

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Radiographic assessment of cup migration and wear after hip replacement

Popular Abstract in Swedish Metoder behövs att noggrant mäta rörelse och slitage av ledpannan efter operation med konstgjord höftled. EBRA-metoden (Ein Bild Röntgen Analyse) presenterades nyligen som en datoriserad metod att mäta rörelse av ledpannan. I denna studie utvärderades ett antal standardmetoder att mäta rörelse av ledpannan och jämfördes med radiostereometri (RSA), en metod som visats haMethods are needed for accurate measurement of acetabular cup migration and wear after hip replacement. The EBRA (Ein Bild Röntgen Analyse) method was recently introduced as a computerized method for radiographic assessment of acetabular cup migration. In this study, various standard methods for measuring migration were evaluated and compared to radiostereometry (RSA), which has proved to be high

Weight and size of eggs in the Black-headed Gull Larus ridibunuds. / Vikt och storlek hos skrattmåsens Larus ridibundus ägg.

The Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus is a monomorphic species with little size variation over its wide distribution range. This is in agreement with the wide dispersal of young birds and change of breeding sites of adults between years, which probably means an almost panmictic dispersal of genes. In 1965 I measured and weighed 319 eggs collected at Sjolunda near Malmo, southern Sweden. When I go

No difference between daily and weekly pin site care: a randomized study of 50 patients with external fixation.

Introduction: We investigated whether there were any differences in the frequency and severity of pin site infections by performing pin site care daily or once a week. We studied patients operated on for gonarthrosis by the hemicallotasis technique, using hydroxyapatite-coated pins in the metaphyseal bone and standard pins in the diaphyseal bone. Patients and methods: 50 patients were prospectivel

Correlated production of p and (p)over-bar in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

Correlations between p and (p) over bar at transverse momenta typical of enhanced baryon production in Au + Au collisions are reported. The PHENIX experiment has measured same and opposite sign baryon pairs in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Correlated production of p and p with the trigger particle from the range 2.5 < p(T) < 4.0 GeV/c and the associated particle with 1.8 < p(T) < 2.5

Bibelns bruk i Bo Giertz historiska och själavårdande författarskap I–II

Artikeln bygger på föredrag som hållits i Göteborg, Oslo, Malmö och Torpa. Den hävdar att såväl ”Bibelsyn och bibelbruk” som dess opponenter stannat vid bibelsynen utan att egentligen behandla bibelns bruk i kyrkan och hos den enskilde. I Giertz författarskap – med tonvikt på de historiska romanerna Stengrunden, Tron allena, och Riddarna på Rhodos – är däremot Bibelns bruk av central och avgörande

Extracellular nucleotides induce vasodilatation in human arteries via prostaglandins, nitric oxide and endothelium-derived hyperpolarising factor.

1. The present study was aimed at examining P2 receptor-mediated vasodilatation in human vessels. The isometric tension was recorded in isolated segments of the human left internal mammary artery branches precontracted with 1 muM noradrenaline. 2. Endothelial denudation abolished the dilator responses. 3. The selective P2Y1 agonist, 2-MeSADP, induced a potent vasodilatation (pEC50=6.9plusminus0.1)

Activated protein C resistance (FVLeiden) and thrombosis: factor V mutations causing hypercoagulable states

The integrity of the vascular system is of prime importance for survival. Therefore, several emergency and repair systems safeguard the circulatory system. Multiple processes jointly limit vascular damage and blood loss. In this article, the authors focus on the protein C anticoagulant pathway and the role of activated protein C resistance in thrombotic disease, and they discuss the involvement in

Cross-bridge cycling in smooth muscle: a short review

This review is focused on the cross-bridge interaction of the organized contractile system of smooth muscle fibres. By using chemically skinned preparations the different enzymatic reactions of actin-myosin interaction have been associated with mechanical events. A rigor state has been identified in smooth muscle and the binding of ATP causes dissociation of rigor cross-bridges at rates slightly s

Tobacco and myocardial infarction in middle-aged women: a study of factors modifying the risk.

Background. Although myocardial infarction (MI) is strongly related to smoking, few have studied why some smokers are more vulnerable than others. This study explored how the risk of MI in current and former smokers is modified by other cardiovascular risk factors. Methods. Incidence of MI (fatal and nonfatal) amongst 10619 women, 48.3 ± 8.2 years old, were studied in relation to smoking, hyperte

»Grundad teori« utvecklar läkekonsten. Populär beteendevetenskaplig forskningsmetod kan finna nya samband

Grounded theory (GT) is a popular research method for exploring human behavior. GT was developed by the medical sociologists Glaser and Strauss while they studied dying in hospitals in the 1960s resulting in the book "Awareness of dying". The goal of a GT is to generate conceptual theories by using all types of data but without applying existing theories and hypotheses. GT procedures are mostly in

Föräldrars val av fristående skolor

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under det senaste decenniet har föräldrars intresse att välja fristående skolor för sina barn ökat markant. Läsåret 1998-99 gick, enligt Skolverket (1999), drygt 30 000 eller 3 % av grundskolans elever i fristående skolor. Det är emellertid en stor variation mellan landets kommuner. Trots den ringa andel som eleverna i fristående skolor utgör, har diskussionen om skolorAbstract Although the number of children attending private schools in Sweden is less than 4% of those attending compulsory schools, the debate of these schools has been intense. Apart from details as fees and funding, the role of education’ in the Swedish welfare system has been subject of much debate. In spite of the debate, in Sweden there is a lack of knowledge about private schools. The aim of

Finite boson and fermion systems under extreme rotation: edge reconstruction and vortex formation

Vortices can form when finite quantal systems are set rotating. In the limit of small particle numbers, the vortex formation in a harmonically trapped fermion system, with repulsively interacting particles, shows similarities to the corresponding boson system, with vortices entering the rotating cloud for increasing rotation. For a larger number of fermions, N greater than or similar to 15, the fe

Review of John Ternstedt, "Några anteckningar om mitt liv". Skara 1999

John Ternstedt (1844-1938) var en av de relativt få svenska präster som påverkades av Tübingerteologen J. T. Beck. Dessa kortfattade anteckningar innehåller inga teologiska analyser, men ger tydliga intryck av spiritualiteten i dessa kretsar med dragning åt mystik och distans till nyevangelismen. Vi får inblickar i såväl skolelevens som lantprästens tillvaro i en tid då präst och församlingsbor va

Von Willebrand's disease caused by compound heterozygosity for a substitution mutation (T1156M) in the D3 domain of the von Willebrand factor and a stop mutation (Q2470X).

Hereditary defects of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) gene cause von Willebrand's disease (VWD) which shows great variability dependent on the nature and location of the mutation. We here describe the characteristics of a substitution of methionine for threonine 1156 in the D3 domain of the VWF, i.e. the domain involved in the intracellular multimerization of pro-VWF dimers. A VWD patient withseve