

Din sökning på "*" gav 528304 sökträffar

Free Clusters Studied by Synchrotron-Based X-ray Spectroscopy: From Rare Gases to Metals

The main topic of this Thesis is the x-ray spectroscopic studies of free nano-clusters with size more than 10^3 atoms. The photoelectron spectroscopy experiments on rare gas and metal clusters were performed at beamline I411 at MAX-lab National Swedish synchrotron radiation facility. Free rare-gas clusters are simplest objects in cluster research. However their electronic structure springs a lot

Fåmansaktiebolag : en skatterättslig studie av alternativen särreglering och allmän reglering för beskattning av fåmansaktiebolag och dess ägare m.fl.

Popular Abstract in Swedish En undersökning av alternativen särreglering allmän reglering för beskattning av fåmansaktiebolag och dess delägare m.fl. En jämförelse sker med dansk rätt som i princip saknar särregler för fåmansaktiebolag eller motsvarande. Mot bakgrund av undersökningen analyseras behovet av särregler.The purpose of this dissertation is to examine whether special taxation rules for close companies and their owners are necessary, or that taxation in accordance with the general principles of income taxation will suffice. The principles of statutory interpretation of the Supreme Administrative Court and development trends in this area are described. These trends are then examined in relation to th

This Time It’s Personal: Social Networks, Viral Politics and Identity Management

This paper deals with new forms of political mobilisation and participation in social media. The main focus is on the importance of social networks in providing a “media filter”, functioning as a kind of collective gatekeeper to spread news and information perceived as important, in contrast to the image of the single individual media consumer faced with an insurmountable mass of information. I ar

A combined method for evaluating criteria when selecting ERP systems

There are many benefits offered by integrated enterprise computer systems. There are a growing number of options available to obtain such management information system support. A major problem when selecting Enterprise Information Systems, in special ERP systems, is how to deal with the great diversity of options as well as the number of criteria used to evaluate each alternative. There is an impl

Structural determination of a low-symmetry surface by low-energy electron diffraction and ab initio calculations: Bi(110)

he surface structure of Bi(110) has been investigated by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) intensity analysis and by first-principles calculations. Diffraction patterns at a sample temperature of 110 K and normal incidence reveal a bulk truncated (1×1) surface without indication of any structural reconstruction despite the presence of dangling bonds on the surface layer. Good agreement is obt

Language Processing and Contextual Influence. A study of Swedish preschool children with language impairment.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Språklig bearbetning och kontextuell påverkan En studie av förskolebarn med språkstörning Bakgrund Avhandlingen behandlar olika aspekter av språklig bearbetning hos barn med språkstörning. Barn med språkstörning har svårt att tillägna sig sitt modersmål trots att de växer upp i en enspråkig miljö. Dessa barn får problem i förskolan och ofta senare under skolåren efterLanguage Processing and Contextual Influence A Study of Swedish Preschool Children with Language Impairment The aim of the present work was to study different types of contextual influence on language performance in a variety of tasks: repetition of nonwords, narration, understanding of idioms and picture naming in a group of Swedish preschool children with language impairment (LI). The stress p

Teknik för hela livet - äldres behov, teknik och marknaders utveckling

Det främsta syftet med detta expertutlåtande är att göra äldre teknikanvändare tydligare och föreslå åtgärder som motverkar diskriminering, okunskap och osynliggörande av äldre i innovationsprocesserna. Expertutlåtandets bedömning är nämligen att det i huvudsak är sådana brister som tenderar att hålla kvar föreställningarna om äldre som passiva och behövande mottagare, rent av som offer för ny tek

Arterial roads do not have to be big, ugly and difficult for non-motorists

The objective of this paper is to describe the evaluation and effects of a major reconstruction of an arterial street in Eskilstuna, a medium sized Swedish town. The aim of the reconstruction was to minimize the barrier effects of the arterial street and by that create a stronger connection between the town center, on one side of the street, and the town-river, on the other; but also to create gen

Link capacity dimensioning and path optimization for networks supporting elastic services

We consider the problem of link capacity dimensioning and routing optimization in networks that support elastic flows and maintain proportional fairness among these flows. We assume that each demand between the origin-destination (O-D) pairs is associated with a minimum and a maximum bandwidth requirement and that a certain allocated bandwidth to a user demand (which must be between these minimum