Contemporary Chinese Politics: New Sources, Methods, and Field Strategies
Book review
Book review
Hypertension clusters in families. However, no nationwide study has investigated the family history as a predictor of hospitalization for hypertension, which was the purpose of this study.
Terrestrial ecosystem models are employed to calculate the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide between land and atmosphere. These models may be heavily parameterised. Where reliable estimates are unavailable for a parameter, it remains highly uncertain; uncertainty of parameters can substantially contribute to overall model output uncertainty. This paper builds on the work of the terrestrial Carbo
Background: Increased expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is common in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and has been associated with poor prognosis. Experimental and clinical phase II trials have indicated that the addition of the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib to palliative chemotherapy might increase survival time in patients with advanced NSCLC. Methods: We performed a double-blind, placebo-con
PURPOSE: Patients undergoing cardiac surgery often require transfusions of red blood cells, plasma and platelets. These components differ widely in both indications for use and composition. However, from a statistical point of view there is a significant colinearity between the components. This study explores the relation between the transfusion of different blood components and long-term mortalit
We classify all weak traveling wave solutions of the Degasperis-Procesi equation. In addition to smooth and peaked solutions, the equation is shown to admit more exotic traveling waves such as cuspons, stumpons, and composite waves.
The emission spectra of lithium orthosilicates (Li4SiO4) ceramics have been measured in the range of 1.8-5.8 eV under irradiation by 6-30 eV photons or 1-30 keV electrons at 6-300 K. The tunnel recombination phosphorescence, as well as luminescence, stimulated by 1.5-2.5 eV photons has been detected in the sample preliminarily irradiated at 6 or 80 K. The main peaks of thermally stimulated lumines
Popular Abstract in Swedish Yrsel är ett vanligt förekommande symtom hos patienter som besöker primärvården. Det är det vanligaste symtomet hos äldre patienter och har identifierats som en riskfaktor för fall och nedsatt funktion i innerörats balansorgan har hittats hos patienter med höftfrakturer och handledsfrakturer. Man har också påvisat att 25 % av patienterna med kvarstående besvär efter whiDizziness is a common reason for visits to primary health care, especially among elderly patients. From a physiotherapeutic perspective, this thesis aims to study the assessment and treatment of dizzy patients in primary health care. Interventions in papers I, III and IV comprised a vestibular rehabilitation programme. In paper I, patients with multisensory dizziness were randomized to interventi
Bacterial infection and inflammation result in massive changes in serum glycoproteins. These changes were investigated by the interaction of the saccharide glycoprotein moiety with lectins. A panel of eight lectins (Canavalia ensiformis, Bandeiraea simplicifolia BS-I, Arachis hypogaea, Phytolacca americana, Phaseolus vulgaris, Artocarpus integrifolia, Triticum vulgaris and Pisum sativum) was used
Abstract is not available
A revised geometric representative model of the lower part of the colon, including the rectum, the urinary bladder and prostate, is proposed for use in the calculation of absorbed dose from injected radiopharmaceuticals. The lower segment of the sigmoid colon as described in the 1987 Oak Ridge National Laboratory mathematical phantoms does not accurately represent the combined urinary bladder/rect
The application of amperometric biosensor- and chemiluminiscence based methods for rapid detection of viable E. coli in water has been investigated. An amplification of the amperometric signal by a factor of 4 was obtained when the cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) biosensor was used instead of a plain graphite electrode for detection of b-galactosidase (b-GAL) activity at 22.5 degrees C. A linear co
Background. The pentad of thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, mild renal dysfunction, neurologic signs, and fever, classically characterizes the syndrome of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). TTP usually occurs in adults as an acquired form but a congenital form in children has also been described. In the latter case, the initial presentation is often with neonatal jaundice and thrombocyto
När vi som företagsekonomer ser på kommuners utveckling med de begrepp och modeller vi är vana att arbeta med, sticker kommunerna ut på många sätt. Kommunerna är ofta de mest resursrika organisationerna i sitt lokala sammanhang. Utifrån traditionella beskrivningar som antal anställda, omsättning, kundbasens omfattning, variation och bredd i serviceutbud, är det få omkringliggande organisationer so
This paper presents data on a glacial landform that, to Our knowledge, has not previously been described in the literature: the ice-cored drumlin. The study area is the forefield of the surge-type glacier Bruarjokull at the northeastern margin of the Vatnajokull ice cap, Fast Iceland. Based on sedimentological field investigations and aerial photograph interpretation, a qualitative model for the f
Neutrophil migration across infected mucosal surfaces is chemokine dependent, but the role of chemokine receptors has not been investigated. In this study, chemokine receptors were shown to be expressed by epithelial cells lining the urinary tract, and to play an essential role for neutrophil migration across the mucosal barrier. Uroepithelial CXCR1 and CXCR2 expression was detected in human urina