

Din sökning på "*" gav 534784 sökträffar

Identity, Image and Brand

This chapter highlights how organizational images and efforts to manage those images through branding influence the identities of individuals within organizations. The authors discuss the ways in which individuals’ identity projects are regulated, challenged, or supported by images and brands. They argue that identity is a particularly important concept for understanding organizing in today’s ‘bra

Breakup dynamics of gas-liquid interface during Taylor bubble formation in a microchannel flow-focusing device

This work aims to investigate the breakup dynamics of the gas-liquid interface during bubble formation in a microchannel flow-focusing device. An interface tracking method is developed to capture the profiles of the gaseous thread evolution. The results show that the pinch-off period can be further divided into a liquid squeezing stage and a free pinch-off stage in both the radial and axial direct

Measurement of strange baryon–antibaryon interactions with femtoscopic correlations

Two-particle correlation functions were measured for pp‾, pΛ‾, p‾Λ, and ΛΛ‾ pairs in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV and sNN=5.02 TeV recorded by the ALICE detector. From a simultaneous fit to all obtained correlation functions, real and imaginary components of the scattering lengths, as well as the effective ranges, were extracted for combined pΛ‾ and p‾Λ pairs and, for the first time, for ΛΛ‾ p

Antagonistic relationship between the unfolded protein response and myocardin-driven transcription in smooth muscle

Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are characterized by a high degree of phenotypic plasticity. Contractile differentiation is governed by myocardin-related transcription factors (MRTFs), in particular myocardin (MYOCD), and when their drive is lost, the cells become proliferative and synthetic with an expanded endoplasmic reticulum (ER). ER is responsible for assembly and folding of secreted proteins. Wh

Genetic screening of children with suspected inherited bleeding disorders

INTRODUCTION: Genetic screening using high-throughput DNA sequencing has become a tool in diagnosing patients with suspected inherited bleeding disorders (IBD). However, its usefulness and diagnostic efficacy in children is unclear.AIM: To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of genetic screening for IBD in children and downstream further testing.METHODS: After informed consent, children (

Effect of hypothyroidism and cholesterol feeding on the clearance of chylomicron remnants in vivo and by hepatocyte monolayers

The hepatic catabolism of chylomicron remnants in normal rats and in hypothyroid rats which were either normocholesterolaemic or made hypercholesterolaemic by feeding cholesterol and cholic acid was studied in vivo and in hepatocyte monolayers. In vivo, the clearance of injected chylomicron remnants labelled with either cholesteryl- or retinyl ester was delayed in the hypercholesterolaemic hypothy

Rapid decline in protein kinase Cγ levels in the synaptosomal fraction of rat hippocampus after ischemic preconditioning

Neurons can be preconditioned against ischemic damage by a brief sublethal period of ischemia, applied several days before the second insult. Here we report on changes in the distribution and the levels of protein kinase Cγ (PKCγ) in nonconditioned and preconditioned rat hippocampal CA1 and neocortex regions after a 9 min ischemic episode induced by two-vessel occlusion ischemia. At the end of the

Persistent Translocation and Inhibition of Ca2+/Calmodulin‐Dependent Protein Kinase II in the Crude Synaptosomal Fraction of the Vulnerable Hippocampus Following Hypoglycemia

Abstract: Alterations in the levels and activity of Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II (CaM‐kinase II) were studied in the rat hippocampus during and after insulin‐induced hypoglycemic coma. A permanent loss of CaM‐kinase II immunohistostaining in the neuronal layer begins at 10 min of isoelectricity in the tip of the dentate gyrus and at 30‐min isoelectricity in the CA1 region. The reduc

Cerebral platelet thromboembolism and thromboxane synthetase inhibition

Platelet aggregating sodium arachidonate was slowly infused into the internal carotid artery (1 mg, 100 µl, 1µl/s) of nitrous oxide anesthetized rats. The electroencephalographic activity recorded by a Cerebral Function Monitor from the injected hemisphere was reduced within minutes. The so matose nsory evoked responses to contralateral electrical stimulation of the whisker area were eliminated on

Mapping of domestic hot water circulation losses in buildings – results from 134 measurements

The hot water circulation system in a building is a system which helps prevent Legionella problems whilst ensuring that tenants have access to hot water quickly. Poorly designed or implemented systems not only increase the risk to people’s health and thermal comfort, but even result in an increase in the energy needed for this system to function properly. Results from previous studies showed that The hot water circulation system in a building is a system which helps prevent Legionella problems whilst ensuring that tenants have access to hot water quickly. Poorly designed or implemented systems not only increase the risk to people’s health and thermal comfort, but even result in an increase in the energy needed for this system to function properly. Results from previous studies showed that

Methodologies for Non-aqueous Systems and Precipitating Systems as Carbon Capture Technologies : A case-study of AMP-NMP

In order to combat the effects of climate change, it is important to use a combination of solutions to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible. Carbon capture and sequestration is one such technology that can be used to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of many industrial plants. A mature technology for CO2 capture, amine-based post-combustion capture, is readily available today. How

Strategic ignorance of health risk: its causes and policy consequences

We examine the causes and policy implications of strategic (willful) ignorance of risk as an excuse to overengage in risky health behavior. In an experiment on Copenhagen adults, we allow subjects to choose whether to learn the calorie content of a meal before consuming it, and measure their subsequent calorie intake. Consistent with previous studies, we find strong evidence of strategic ignoranceWe examine the causes and policy implications of strategic (willful) ignorance of risk as an excuse to over-engage in risky health behavior. In an experiment on Copenhagen adults, we allow subjects to choose whether to learn the calorie content of a meal before consuming it and then measure their subsequent calorie intake. Consistent with previous studies, we find strong evidence of strategic igno

Isospin-violating contributions to ∈/∈

The known isospin-breaking contributions to the K → ππ amplitudes are reanalyzed, taking into account our current understanding of the quark masses and the relevant non-perturbative inputs. We present a complete numerical reappraisal of the direct CP-violating ratio ∈′/∈, where these corrections play a quite significant role. We obtain the Standard Model prediction Re (∈′/∈) = (14 ± 5) · 10−4, whi

Preschoolers’ Understanding of a Teachable Agent-Based Game in Early Mathematics as Reflected in their Gaze Behaviors – : an Experimental Study

This study investigated how preschool children processed and understood critical information in Magical Garden, a teachable agent-based play-&-learn game targeting early math. We analyzed 36 children’s (ages 4–6 years) real-time behavior during game-use to explore whether children: (i) processed the information meant to support number sense development; (ii) showed an understanding of the teac

Starch granule stabilized Pickering emulsions : an 8-year stability study

BACKGROUND: Pickering emulsions are known to have advantages over conventional emulsions, in particular, improved and long-term stability against coalescence. This research is an eight-year stability investigation of oil-in-water Pickering emulsions stabilized by quinoa starch granules modified by octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA). Two different concentrations of starch (i.e. 200 and 600 mg mL−1 ba