

Din sökning på "*" gav 528237 sökträffar

Utvald medborgare. Ifrågasatt som politiker

Dagens politiker är ifrågasatta. De har svårt att intressera medborgarna för att aktivt delta som kommunalpolitiker eller att intressera sig för att aktivt delta som kommunalpolitiker eller att intressera sig för de lokala politiska frågorna. Och när medborgarna väl blir intresserade är det främst enskilda frågor de intresserar sig för medan politikerna försöker se till helheten i kommunen. Detta

A pharmacodynamic study of 5-azacytidine in the P39 cell line

OBJECTIVE: 5-azacytidine (azacytidine), a DNA hypomethylating agent, was recently approved as the first therapeutic agent for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes. The present subcutaneous dosing schedule, 75 mg/m(2) for 7/28 days, is based on early clinical studies and may constitute a practical problem for patients. The present in vitro study aimed at evaluating the pharmacodynamics of aza

Identification of Adaptation in Human Postural Control using GARCH Models

Human postural dynamics was investigated in twelve normal subjects by means of a force platform recording body sway induced by bipolar transmastoid galvanic stimulation of the vestibular nerve and labyrinth. We modeled the stabilizing forces actuated by the feet as resulting from complex muscular activity subject to feedback of body velocity and position. Time series analysis demonstrated that a t

No title

The article investigates the relationship between Sweden and the Ottoman Empire during the eighteenth century with a focus on the travelogue of Jacob Björnståhl.

Abnormal Motion Detection in a Real-Time Smart Camera System

This paper discusses a method for abnormal motion detection and its real-time implementation on a smart camera. Abnormal motion detection is a surveillance technique that only allows unfamiliar motion patterns to result in alarms. Our approach has two phases. First, normal motion is detected and the motion paths are trained, building up a model of normal behaviour. Feed-forward neural networks are


Many-body effects in metals due to a change in the core electron occupation number appear in a large number of spectroscopies. The possible importance of the core hole has been realized and discussed for a very long time. Mahan's idea of excitons in metals gave the topic strong stimulus. First the interest was focused on threshold singularities in simple metals. The topic was thoroughly discussed

Shocking Entertainment

This book explores the process of viewing violence. At a time when politicians and the media police viewing habits, it is important to ask the basic question: why do adult movie goers choose to watch violent movies? If these movies are brutalizing, why do people consider them entertaining? This book asserts that men and women respond to violent movies in dynamic and complex ways. With the benefit