

Din sökning på "*" gav 538933 sökträffar

Low Bias Local Intrinsic Dimension Estimation from Expected Simplex Skewness

In exploratory high-dimensional data analysis, local intrinsic dimension estimation can sometimes be used in order to discriminate between data sets sampled from different low-dimensional structures. Global intrinsic dimension estimators can in many cases be adapted to local estimation, but this leads to problems with high negative bias or high variance. We introduce a method that exploits the cur

Science adjustment, parental and teacher autonomy support and cognitive orientation

Research has shown that autonomy support has positive effects on academic development, but no study has examined how systemising cognitive orientation is related to important outcomes for science students, and how it may interact with autonomy support. This prospective investigation considered how systemising and support from teachers and parents influence motivation, self-efficacy and science per

Pasteurella multocida thymidine kinase 1 efficiently activates pyrimidine nucleoside analogs.

In the Pasteurella multocida genome only one putative deoxyribonucleoside kinase encoding gene, for thymidine kinase 1 (PmTK1), was identified. The PmTK1 gene was sub-cloned into Escherichia coli KY895 and it sensitized the host towards 2',2'-difluoro-deoxycytidine (gemcitabine, dFdC), 3'-azido-thymidine (AZT) and 5-fluoro-deoxyuridine (5F-dU). PmTK1 was over-expressed and purified with two differ

The use of health status questionnaires in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in clinical practice

Current guidelines recommend chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) management based on symptoms or health status assessment and lung function parameters. However, COPD is a complex and heterogeneous disease that needs an individualized approach for proper disease management. A structured consultation including health status assessment tools, such as the Clinical COPD Questionnaire and the C

The importance of work organization on workload and musculoskeletal health - Grocery store work as a model.

We have evaluated the consequences of work organization on musculoskeletal health. Using a postal questionnaire, answered by 1600 female grocery store workers, their main work tasks were identified and four work groups were defined (cashier, picking, and delicatessen work, and a mixed group, who performed a mix of these tasks). The crude odds ratios (ORs) for neck/shoulder complaints were 1.5 (95%

Identification of fibroblast growth factor-8b target genes associated with early and late cell cycle events in breast cancer cells.

Fibroblast growth factor-8 (FGF-8) is implicated in the development and progression of breast cancer and its levels are frequently elevated in breast tumors. The mechanisms driving FGF-8-mediated tumorigenesis are not well understood. Herein we aimed to identify target genes associated with FGF-8b-mediated breast cancer cell proliferation by carrying out a cDNA microarray analysis of genes express

Numerical Simulation of Some Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Phenomena for Gas Turbine Blades and a Transonic Turbine Stage

With the attempts to achieve higher thermal efficiency, turbine blades are exposed to very high temperature gases and may undergo severe thermal stress and fatigue. Thus, in order to develop optimal cooling strategies and reduce the heat transfer it is important to obtain a good understanding of both the complex flow field and the heat transfer characteristics in turbine rotor/stator hot-gas passa

Kontroversen om arbetstidsförkortning : en sociologisk studie av tre försök med arbetstidsförkortning inom Malmö kommun

I denna rapport redovisas dels en övergripande bild över arbetstidsförkortningsdebatten och dels tre försöksprojekt med arbetstidsförkortning som bedrevs under ett och ett halvt år i Malmö kommun. Det hävdas att debatten har utvecklats till en kontrovers i vilken olika grupperingar av debattaktörer kan urskiljas utifrån sina ställningstaganden till reformen, och att det kunskapsunderlag som finns

Reply to commentaries

In our response, we address four themes arising from the commentaries. First, we discuss the distinction between cognition and metacognition and show how to draw it within our framework. Next, we explain how metacognition differs from social cognition. The underlying mechanisms of metacognitive development are then elucidated in terms of interaction patterns. Finally, we consider measures of metac

Catalytic Cycle of Multicopper Oxidases Studied by Combined Quantum- and Molecular-Mechanical Free-Energy Perturbation Methods.

We have used combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical free-energy perturbation methods in combination with explicit solvent simulations to study the reaction mechanism of the multicopper oxidases, in particular, the regeneration of the reduced state from the native intermediate. For 52 putative states of the trinuclear copper cluster, differing in the oxidation states of the copper ion

Implementation of physical coordination training and cognitive behavioural training interventions at cleaning workplaces - secondary analyses of a randomised controlled trial

This study evaluates the implementation of physical coordination training (PCT) and cognitive behavioural training (CBTr) interventions in a randomised controlled trial at nine cleaners' workplaces. Female cleaners (n - 294) were randomised into a PCT, a CBTr or a reference (REF) group. Both 12-week interventions were performed in groups guided by an instructor. Records were kept on intervention d

Consensus Recommendations on Pathologic Changes in the Hippocampus: A Postmortem Multicenter Inter-Rater Study.

There is no consensus on the pathologic conditions or severity implied by the term "hippocampal sclerosis" (HS). In this study, a panel of experienced neuropathologists evaluated inter-rater agreement for pathologic diagnoses in the hippocampus and proposes consensus recommendations on the use of the term "HS." In a group of 251 cases of HS selected from a large autopsy cohort (1,388; 18%), a coor

Cataract surgeons outperform medical students in Eyesi virtual reality cataract surgery: evidence for construct validity.

Purpose: To investigate construct validity for modules hydromaneuvers and phaco on the Eyesi surgical simulator. Methods: Seven cataract surgeons and 17 medical students performed capsulorhexis, hydromaneuvers, phaco, navigation, forceps, cracking and chopping modules in a standardized manner. Three trials were performed on each module (two on phaco) in the above order. Performance parameters

Primary cilia mechanics affects cell mechanosensation: A computational study.

Primary cilia (PC) are mechanical cell structures linked to the cytoskeleton and are central to how cells sense biomechanical signals from their environment. However, it is unclear exactly how PC mechanics influences cell mechanosensation. In this study we investigate how the PC mechanical characteristics are involved in the mechanotransduction process whereby cilium deflection under fluid flow in

ESS Cryogenic System Process Design

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron-scattering facility funded and supported in collaboration with 17 European countries in Lund, Sweden. Cryogenic cooling at ESS is vital particularly for the linear accelerator, the hydrogen target moderators, a test stand for cryomodules, the neutron instruments and their sample environments. The paper will focus on specific process design criteria

Weight change in middle adulthood and breast cancer risk in the EPIC-PANACEA study

Long-term weight gain (i.e., weight gain since age 20) has been related to higher risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, but a lower risk of premenopausal breast cancer. The effect of weight change in middle adulthood is unclear. We investigated the association between weight change in middle adulthood (i.e., women aged 40-50 years) and the risk of breast cancer before and after the age of 50. We i