

Din sökning på "*" gav 534517 sökträffar

Bistånd och jämställdhets påverkan på utveckling

The purpose of this paper is to examine if foreign aid leads to a higher level of development when it is given to countries with higher levels of gender equality. The study examines the effects that foreign aid and gender equality have on development by assessing both their separate and interactive effects. I have used three different models, using two definitions of development and gender equalit

Energy-water nexus in Mexico: A network-based approach of polycentric governance.

By 2050, sixty percent of human population worldwide is going to live in cities. This will increase natural resource consumption to provide products and services in cities. Additionally, current policy making is done through a silo thinking mindset where unintended consequences can undermine natural resources availability. To overcome this problem, I propose to use the urban nexus approach as a st

Contextual factors for omni-channel warehousing: An empirical study in China

Introduction: In recent years omni-channel retailing has been accepted and used by both physical and e-commerce retailers. In omni-channel retailing different channels are integrated. An effective and efficient distribution system is becoming more crucial. The core of the distribution system is warehousing that affects lead time and logistics cost. The main challenge is to handle large store reple

"Du måste vara våglig som skolledare" : En kvalitativ studie i rektorers åtgärder för att höja andelen elever med gymnasiebehörighet

The aim of the study was to investigate what measures principals take in order to raise the amount of students who finish secondary school with a leaving certificate. Furthermore, it was intended to investigate why these methods have been successful. The selection of respondents consisted of principals at four different schools in southern Sweden. Data was collected through four semi-structured in

Utan folkmakt, ingen framtid: En ideologianalytisk studie av Hans Palmstiernas miljöpolitiska texter

Hans Palmstierna was a biochemist and writer on environmental issues who became the foremost public voice of the early environmental movement in Sweden during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The books he authored warning of escalating environmental concerns became bestsellers, and he wrote a large number of articles on matters of scientific progress, energy politics and pollution in Swedish newspa

”The majority of females are selfish and don’t want to help us lonely men out” : En netnografisk studie om män som är incels

“The majority of females are selfish and don’t want to help us lonely men out”- A netnographic study about men who are incels Incel, is short for and means “involuntary celibate”. The purpose of this study was to observe an Internet forum for incels and to examine incels self-images and social context in selected threads. Also, to see the men's perceived reality and how they describe themselv

Orsaker till och normer kring narkotika- och läkemedelsmissbruk bland högstadieelever i Lomma kommun

In this bachelor thesis, the causes and norms that has indicated an increase of drug abuse, both illicit and prescribed, for the past two years in the municipality of Lomma among middle school pupils, have been investigated. In order to understand this problem, student health staff’s, field workers’ and police’s point of views have been considered in three focus groups interviews. Qualitative data

Enhancing the international standing of Jordan: A study of the political relationship between King Hussein and Margaret Thatcher

This study explores the political relationship between King Hussein and Margaret Thatcher, during her time as Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1979-1990. Through archival research, I explore data concerning the political situation and the bilateral relations of Jordan and Great Britain. These focus primarily on the political situation in the Middle East, as well as taking economic relations betwee

The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Examining the relationship between income and technology-adjusted consumption-based CO2 emissions

This study aims to investigate whether countries succeed to reduce their contribution to global emissions when countries reach higher levels of income. As a result of rapid changes in international trade, a country’s emission responsibility goes beyond national borders, which should be adequately captured in their carbon footprint. This study discusses that the two conventional accounting measures

User Experience and Its Importance in Banking Software: A Study of User Experience During Development

This study was conducted to provide an explanation as to why user experience is important when designing software, specifically for a banking company undergoing a complete redesign of their banking client. Neglecting the user experience design in the development of any application or webpage can lead to user frustration and abandonment. Frustration can lead to terrible customer service and reliabi

Att förutspå förvärvsannonseringar – skicklighet eller bara tur?

Titel: Att förutspå förvärvsannonseringar – skicklighet eller bara tur? – En studie om riskarbitrage, marknadsrisk och överavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden Seminariedatum: 2019-06-04 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15HP Författare: Sebastian Bechmann, William Brunius och Filip Nilsson Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur M&Title: Att förutspå förvärvsannonseringar – skicklighet eller bara tur? – En studie om riskarbitrage, marknadsrisk och överavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden Seminar date: 2019-06-04 Course: FEKH89 Corporate Finance Degree Project, Undergraduate level, 15ECTS Authors: Sebastian Bechmann, William Brunius and Filip Nilsson Supervisor: Maria Gårdängen Purpose: The purpose of the study is to in

A City of Heathy Mobility. Mixed method case study on development of sustainable bicycle mobility in Warsaw.

The uncontrolled development of automotive transportation worldwide raised the urgency to promote sustainable transportation among European cities, whereas bicycle as the most sustainable alternative to cars has become a symbol of urban sustainability. The popularization of cycling trips is conducive to reducing congestion, noise, and pollution in cities. It also serves to promote a healthy lifest

To Chip or Not to Chip? Determinants of Human RFID Implant Adoption by Potential Consumers in Sweden & the Influence of the Widespread Adoption of RFID Implants on the Marketing Mix

The aim of this study is twofold. Firstly, we explore the perceptions of young people in Sweden towards the adoption of human RFID implants. Secondly, the paper aims to understand how companies’ marketing activities would be influenced by the widespread adoption of this technology. This paper has taken a qualitative approach to research, specifically employing focus groups and interviews to gauge

Kontraheringsplikt vid företagsförsäkring - En undersökning av småföretagares rätt till försäkring

Kontraheringsplikt innebär en skyldighet att ingå avtal och utgör därmed ett undantag från principen om avtalsfrihet. En kontraheringsplikt finns i försäkringsavtalslagen och innebär en skyldighet för försäkringsbolag att ingå avtal med personer som vill teckna konsument- eller personförsäkring, såvida det inte finns särskilda skäl för avslag. I utredningen Ds 2005:42 fastställdes att en sådan konA duty to contract involves an obligation to enter into an agreement, and there-fore constitutes an exception from the principle of contractual freedom. A duty to contract exists in the Insurance Contracts Act and stipulates an obligation for insurance companies to enter into an agreement with an individual who wants to acquire a consumer- or personal insurance, unless there are special reasons pr

Hur påverkas avtalsmekanismen av digitaliseringen? - Särskilt om artificiell intelligens

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur avtalsmekanismen I AvtL påverkas av den ökande digitaliseringen i samhället. Uppsatsen avser även att undersöka hur den ökade användningen av AI, som på vissa sätt har en nära koppling till digitaliseringen, påverkar avtalsmekanismen. AvtL har länge kritiserats för att vara gammal och ineffektiv men på senare år har mer positiva ståndpunkter yttrats. UppsaThe purpose of this study is to investigate the ways that the Swedish Contracts Act on the formation of contracts is affected by the increasing digitalization in our society. The study also aims to investigate how the increased use of AI, which in some ways is closely correlated to digitalization, effects the formation on contracts. The Swedish Contracts Act has long been critiqued for being old a

LOB, Lagen om omhändertagande av berusade personer – En studie om möjligheten till överklagan för den enskilde

Befinner du dig berusad på en allmän plats i Sverige har polisen rätt att omhänderta dig enligt Lag om omhändertagande av berusade personer (LOB). Kraven för ett sådant omhändertagande är att du är tillräckligt berusad för att vara till fara för dig själv eller för din omgivning samt att omhändertagandet inte väcker stor olägenhet för den enskilde. Lagen är tänkt fungera som en vårdinsats både förIf you are found drunk in a public place in Sweden, the police have the right to dispose of you in accordance with Lag om omhändertagande av berusade personer (LOB). The requirement for such disposal is that you are sufficiently intoxicated at the risk of your own our others safety. The law is supposed to serve as a care effort for heavy drinkers, but also as a safety net for others. By a law chan

Preskriptionstiden gällande för sexualbrott mot barn - borde den tas bort helt?

Den här uppsatsen berör ett på senare tid väldigt omtalat ämne, nämligen preskriptionstiden för sexualbrott mot barn. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på om det ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv är lämpligt att helt ta bort preskriptionstiden för sexualbrotten mot barn istället för att endast ha den specialreglering som idag finns i Brottsbalkens 35 kap 4§. Utredningen är rättsdogmatisk och ser tThis rapport will discuss an already much discussed subject regarding if the period of limitation for sexual crimes towards children should be taken away completely instead of just having the special regulation existing today. To research this I will look to the reasons behind the existing rule and also in different studies on the frequency on police reports for this type of crime and what can be