

Din sökning på "*" gav 531208 sökträffar

Observational Studies of the Chemical Evolution in the Galactic Thin and Thick Disks

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår galax, Vintergatan, är en spiralgalax som innehåller bortåt 200 miljarder stjärnor. En mörk natt kan man urskilja ca 3000 av dessa på himlavalvet. Tittar man noggrant så kan man också se ett diffust ljusband som sträcker sig genom, bland andra, stjärnbilderna Skytten och Cassiopeia. Detta diffusa band är det samlade ljuset från alla de miljarder stjärnor i VintergatThe origin and evolution of the thin and thick disks in the Galaxy have been studied by means of detailed stellar abundances. High-resolution spectra of 102 F and G dwarf stars have been obtained with the spectrographs on the ESO 3.6-m and ESO 1.5-m telescopes on La Silla (Chile), the Very Large Telescope (VLT) on Paranal (Chile), and the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) on La Palma (Canary Islands,

Experimental investigation of flow fields in a square channel roughened with various ribs on one wall

The present work studies the separated flow in a square channel with ribs on one wall by using the PIV method. In this study, the spacing between ribs is kept constant and the heights of rib are varied in order to investigate the influence of the pitch-to-height ratio, P/e on the flow structures. Depending on the various pitch ratios, the enclosure between ribs can be regarded as closed or open ca

Nya ljuskällors betydelse för vakenhet välbefinnande och prestation

In a laboratory study the impact of the surrounding light on alertness was study. Two types oflight sources were examined, LEDs and T5 fluorescent tubes. The illuminance level in theworking area was kept constant (500 lx), while the surrounding light was varied between 100och 350 cd/m2. Subjective ratings of the emotional status and the experience of the lightingenvironment as well as physiologica

Hygroscopic Properties of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles in Various Environments

Atmospheric aerosol particles affect our living environment in many ways. Their effects are influenced by the interaction between the aerosol particles and the ubiquitous water vapour. The number-size distribution is a primary important parameter for aerosol particles and can be measured using the differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS). Programs have been developed to invert DMPS measurement

Värme i bostäder. En kvantitativ analys av energiförbrukning

Energianvändningen inom sektorn bostäder och service var år 2005 totalt 145TWh, vilket motsvarar 36 % av den slutliga energianvändningen i landet. Större andelen, 87 %, av energin används i bostäder och lokaler för uppvärmning, varmvatten och drift av apparater och installationer. Enbart uppvärmning och varmvatten svarar för 60 % av den energiförbrukningen och resten av energiförbrukningen går til

Application of the Fluoresecence Lidar Techniques in the Architectural Heritage

The primary aim of the research project is to analyse the potential for the application of lidar and fluorescence techniques in building investigation, and also to establish a scientific remote-sensing method for surveying and analysing the historical facade that is non-destructive and can be used in-situ. The fluorescence lidar method uses point-monitoring and scanning of areas that can provide m

Circuits and devices with integrated VFETs and RTDs

We have realised a new technology for the integration of VFETs and RTDs. For these tunnelling transistors (so called resonant tunnelling permeable base transistors) we have developed large signal models which have been implemented in a Cadence simulation environment. The DC I-V characteristics are reproduced to a very high degree in these models. The models are further used for simulations of the

Theodicy in the Psalms

In Psalms evil is usually existential and victim-orientated. Suffering is not a theoretical problem but an experienced reality. Consequently, two aspects of the modern so-called theodicy problem are in focus. (1) The role of the God of the petitioner: How does God engage with evil? What does God do to overcome it? Beside this practical aspect we can detect a more theoretical question: (2) Is suffe

American Warriors in Vietnam: Warrior Values and the Myth of the War Experience During the Vietnam War, 1965-1973.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Amerikanska krigare i Vietnam: Krigarvärderingar och myten om krigserfarenheten under Vietnamkriget, 1965-1973.In the Western world there has been a general consensus that in the aftermath of Auschwitz and Hiroshima, romanticized masculine images of war and soldiering have reached a turning point. This book challenges the view that the post- 1945 era has to a great extent been without romantizations of warriorhood. In the thesis I show that the American combat soldiers in Vietnam were not beyond the influe

On the Value of Intelligent Packaging - A Packaging Logistics Perspective

Good decision-making relies on accurate, timely and reliable information. This can be supported by having intelligent packaging which allows data on the whereabouts and condition of goods to be automatically captured along a supply chain. This research reveals that, although interest in intelligent packaging in Swedish manufacturing industries is high, actual use is limited. Nevertheless, this res

Analysis and quantification of parabens in cosmetic products by utilizing hollow fibre-supported liquid membrane and high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection

A simple and direct method based on hollow fibresupported liquid membrane (HFSLM) extraction and liquid chromatography equipped with a UV detector was developed for analysis and quantification of parabens in cosmetic products. The parabens analysed included methyl, ethyl, propyl, isobutyl and butyl paraben. The HFSLM extraction was carried out by employing di-n-hexyl ether as organic liquid that w

Criteria for Design of PID Controllers

This paper treats robustness constraints and performancecriteria for design of PID controllers. It is shown that robustnessconstraints are essential, and that controller design basedon maximization of performance criteria without robustnessconstraints give poor controllers. It is also shown thatthe robustness constraints have a significant influence on theperformance, and that the performance ofte