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The article deals with the elections of 21 Sep 2013 in Southern (Iraqi) Kurdistan and the efforts to build a new government. Many scenarios how to create the new cabinet are as well discussed.
The article deals with the elections of 21 Sep 2013 in Southern (Iraqi) Kurdistan and the efforts to build a new government. Many scenarios how to create the new cabinet are as well discussed.
This monograph builds a new approach to the interaction of gender systems with socioeconomic and environmental changes, and applies this approach in the analysis of regional trends in Latin America over the past 25 years, together with national and territorial analyses. The book’s main objectives are to advance a theoretical and methodological approach not found in other studies of socioeconomic a
Dimethyl Ether (DME) has proved to be a promising fuel for diesel engines. It virtually eliminates particulate emissions and reduces the formation of nitrogenous oxides, without negatively affecting engine efficiency. Obtaining a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind these properties is thus highly desirable. Various authors have suggested that the low NO emissions associated with DME are
Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens behandling av cancer, inklusive blodmaligniteter, har blivit mer effektiv genom andvändning av potenta, cytostatiska läkemedel. Cytostatika medför att patienternas normala infektionsförsvar försvagas och att risk finns för livshotande infektioner, särskilt i perioder av neutropeni(lågt antal vita blodkroppar). Det är viktigt att dessa patienter vid infektionsteckThe aims of these studies were to investigate the pharmacokinetics of two beta-lactam antibiotics in patients with fever and cytostatic-induced neutropenia and the influence of cytostatic-induced gastrointestinal damage on the absorption of co-trimoxazole. Furthermore to study the pharmacodynamic interactions between antibiotics and antineoplastic drugs and the impact of antineoplastic drugs on th
Language cultivation and grammars in Sweden and Denmark 1550-1800.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Slemhinnan i de övre luftvägarna utgör ett första skydd mot luftburna hot såsom bakterier, virus samt partiklar som kan förorsaka allergiska reaktioner. Kroppen reagerar på ett likartat sätt oavsett ursprunget till slemhinneskadan. Den reagerar med en aktivering av de inflammatoriska cellerna. Det finns ett välutvecklat samarbete mellan dessa celltyper. De har förmåga aIn this study we demonstrated the production of SLPI (Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor) in serous glands in the nasal mucosa. We have shown that the pattern of the expression of mRNA corresponds to the encoded protein. The encoded protein was detected by immunohistochemical methods and mRNA was discovered by in situ hybridisation. Nasal mucosa from 11 test subjects without atopic disposition
The basic idea behind the present work is that an atom is not a linear perturbation of the electron gas. We have thus analyzed the exchange energy of the inhomogeneous electron gas to third order in the deviation from a constant density. We give the symmetry properties obeyed by the corresponding second-order response function Lx, and demonstrate how Lx gives rise to gradient corrections to the ex
Low-rank matrix factorization is an essential problem in many areas including computer vision, with applications in e.g. affine structure-from-motion, photometric stereo, and non-rigid structure from motion. However, very little attention has been drawn to minimal cases for this problem or to using the minimal configuration of observations to find the solution. Minimal problems are useful when eit
I denna bok har författaren anlagt ett genusperspektiv på yrkesmässiga relationer. I den teoretiska delen presenteras såväl traditionellt manliga som feministiska och kvinnovetenskapliga omsorgsteoretiker och filosofer. Hur de yrkesmässiga relationerna kan yttra sig i praktiken speglas genom vårdbiträden inom hemtjänst, distriktssköterskor, fastighetsansvariga i ett bostadsbolag och kvarterspolise
Potential doubling time (Tpot), DNA synthesis time (TS), and labelling index (LI) are fundamental growth kinetics parameters in clinical and experimental cancer research, which may be of further practical importance regarding prognosis and treatment prediction of cancer. They can be measured by bromodeoxyuridine(BrdUrd)/flow cytometry (FCM) methods, where BrdUrd, an analogue of thymidine, is incor
An aim of the present paper is to examine changes in the magnitude and direction of time-order effects with changes in the physical magnitude of the stimuli, overall levels of performance, and with changes in load processing capacity. Increments and decrements in performance are gauged by means of the steepness of psychometric and chronometric functions. Load processing capacity is assessed by div