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Workplace Emissions and Exposures During Semiconductor Nanowire Production, Post-production, and Maintenance Work
BackgroundNanowires are a high-aspect-ratio material of increasing interest for a wide range of applications. A new and promising method to produce nanowires is by aerotaxy, where the wires are grown in a continuous stream of gas. The aerotaxy method can grow nanowires much faster than by more conventional methods. Nanowires have important properties in common with asbestos fibers, which indicate
Characterization of histamine receptors mediating contraction and relaxation of the ovarian follicle wall
Histamine is known to be present in ovarian tissue and may play a role in the ovulation process. The effect of histamine on the follicular smooth musculature was investigated using strips from the protruding part of mature bovine follicles, mounted in vitro for registration of isometric motor activity. Histamine contracted the preparation in a concentration-dependent manner. The response was inhib
Svensk konsthistoria: Måleri från klassicism till symbolism (recension).
Recension av texter om måleri från klassicism till symbolism i översiktsverket Svensk konsthistoria (1986).
A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space
The use of functional information in the form of species traits plays an important role in explaining biodiversity patterns and responses to environmental changes. Although relationships between species composition, their traits, and the environment have been extensively studied on a case-by-case basis, results are variable, and it remains unclear how generalizable these relationships are across e
Acquisitions, entry, and innovation in oligopolistic network industries
In industries with network effects, incumbents' installed bases create barriers to entry that discourage entrepreneurs from developing new innovations. Yet, entry is not the only commercialization route for entrepreneurs. We show that the option of selling to an incumbent increases the innovation incentives for entrepreneurs when the network effects are strong and incumbents compete to preemptivel
One-dimensional full-range mixture fraction measurements with femtosecond laser-induced plasma spectroscopy
Abstract: Femtosecond laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (FLIPS) was performed to achieve full-range mixture fraction measurements in non-reacting CH4/air flow fields. A femtosecond laser at 800 nm was used to generate a plasma channel with a uniform intensity distribution. Through measuring spatially resolved spectra and calibration, we found that the spectral intensity ratios of CH (431 nm)/N2 (3
"Introduction" in Building the Financial Foundations of the Euro - Experiences and Challenges
Bokslutet från början: Fakta och övningsbok
Bokslutet från början är en kombinerad fakta- och övningsbok som är en direkt fortsättning på grundboken i bokföring, Bokföring från början. I denna bok fördjupas kunskaperna. Steg för steg behandlas de olika områden man måste behärska för att kunna upprätta ett fullständigt bokslut med årsredovisning i enlighet med årsredovisningslagens krav. För varje moment finns ett stort antal övningar.
C4BP-IgM protein as a therapeutic approach to treat Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection with 87 million new cases per year globally. Increasing antibiotic resistance has severely limited treatment options. A mechanism that Neisseria gonorrhoeae uses to evade complement attack is binding of the complement inhibitor C4b-binding protein (C4BP). We screened 107 porin B1a (PorB1a) and 83 PorB1b clinical isolates randomly selected from a Swedis
Assessment of GPM and TRMM precipitation products over Singapore
The evaluation of satellite precipitation products (SPPs) at regional and local scales is essential in improving satellite-based algorithms and sensors, as well as in providing valuable guidance when choosing alternative precipitation data for the local community. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) has made significant contributions to the development of various SPPs since its launch i
Comparison of four algorithms to retrieve land surface temperature using Landsat 8 satellite
Land Surface Temperature (LST) plays an important role in energy exchange between the land surface and the atmosphere. LST is a key variable in many applications, such as land surface modeling. Many satellite-based algorithms have been proposed to retrieve LST, such as Split-Window (SW), dual-angle, and single-channel algorithms. In this study, four satellite-based LST retrieval algorithms, includ
The Possibility of Developmental States in Africa
Since roughly the turn of the millennium, there has been a growing literature discussing the potential characteristics of African Developmental States—if they exists and in that case how they should be defined and exemplified. The basis for this literature has been the experience of the trajectory for sustained economic growth in Pacific Asia. But it has expanded into a broader discussion about th
Ptychographic Nano-Analytical Microscope (PtyNAMi) at PETRA III : Signal-to-background optimization for imaging with high sensitivity
The X-ray scanning microscope PtyNAMi at beamline P06 of PETRA III at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, is designed for high-spatial-resolution 3D imaging with high sensitivity. Besides optimizing the coherent ux density on the sample and the precision mechanics of the scanner, special care has been taken to reduce background signals on the detector. The optical path behind the sample is evacuated up unti
Music criticism in the Swedish Nazi daily press : the case of Dagsposten
Quantifying the effects of species traits on predation risk in nature : A comparative study of butterfly wing damage
Evading predators is a fundamental aspect of the ecology and evolution of all prey animals. In studying the influence of prey traits on predation risk, previous researchers have shown that crypsis reduces attack rates on resting prey, predation risk increases with increased prey activity, and rapid locomotion reduces attack rates and increases chances of surviving predator attacks. However, eviden
The migration pattern of a monogamous shorebird challenges existing hypotheses explaining the evolution of differential migration
Differential migration by sex, where one sex migrates further than the other, occurs in many bird species. How this pattern evolves is however little understood. The first aim of this study was to investigate the extent of differential migration in the common ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula, breeding in southeast Sweden, and test three main hypotheses (the social dominance, body size and arriva
Family Size and Educational Attainment : Cousins, Contexts, and Compensation
This paper analyses the effect of family size on children’s educational attainment using a new research design that combines fixed effects and instrumental variable (IV) approaches. We use (a) data on first cousins who belong to the same extended family but to different nuclear families to control for extended family fixed effects and (b) variation in in-married spouses’ number of siblings (a prox
Sexual Citizenship and Disability: Understanding Sexual Support in Policy, Practice and Theory
What does ‘sexual citizenship’ mean in practice for people with mobility impairments who may need professional support to engage in sexual activity? The book explores this subject through empirical investigation based on case studies conducted in four countries – Sweden, England, Australia and the Netherlands – and develops the abstract notion of ‘sexual citizenship’ to make it practically relevan
Lessons of Feedback in Higher Education in Sweden
Lessons learned in the feedback process are atwo-sided coin that ultimately guide the PhD candidatetowards becoming an independent researcher as well aseducating “reader/docents” in their role as supervisor.Building on a brief literature review, observations from 14interviewed PhD candidates were reflected upon and these arethe suggested lessons learned. The study’s preliminary findingssuggest tha