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Aristocratic Expressions in settlement and landscape from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages
The purpose of this article is to discuss how the aristocracy used space and landscape to strengthen their position in society and how this process developed from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages.
Chapter 9: Non-standard employment across occupations in the United States: the role of replaceability and labour market flexibility
Här sker stora ting med små grejor
Nonprofit Organizations Shaping the Market of Supplies
In the humanitarian aid context, the availability of essential commodities in the right quantities and at the right time and place is crucial for the survival of beneficiaries. In order to avoid the risks associated with a limited supplier base, non-profit organizations are increasingly becoming aware of the need to diversify their supply base and to include the for profit, or corporate sector. Si
Hemliga tjänster och det öppna samhället
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Bilsnål samhällsplanering i pratiken. Utvärdering av Lunds satsningar på hållbar stadsbyggnad.
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Förlorarna på bostadsmarknaden
Birkaborna med föremål från finska fastlandet, vilka var de?
This article focuses on objects from mainland Finland retrieved in the graves of the Viking Age town Birka in the Mälalen valley, Sweden. The main questions posed in the article are what people were buried with these items and what can be concluded about their cultural identity. In the article the artefacts from mainland Finland are presented as well as their contexts. An examination of the find a
Load bearing timber glass composites : A WoodWisdom-Netproject for innovative building system
The aim of this three year project, which is part of the WoodWisdom-Net researchprogram, is to develop an innovative load bearing building system composed of timberglasscomposites. The structural loads applied onto these composites will be transferred to, andsupported by, the glass component, in contrary to today’s traditional solutions where glass elementsonly function as an environmental shield.
Människornas drömmar och deras funktion / Att "blomma och dö!"
Skola och makt. Om viljan till kunskap, beroendet av utbildning och tvånget att gå i skola. Första upplagan.
Skolan är en institution som syftar till att förändra eleverna och deras handlande på en rad olika sätt. Själva meningen med skolans verksamhet är således i realiteten att utöva makt. I denna bok analyseras skolans maktutövning ur fem olika aspekter: — skolans människoförflyttande maktutövning resulterar i att eleverna kommer till skolan vid en viss tidpunkt i sina liv och infinner sig där under
Green Search: Studying online environmental information. A research design.
This poster presents the design of a research project in its initial stages. The project Green Search investigates shaping of environmental information, including information on problems and proposed solutions, through their representation in search engine results, in social media tools, and in mobile applications dedicated to environmentally friendly living and consumption and how this is experie
(Dis-)Continuity, (inter-)corporeality and conventionality in dialogical development
Molecular Structure and Packing of Platinum(II) Complexes with S-donor Ligands in the Solid State An X-ray Crystallographic Study
Popular Abstract in Swedish All materia består av atomer. Avhandlingen du just nu läser är uppbyggd av atomer; till och med du själv är uppbyggd av atomer. En kemist är intresserad av vilka atomer som hänger ihop för att bilda molekyler och hur dessa molekyler kan sammanfogas till fasta material. Man kan likna det vid att molekylerna är en byggsten som då de sammanfogas bildar en byggnadskonstruktHow do molecules arrange themselves in a crystal? It is today not possible to definite predict the three-dimensional packing arrangement of molecules in the crystalline solid state. The aim of the work presented in this thesis has been to gain more knowledge of what principles that govern molecular packing. Platinum(II) complexes have been chosen as model system since these compounds are stable,
A Multi-Robot System for Anticipatory Experiments
Dagens skolexperiment är inte till hjälp för elever från hem utan studievana
Vardagsliv och världspolitik i Folklivsarkivets frågelistor
Design criteria for assessment of vehicle climate systems
The combined thermal effects of convection, radiation and conduction in a vehiclecompartment need special measuring equipment accounting for spatial and temporalvariations in the driver space. The most sophisticated equipment measures local heat fluxes at defined spots or areas of a man-shaped manikin. By calibration of segment heat fluxes with thermal sensation votes of panel of subjects, manikin