Din sökning på "*" gav 528221 sökträffar
'"What is the wind doing?" Winds and their functions in Eliot's poetry'
Sustainability Considerations and Triple-Helix Collaboration in Regional Innovation Systems
Theoretical Studies of Cytochrome P450
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cytokrom P450 är en stor enzymfamilj som finns i alla levande organismer och tar del i både endogen och exogen metabolism. De är primärt mono-oxygenaser och utför en stor mängd reaktioner. Till skillnad från många andra enzymer har de blivit optimerade för att kunna reagera med många olika substrat, istället för att ha höga reaktionshastigheter. I det aktiva sätet har dThe cytochromes P450 are a large enzyme family that is found in all living organisms and takes part in both endogenous and exogenous metabolism. They are primarily mono-oxygenases and perform a wide range of reactions. In contrast to many other enzymes, they have been optimised to react with a wide range of substrates instead of having high reaction rates. In the active site, these enzymes have a
Historiker och hedningar
Relativt komparativa satser
En diskussion kring hur satser av typen "(samma bil) som jag har" skall analyseras: de har ibland uppfattats som attributiva relativsatser men numera vanligen som adverbiella komparativsatser (till det attributiva "samma"). En undersökning av ett par lagtexter på forndanska - där det fanns en lexikal åtskillnad mellan relativt "er" och komparativt "sum" - ger stöd för detta senare, om än inte helt
Your Employeeship Questionnaire Manual: A survey of the relationships at your workplace (version 1.3)
This manual describes how the Your Employeeship Questionnaire (YEQ) was developed as well as the administration and scoring procedures. It also provides a brief description, taken from the conceptual paper written by Bertlett, Johansson, and Arvidsson (2010), of the Employeeship-Leadership-Relationship (ELR) Model, the employeeship concept, and how a leadership theory is integrated into the ELR Mo
En bok om behandling av njursjukdom vid diabetes
Complexity in small-scale dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Lindsay Anderson's Legacy : An Introduction
Introduction to anthology on British film-maker Lindsay Anderson. The chapter focuses on previous research on Anderson's films.
Status Spotting- A Consumer Cultural Exploration into Ordinary Status Consumption of "Home" and Home Aesthetics
Popular Abstract in Swedish När man förenar idéerna “status” och “konsumtion” tänker många automatiskt på dyra varumärken, konspikuös lyx, bling-bling och spektakulär extravaganza. Inte minst i fallet “hem” går associationerna till Hollywood-stjärnor, enorma villor, kända arkitekter, swimming pools och dyr möbeldesign-hysteri. Men, givet att de flesta människor inte har medlen, och kanske mer viktWhen lumping the notions of “status” and “consumption” together, people often think of expensive brands, conspicuous luxury, bling-bling and spectacular extravaganza. Not least in the case of the “home,” such associations go to Hollywood stars, spacious mansions, famous architects, swimming pools, and high-priced furniture design frenzy. But given that most people don’t have the means, and perhaps
Entropy-like Lyapunov Functions for the Stability Analysis of Adaptive Traffic Signal Controls
Stability of some decentralized traffic signal control policies for urban traffic networks is studied. It is proven that, whenever the arrival rates belong to a certain region -which is the largest where stability is possible- the resulting traffic network dynamics admit a globally asymptotically stable equilibrium. The results rely on the use of some entropy-like Lyapunov functions previously con
Priorities and overload control in OSA
An Open Service Access (OSA) gateway is modelled in a multi application environment. Also, an overload control mechanism is proposed. The mechanism supports different time constraints and priorities for the applications. By simulations it is shown how the proposed overload control works during different load conditions in the modelled environment.