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Principles and Practice of Ultrafast Heating Cycles for Thermoplastic Based Composites Using Magnetic Field Technology
Shakespeares sonett nr 18 - Jämförelser av fem svenska tolkningar
Framing the public: the policy process around xenotransplantation in Latvia and Sweden 1970-2004
A crucial debate is under way concerning the public's participation in biotechnology decision-making processes. This study, concerning the policy process around xenotransplantation (XTP) in Latvia and Sweden in the period 1970-2004, focuses on how scientific experts and politicians view the public and the public's participation in the process of developing policy regarding XTP. Drawing on intervie
Inledning - idrott i förändring
Dipole bands in nuclei approximate to Sn-100
Recognition schemes in tourism: from eco to sustainability
Performance of a multifunctional PV/T hybrid solar window
A building-integrated multifunctional PV/T collector have been developed and evaluated. The PV/T solar window is constructed of PV cells laminated on solar absorbers and is placed in a window behind the glazing. To reduce the costs of the solar electricity, reflectors have been introduced in the construction to focus radiation onto the solar cells. The tiltable reflectors render a possibility to c
Den legala acceptfristen. En analys med utgångspunkt i rättsfallet NJA 2004 s. 862
Introducing Support for Release Planning of Quality Requirements - An Industrial Evaluation of the QUPER Model
In market-driven product development and release planning, it is important to market success to find the right balance among competing quality requirements. To address this issue, a conceptual model that incorporates quality as a dimension in addition to the cost and value dimensions used in prioritisation approaches for functional requirements has been developed. In this paper, we present an indu
On the cost-vs-quality tradeoff in make-or-buy decisions
Jesus in Memory: Traditions in Oral and Scribal Perspectives
Det förbjudna mödraskapet : En moralfilosofisk undersökning av surrogatmödraskap
Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen Det förbjudna mödraskapet argumenterar jag för att surrogatmödraskap bör tillåtas också i Sverige. Idag är metoden förbjuden. Ett av de bärande argumenten är att en legalisering skulle kunna bidra till att bryta ner flera konservativa föreställningar som idag finns kring kvinnors roll i reproduktonen.Surrogate motherhood, or surrogacy, means that a woman carries a child with the explicit intention not to keep the child after the birth. This reproductive method is illegal according to Swedish legislation. The question at heart of the dissertation is the following: Can a legal prohibition of surrogacy be morally justified? My answer is simple no. Consequently, I work with the thesis that there a
Specific language impairment: Neurophysiological studies of children and their parents
Popular Abstract in Swedish Specifik språkstörning är ett tillstånd som kännetecknas av en avvikande tal- och språkstörning hos ett i övrigt friskt och normalutvecklat barn. Tillståndet beror således inte på en allmänt försenad utveckling, hörselnedsättning, uppenbar neurologisk eller psykisk sjukdom. Ofta har flera familjemedlemmar varit sena i sin tal- och språkutveckling eller har läs- och skriSpecific language impairment (SLI) is commonly described as a condition where a child with otherwise normal development and hearing does not acquire language as expected. Children with SLI often have a family history of language disorders. The aetiology is poorly understood. In the first two studies, event-related brain potentials(ERPs)evoked in response to tone- and to speech stimuli were record
The Optical Model of The Nucleus. An Indexed and Abstracted Literature Review
All available literature, dealing with optical model calculations, has been reviewed to aid in assessing suitable well parameters and to indicate when the model has been successful in predicting various nuclear data. The material investigated has been indexed according to nuclide, and short abstracts have been prepared to provide a concise summary of the contents and main results. 342 references w
Mental Causation and Ontology
This book demonstrates the importance of ontology for a central debate in philosophy of mind. Mental causation seems an obvious aspect of the world. But it is hard to understand how it can happen unless we get clear about what the entities involved in the process are. An international team of contributors presents new work on this problem. In particular, they examine the nature of causes and effec
Mesoscale modeling of microstructure evolution using level sets
From similarity to uniqueness: Method and theory in comparative psychology
Comparative psychology is a strongly interdisciplinary field that shares many of its experimental methods and observational techniques with ethology and developmental psychology. The great variety of theories that comparative psychology evokes to explain behavior generates a wide array of exciting and potentially fruitful accounts, but is also problematic. It increases the risk of error in the for
Time-stamping accuracy in virtualized environments
The swift acceptance and the widespread use of virtual environments has substantially increased the stress on networks as each of the operating systems running in parallel sends out packets over the same network. As an increased number of packets traverse a network, the importance to continuously monitor whether the network is providing satisfactory service has increased. The metrics for such anal