

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Ny svensk modell för nyanlända svenskar?

The Swedish Model is a somewhat vague concept that can mean many things, depending on who you ask. But usually it is characterized by the great deal of autonomy the labour market organizations enjoy. Traditionally, the unions and the employer associations in question are responsible for the functioning of the labour market (e.g. the wage formation), with none or very little involvement from the st

Chemical Hazard Assessment under Uncertainty Evaluated by Robust Bayesian Evidence Synthesis

Chemical hazard assessment is a procedure in chemical regulation to set which concentrations of chemical substances that are safe to an ecological system, i.e. where a majority of the species in the systems is not negatively affected by the substance. The Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) is an assessment model to estimate hazardous concentration based on toxicity data from representative spe

Inventory control of finished goods for the aftermarket.

Background TitanX Engine Cooling is a global supplier of powertrain cooling solutions to commercial vehicles, both for OEMs and the independent aftermarket. The company with annual sales of over 1.6 billion SEK (US$ 192 million) has some 800 employees worldwide. TitanX is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden and has manufacturing sites in Sweden, USA, Brazil, China and Mexico. Its manufacturing fac

Folding carton and internal printing: a technical approach to consumer differentiation and food safety

Packaging can be used to offer to consumers a complete brand experience. The emotional level enhanced during opening moment make consumers engage with the product and therefore, with the brand. Brands can firstly use printing to stand out at the point of sale and can use internal printing to enhance consumer experience at home. Internal printing needs to be analyzed through the lenses of three pil

The 30-hour Workweek - A Promising Alternative for Knowledge Workers?

Long working hours and burnout as well as other stress-related symptoms are common concerns amongst knowledge workers. An obvious solution might be to reduce working hours, for example, to a 30-hour workweek. Hence, this explorative study is interested in exploring the effects of the 30-hour workweek on knowledge workers. Object of study is a digital marketing agency; eleven semi-structured interv

Demokrati och Ekonomisk Tillväxt - En kvantitativ studie av det politiska styrelseskickets effekt på länders ekonomiska utveckling

Det politiska styrelseskickets inverkan på länders ekonomiska tillväxt har undersökts kvantitativt med paneldata för perioden 1960-2014. Som demokratimått användes det index som tillhandahålls av Polity IV. Analysen grundades i ett antal teoretiska resonemang kring hur politiska styrelseskick kan tänkas påverka tillväxt. Med förväntad livslängd, humankapital, befolkningstillväxt, investeringar och

Marketing in For-profit Social Ventures

This paper explores how marketing is conducted in for-profit social ventures. Knowledge regarding the for-profit social context is considered rather limited given that it has been largely marginalized by being associated either to the fully for-profit or solely non-profit extremes. In that respect, much of the existing literature has not to acknowledge the unique challenges that a dual mission, su

A Pan-Cancer guide to cancer-related alterations of pro-survival and -apoptotic BCL-2 proteins

Cancer genetics Our body consists of billions of cells. As new cells continuously are produced, some other are dying. This homeostatic balance is crucial for maintaining healthy tissues in any living organism. Different cells have different purposes, red blood cells for example transport oxygen around our body, while neural cells can send signals to and from our brain to ensure movement, and skin

Möjligheten att skydda biologisk mångfald med ekologisk kompensation i vardagslandskapet – För- och nackdelar med rumslig och funktionell närhet vid genomförandet av kompensation

En sådan konstgjord balans är givetvis komplicerad” Själva essensen i biologi kan sägas vara förändring. Stabilitet genom förändring – cellerna i en kropp, artpopulationerna i ett ekosystem. I 2000-talets landskap är det mesta under förändring av olika människors projekt. De områden av ”naturlig förändring” som finns är inringade; språkmässigt, lagmässigt, med staket. De områden som står utan sky

Infrared perception in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)

Hundar med kalla nosar som standard Ni har säkert hört uttrycket att en frisk hund har en kall nos och en sjuk hund har en varm nos. Detta stämmer inte alltid för även en fullt frisk hund kan ha en varm nos, till exempel när den sover eller är överhettad. Men normaltillståndet är dock en kall nos. Förändringar i nostemperaturen hos hundar har visat sig kunna ske relativt fort, vilket tyder på att

Förortssvenskan och att känna sig hemma: en studie om relationen mellan kroppar, språkande, rum och platser i Malmö Stad

This essay is about individuals from Malmo who speaks suburb Swedish and the meaning of them feeling at home in their everyday life. It’s about the meaning of suburb Swedish in the process of how different norms of identity comes to matter and shape how bodies move through, expand in and inhabit different places in the Urban Geography of Malmo City. It’s about the intra-action between bodies, room

"Jag är projektet" - En antropologisk studie om dragkings i Sverige

This study makes an attempt to theorize drag king practices in Sweden from three theoretical perspectives: performance, politics and play. Drag kings in the Nordic countries hasn’t got much exposure in society, so the study tries to analyse their practices through interviews and field work. The field work has been conducted at two different drag shows and a drag salon. The drag salon is a meeting

Production of Low-Fat Whipping Cream Using Microparticulated Whey Proteins

Vispgrädde med mer proteiner och mindre fett Det finns stora mängder vassleproteiner som inte används i mejeriprodukter. Dessa har bra näringsvärde och skulle kunna ersätta en del av fettet i en fet produkt. Då skulle till exempel vispgrädde kunna bli lite nyttigare. Vispgrädde är en populär produkt med ett brett användningsområde. Dess viktigaste egenskap är att kunna bli vispad och bilda ett sSkånemejerier has a shortage of cream and by producing a product with low amounts of fat, the shortage can be decreased. One way is to replace the fat with microparticulated whey proteins (MWP). This can be done by using a thermal treatment followed by a mechanical treatment obtained with a high-pressure homogeniser. The particles should be less than 5 μm to have a similar mouthfeel to fat particl

How the Changes in Exchange Rate Affect the Chinese Economic Growth?

This paper examines how the exchange rate affects Chinese economic growth. First, we go through the literature about exchange rate and how it affects the economic growth. We respectively analyze the transmission mechanism of RMB real effective exchange rate on the impact of Chinese import, export and foreign direct investment. We use the quarterly data from 1994 to 2016 and the method of cointegra

VR from a Learning Perspective

Det finns många exempel på att använda teknologi i skolan för att förbättra elevers lärande. En relativt oanvänd teknologi i utbildning är Virtual Reality. De flesta VR applikationer som används i utbildning idag är passiva virtuella studiebesök, där användaren interagerar med applikationen genom att observera den virtuella världen. Detta examensarbete undersöker om interaktiva Virtual Reality appThere are many examples of using technology in schools for enhancing student’s learning experience. A relatively unexplored technology in education is Virtual Reality. Most of the existing VR applications aimed at learning are passive virtual field trips, where the user only interacts with the application by observing the virtual world. This thesis explores if interactive Virtual Reality applicati