Din sökning på "*" gav 533183 sökträffar
Ricardiansk och neoricardiansk värdeteori
High-resolution simulations of stellar collisions between equal-mass main-sequence stars in globular clusters
We performed high-resolution simulations of two stellar collisions relevant for stars in globular clusters. We considered one head-on collision and one off-axis collision between two 0.6-Msolar main-sequence stars. We show that a resolution of about 100000 particles is sufficient for most studies of the structure and evolution of blue stragglers. We demonstrate conclusively that collision products
A Differentiated Design of Fire Exposed Steel Structures
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On the early history of card-playing with particular reference to John of Rheinfelden's treatise
Cross-border innovation spaces in Europe: A comparative analysis of the Öresund region and the Centrope area
Local Government in Sweden (2., rev. ed.)
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Produktionsekonomi och betongval
Reconfigurations of Mythology in Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Collections of Aesopic Fables
In the ancient corpus of Aesopic fables gods and semi-gods from Greek and Roman mythology often appear. Most commonly Zeus is called upon by fable characters such as the donkey, the snake, and the turtle, all of them pleading for a better destiny. Frequent main characters, rather often promoting their own interests in the fable fictions, are also Hera, Herakles, Apollo, and Hermes. The high esteem
Learning environments for children with ADHD, autism and Down’s syndrome
Environmental management of dive organizations and –operators
Infammatory response to hyperbaric trauma. An experimental and clinical study
Popular Abstract in Swedish Dekompressionssjuka (DCS) är ett tillstånd som kan uppkomma när man utsätts för en hastig sänkning av omgivningstrycket. Bakgrunden till tillståndet är att vävnadslagrad gas frisätts till blodbanan och där på olika sätt kan ge upphov till symptom från lätta hudbesvär till livshotande påverkan på det centrala nervsystemet. Vid atmosfärstryck är gasinnehållet i kroppens vReductions in ambient pressure liberates gas in various tissues and can result in decompression illness. In this thesis the patophysiological implications of a blood gas interface resulting from decompression was investigated with reference to the influence on biochemical mediators of inflammation. In a series of experiments, animals and human subjects have been exposed to hyperbaric trauma of dif
OC204: Analysis of sonographic and Doppler features of struma ovarii: insights into a diagnostic dilemma
Dosimetry and growth hormone deficiency following cranial irradiation of childhood brain tumors
Background. Dosimetry of the hypothalamus-pituitary (HP) region could allow prediction of the risk of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) following cranial irradiation. Procedure. Nineteen children (15 boys) with a median age of 6.3 years (range 1.7–16.5) at the time of irradiation of a brain tumor not involving the HP axis were followed for 1.2–6.3 years (median 3.4) from radiotherapy (RT). The dose
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Lund i kärnpunkten!
A technical survey on medium access control and routing protocols in wireless sensor networks for the active aircraft
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[abstract missing]
Perspectives on Policy and Practice in Access in Sweden
Adult education (vuxenutbildning) in Sweden is extensive and based on a long and strong tradition (more than 100 years). The Swedish strategy has for long time been education for everyone and it has been a conscious concentration that education is a way to strengthen and increase democracy and equality. Responsibility and decision making is carried out by institutions, municipalities and local org