

Din sökning på "*" gav 528219 sökträffar

Detection and Characterization of Fracture Zones in Bedrock - Possibilities and Limitations

In Norway, resistivity measurements have already been tested in marine environments in order to detect subsea fracture zones. However, most of these data have been processed without taking into account the special conditions the presence of seawater creates. More recent studies worldwide have also applied ERT in marine conditions, but under more favorable conditions nevertheless since they dealt w

Methods for measuring physical workload with relevance for musculoskeletal disorders of neck and upper limb

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att mäta kroppsställningar och rörelser under arbete Belastningsskador är vanliga och medför höga kostnader, både för de drabbade och för samhället. Kvinnor som arbetar med repetitivt arbete, t.ex. monteringsarbete och livsmedelshantering (fiskberedning och kycklingslakt), drabbas ofta, särskilt i nacke, axlar, armar och händer. De åtgärder som genomförts på arbetsplatWork-related musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limb are a major problem. Women in repetitive manual work is one large affected group. Preventive actions are hampered by the lack of knowledge regarding quantitative exposure-response relations for physical workload. The present work shows, that available electrogoniometers are, with a sampling frequency of 20 Hz, feasible for measurin

The role of the MAP- and SAP- kinase pathways in the survival, proliferation and death of Schwann cells of the injured sciatic nerve.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen behandlar främst Schwannceller och hur de reagerar på en nervskada. Schwannceller omger alla nervtrådar i det perifera nervsystemet det vill säga det nervsystem som ligger utanför hjärna och ryggmärg och innerverar armar, ben, händer och fötter och så vidare. Schwannceller och ger dessa tillgång till de näringsämnen de behöver. De städar också upp sThis thesis concerns alterations in signal transduction in Schwann cells as a response to nerve injury as well as their survival, proliferation and death. Enzymes and transcription factors belonging to the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and the stress activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathways were studied. This included the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), c-Jun N-termin

Morot och piska - Aktionsforskning kring kontinuerlig examination

Fram till 2001 har Organisk kemi AK, en obligatorisk kurs för kemiteknik- och bioteknik-programmen vid LTH avslutats med en traditionell tentamen. Sedan 2002 examineras kursen kontinuerligt i form av duggor. Under åren 2002-2005 har formen för duggorna ändrats flera gånger och jag har gått igenom hur studenterna har använt sina poäng från duggorna. För att sätta in resultatet i ett större sammanha

Lund University, Sweden and Community Outreach

The manual is intended for managers, teachers and practitioners working with adults in universities. It may also be of interest to staff trainers and professional development co-ordinators, policy makers and administrators with an interest in adult higher learning, staff of national agencies who have a role to play in increasing adult participation in universities, adult learners, or indeed anyone

Trends in food production and consumption: Swedish experiences from environmental and cultural impacts

Changes in Swedish food consumption patterns during recent decades are studied together with some possible future changes of importance for increasing resource efficiency. The increased consumption of meat and a more global food supply have contributed negatively. An increased interface with foreign food cultures through travelling and immigration are the main causes of these consumption changes.