system and strengthens consumers' participation. In the context of developing countries, microgrids play an important role in securing the mere access

Off-grid Solar Products Going Circular: Exploring the potential for repair, refurbishment and remanufacturing strategies and business models for Solar Home Systems and Solar Lanterns in India

Off-grid solar products play an essential role in increasing and improving rural energy access, thereby reducing poverty and mitigating climate change. Experiencing fast market growth in Central and Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, off-grid solar products will represent 50% of the newly established electricity connections in the world between 2017 and 2030. Despite such benefits and market su

Marknadsföringsetik - inte helt utan problematik

Examensarbetets titel: Marknadsföringsetik - inte helt utan problematik - En kvalitativ studie om hur byråer i marknadsföringsbranschen hanterar etiskt beslutsfattande i traditionella och digitala medier. Seminariedatum: 2020-01-16 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Rebecka Bäcklin, Frida Lindgren, Elias Sovre Handledare: Burak Tunca NTitle: Marketing ethics - not entirely without problematics - A qualitative study of how agencies in the marketing industry handle ethical decision making in traditional and digital media. Seminar date: 2020-01-16 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Rebecka Bäcklin, Frida Lindgren, Elias Sovré A

Evaluating face-to-face fundraisers

Face-to-face fundraising is a method used for raising money by having fundraisers working on public spaces. Fundraisers either ask for one time donations, or sign up people to give on a monthly basis, in this thesis the focus is on the latter. For this method to be useful all fundraisers must meet their target goal, meaning that they must get a certain amount of sign ups when they work. By using d

Journalist med funktionsnedsättning : en kvalitativ analys av journalisters upplevelser av diskriminering

The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of discrimination among disabled journalists. The background of our study is the growing interest within the media industry for newsroom diversity which aims at achieving better representation. Our definition of diversity includes people with disability in conformity with the Swedish discrimination law, which is accepted as standard within th

Getting a Cryo-EM structure of β2AR-Gi1v1, for a better understanding of GPCR-G protein selectivity

G protein kopplade receptorer (GPCRs) är en grupp proteiner som sitter tvärsigenom cellernas membran med delar på både utsidan och insidan. Som namnet förtäljer så kopplar dessa receptorer till en annan sorts proteiner, G proteiner, och dessa hittas på insidan av cellen. Tillsammans översätter dom extracellulära signaler till intracellulära vilket till slut resulterar i specifika fysiologiska effeG protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) is the largest superfamily of membrane proteins and convert a multitude of extracellular signals and turn them into intracellular responses by binding and activating just a few G proteins. The mechanism for activation is very conserved and is likely to be similar for all GPCRs and G proteins, but how a vast amount of GPCRs selectively couple to specific G protei

Convolutional Neural Network Emulators for DGVMs - A Supervised Machine Learning Approach to Big Data Processing

This paper investigates the possibility to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) that, by capturing temporal features in weather data, can estimate the expected amount of wheat produced during any year, at any geographical location. The aim is to establish whether a CNN can be used for emulation of simulated global crop production - as responses to changes in CO2, temperature, water, and nitr

En analys av sambandet mellan arbetsplatsolyckor och konjunkturcykeln i Sverige

Every year in Sweden approximately 50 people die due to work related injuries. The development of non deadly injuries at work, however, has been varying. Between 1980 and 2008 it's been decreasing while, during the last 10 years, the number of injuries has instead increased. It is of interest to see why the number of occupational injuries has been increasing as well as understanding if there e

Hur social är energibranschen? En branschstudie av svenska energibolag och dess sociala hållbarhetsarbete

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om 2017 års lagkrav gällande upprättandet av hållbarhetsredovisning haft en påverkan på svenska energibolag. Detta med mer specifik utgångspunkt i de sociala aspekterna och huruvida lagkravet påverkat framställningen av dessa. Teoretiska perspektiv: Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk omfattar Legitimitetsteorin, Intressentteorin, Institutionell teori sPurpose: The purpose of this report is to investigate if the change in legal regulation in 2017 regarding the use of sustainability reporting, have had an impact among parties within the energy sector. The report will examine if the regulation has caused a change regarding the structure of the social aspects and explain what these connections may occur from. Theoretical perspectives: The theoret

Fluid living

What is a home in the wild? What do we need for our hike? What can we learn from those who have travelled these lands for hundreds of years before us? This project is an exploration of how to create contemporary hiking shelters, through the process of experimentation and learning form nomadic highland architecture. This project seeks to capture the fluidity of the Swedish highlands and it wants t

Detaljkonstruktion av skidbalk - Ett samarbete mellan produktion och konstruktion

This master thesis was performed at the company BAE Systems Hägglunds AB, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. Hägglunds has its main market within the defense industry and is the developers and manufacturers of the combat vehicle CV90 and the terrain vehicle BvS10. Since a few years back, Hägglunds has investigated the potential to apply its technologies from these vehicles to a product for the civil market. Th

Utmaningar i en föränderlig värld - En studie om organisationsförändringar inom Svenska Röda Korset

Abstract Det senmoderna samhället karakteriseras av en riktning mot ett alltmer individualiserat samhälle. Detta påverkar såväl organisationer som individer. Extra utsatta i denna samhällsutveckling är organisationerna som verkar inom tredje sektorn då de bygger på ett kollektivistiskt förhållningssätt och en solidarisk ideologi. Vi har valt att se närmare på denna utveckling inom organisationen

Individanpassad marknadsföring - Relevant eller påträngande?

Syfte: Studien ämnar att skapa en djupare förståelse för individanpassad marknadsföring och hur individanpassade annonser påverkar individers positiva målgruppsresons i form av individers klickintention. Metod: Studiens metod grundar sig i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en hermeneutiskt fenomenologiskt strategi. Den forskningsansats som använts är av abduktiv karaktär. Teoretiska perspektiv

Strö salt i såren: om en flygkrasch, kulturellt trauma och en nation sliten itu

Denna uppsats ämnar att studera de politiska och kulturella konsekvenserna i Polen efter flygkraschen av Tu-154 i Smolensk 10/4-2010 där den polske presidenten Lech Kaczyński tillsammans med första damen och stora delar av den polska politiska, militära, kulturella och civila eliten omkom, utifrån teorin om kulturell trauma. Detta genomförs med en analys av diskursen kring ämnet grundad i Polens s

Förändra eller förbättra? : Införandet av en ny modell för peer support inom psykiatri

2016-2018, a national user-led organization within the psychiatric field in Sweden established a partnership-based model regarding the implementation and management of peer support within psychiatric health care units. This study was based on a user-led organization and a psychiatric health care organization about to initiate such a partnership. The aim was to examine how these parties constructed

Gender Distribution on Boards and Company’s Performance: do women on company boards impact the business’ financial performance?

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of diverse boards with one, two, three or more women in limited companies founded in Sweden in 2010 on financial performance. Firm’s characteristics as board’s gender distribution, net sales, ROE, board size and number of employees will be examined aiming to understand how these boards are composed in terms of gender diversity and the im