

Din sökning på "*" gav 535042 sökträffar

Investigation of stability of glulam roof trusses with large spans

In certain types of glulam roof structures with large spans, reliable methods for design with respect to instability are lacking. One example is a three-hinged roof truss with steel tension rods as shown in Figure 1. The types of structures shown in Figure 1 are investigated in the diploma project with the purpose to evaluate and improve the currently used design methods and detailing. Calculation

3D-volymhusbyggande med materiallistor och tänkbara PDM-system.

The aim in this thesis is to itemize materials with ADT. The material’s lists shall then be transferred from ADT to Access and furthermore to Jeeves. The aim also is to describe the PDM-system and to find out if this PDM-system can cooperate between ADT and Jeeves. I also tried to study the possibility of transferring the material’s lists from ADT to the PDMsystem. I found that the material’s list

"Detta är den fasta jag vill se" Kyrkligt ställningstagande i samhällsfrågor - exemplet Påskuppropet 2011

The Swedish Easter protest of 2011 against the losses of sickness benefits that were caused by the social policy reforms of the Swedish government was characterized by its decentralized network structure, its rapid progress and its use of the internet and social media for the spreading of information. It is the aim of this essay to use the Easter protest of 2011 to investigate how the Church of Sw

BVC-sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att stödja nyblivna föräldrar

I Sverige följs 99 % av alla barn upp på Barnavårdcentralen (BVC), vilket ger BVC-sjuksköterskan en unik möjlighet att stödja nyblivna föräldrar i deras nya roll. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa BVC-sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att stödja nyblivna mammor och pappor i anpassningen till föräldraskapet. Intervjuer genomfördes med tio BVC-sjuksköterskor. Insamlat material analyserades med inne

Akustisk komfort i musikövningsrum

Preferred acoustic characteristics in a room can vary depending on the purpose of the room. A room adjusted to e.g. teaching may not be suitable for music practice and a room suitable for one type of instrument may not fit another. The judgement of what defines good and bad acoustics is subjective and differs among individuals. Practice rooms at music schools are good examples of rooms were the ac

Reducing the financial gap – how to improve the relationship between entrepreneurs and investors

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to better understand the early stage investment process, and with this deeper understanding provide Ideon Innovation with recommendations of how to improve the interactions between investors and entrepreneurs. Methodology: The thesis has been conducted with a mixture between a systems approach and an actors approach. An abductive research method has been chose

The Systematics of Radiative Corrections and A Proposed Approximative Evaluation Scheme

We propose an approximate scheme based on a saddle point approximation of propagators in higher order perturbation calculation. This scheme is applied to a general expression for one-loop scalar functions, and thereafter used to calculate the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. The scheme is shown to be increasingly precise as the number of propagators increase, spanning a precision of 0.72

Finita element-baserad utmattningskontroll av järnvägsbro.

Rapporten redovisar ett examensarbete vid avdelningen för Konstruktionsteknik vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Utgångspunkten är att studera möjligheterna att genomföra en beräkning av de utmattande påkänningarna i en slakarmerad betongkonstruktion med hjälp av finita element-metoden.

Structural Systems for Office Buildings.

There are many ways to construct a building. The designing team, structural engineers and architects, works together to find the best possible solution that will fulfill the owner’s whishes. In this process a structural system needs to be chosen. There are many factors that affect the selection of the structural system, but generally the most economical system is chosen. The factors that need to

Analys av ett lätt stålbjälklag : svikt, vibrationer och nedböjning.

This Masters Thesis’ purpose is to evaluate a number of methods used for dimensioning in order to avoid unwanted sway and vibrations in a light weight steel floor structure. The design methods studied in this report are done by Ohlsson, Hu, Onysko, Talja and ISO (no calculations or measurments are made for ISO). The study shows that there is no big difference in the longest span allowed by the stu

Brandtekniska egenskaper för samverkansbalk.

Composite steel and concrete structures can resist a fire, mostly because of the thermal properties of the concrete. This report examines a composite beam, HPC-beam, when the beam is exposed to standardized fire. The beam is designed after Eurocode and the Swedish national document. The material parameters are taken from the same sources. These material parameters are used as input data for applic

Tracing the Glass Ceiling for the Highly Educated across Professions. Evidence for Sweden 1970 – 1990.

The Glass Ceiling is a proven and documented phenomenon for several countries. This paper tries to trace its existence of changing behaviour in the gender pay gap across the income distribution between the periods 1970 and 1990, and through a selection of professions for the highly educated individuals. This will show at the same time the transformation suffered by Swedish labor market between tho

Construction of an Instrument to Use Nanoparticles for Diffusion Capacity Measurements in Human Alveolar Regions for Diagnostics of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) was ranked as the sixth leading cause of death in 1990 and is projected to be the fourth leading cause of death worldwide by 2030 due to an increase in smoking rates and demographic changes in many countries (Mathers & Loncar 2006). To diagnose COPD there are several methods which are either imprecise or very expensive. The objective of this master

Biofuels Expansion and Their Differentiated Social-political Impacts in Developing Countries: A Comparative Account between Land Grabs and Social Sustainability in Honduras.

The present study is concerned with the expansion of biofuel production and two revealing and contrasting impacts caused in Honduras. The biofuels complex emerges as a sustainable alternative to cope with pressing problems related to climate change, energy insecurity and environmental degradation. However such an argument becomes problematic as land expansion for biofuels entails land-use changes

Analys av plattrambroar med krökta ramben

One of the most common types of bridges in Sweden is the integral bridge. What characterizes the integral bridge is the lack of bearings and expansion joints. The advantage of this construction is that the horizontal forces can be distributed throughout the structure. A problem is the restraint forces that occur due to, for instance, changes in temperature. Integral bridges are now often designed

Bygglovsfritt extrarum för en- eller tvåbostadshus

The purpose of this thesis is to produce an example of a solution to the problem with varying space requirements in divorced families living one-and two-family houses in Sweden. We have focused our work on solving this with a stand-alone complementary building which contains all the critical functions a dwelling should have. To facilitate and make the investment more realistic the building should

Giftermål i 1 Kor 7:36-38. Utvärdering av åtta tolkningsförslag

In this exam paper the question of the meaning of 1 Cor 7:36-38 is addressed, a passage containing one case in which marriage is recommended and one in which it is not. To answer the question linguistic, literary and historical analyses are performed within the framework of an evaluation of eight proposed interpretations of the passage. In the first interpretation, labeled (A), the unspecified mal

The response of European forests to the change in summer temperatures : a comparison between normal and warm years, from 1996 to 2006

Popular science General introduction Two main activities take place into forests: photosynthesis, or GPP (the uptake of CO2 by plants, which leads to their growth) and respiration (the release of CO2 by those plants). The Net Ecosystem Exchange NEE is the difference between photosynthesis and respiration, and it depends on the nature of the forests and on climate particularities. With the ongoing This study shows how six different European forests react during the summer to abnormally warm temperatures, from 1996 to 2006. With the forecasted increase of summer temperatures over Europe, the carbon balance of forests – photosynthesis (GPP), ecosystem respiration and Net Ecosystem Exchange - in likely to change. In this thesis, the photosynthesis and the respiration of six European forests w