

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Learning Effects in Swedish Firms: Determinants of the Likelihood and Performance of Cross-Border Acquisitions

This thesis examines the effect of past acquisition experience, industry momentum, past acquisition performance, CEO change, joint ventures and cancelled transactions on the likelihood and performance of subsequent cross-border acquisitions made by Swedish listed companies. We investigate learning effects for acquiring companies by using an organizational learning theory framework and use logit re

Socialt arbete och mångfald. - Diskurser om mångfald bland socialarbetare

The main purpose of this study has been to study what conceptions there are regarding discourses on diversity. By using this purpose in a context the developed purpose of this study has been to capture and describe the discourse/discourses on diversity among social workers, municipal employees, with foreign background. The study has been based on interviews with the social workers, in two differen

Current Development of the Concept of Genocide in the Jurisprudence of the Ad Hoc Tribunals and Its Possible Further Impact on the Practice of the International Criminal Court

Though the practice of genocide traces its roots back to the atrocities committed in the ancient times, however, the international community has shown its reluctance to acknowledge the existence of that horrific crime. The impunity for the Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Young Turks of Ottoman Empire in 1915 had a significant impact on Adolf Hitler who referred to the Ottoman killings of Arme

Partnerships on Development

In this thesis, emphasise is on the positive impact companies that can have on the fulfilment of human rights. Regarding human rights and business, one can mainly read about companies' violations of human rights. In my opinion, this negative approach will not stimulate them to improve their policies and performances. A more positive approach can be a motivation for companies to take the opport

Blended Value Investment and the Lessons Learned from Development Studies

Aid and development has to a large extent failed to generate longterm economic growth in large part of the developing world in the post-war era. This has generated a lot of theory and literature about different solutions, frequently involving “smarter” aid. This study applies named development theories to the emerging field of Blended Value Investment (or Impact Investment) in order to generate ne

Developments and Obstacles to the Right of Access to Medicines: A Study of Human Rights, International Trade and Pharmaceutical Business

The right of access to medicines has challenged the common perception that economic, social and cultural rights, due to their progressive character, are aspirations rather than a legal set of obligations. It has received strong and sustainable global support and has achieved a remarkably detailed legal definition within the UN human rights system, including the provision of access to essential med

Appeasing Aristotle: Analyzin the EU Reception Directive's Failure to Uphold the Right to Health for Asylum Seekers in Europe

The European Union is working towards creating a Common European Asylum System for the purpose of harmonizing the domestic asylum laws of its Member States and creating a system in which asylum status may be determined justly. The Reception Directive of 2003 is the EU legislation that, among other things sets minimum standards of health care for asylum seekers in EU Member States. All EU Member St

The right to life in internal armed conflict: a study of the Chechen cases before the European Court

A thesis about the right to life in internal armed conflict must necessarily take both human rights law and humanitarian law into account. Human rights law, which has codified the right to life in its main instruments, is applicable both in time of peace and in time of war, whereas humanitarian law is only applicable during armed conflict. The question is thus how these two branches of law influen

Protection of property rights under the European Convention on Human Rights and the Russian national legislation

The importance of property in everyday life of people is obvious. Although sometimes it looks like property does not fit into the human rights context, the author believes that the right to property as any other human right needs protection. The fact that 20 percent of all violations found by the European Court of Human Rights in the last eight years are connected with property rights illustrates

How Gender and the Right to Culture have Influenced the Development of Modern International Criminal Law: A Study on the Crime of Gender-Based Persecution under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Nearly a decade has passed since the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (''Rome Statute'') on 17 July 1998. International criminal law has advanced considerably during this period, particularly with respect to the crime of gender-based persecution. This is despite the fact the International Criminal Court (''ICC'') has not yet observed

Stock Market Reactions and Synergy Realization from M&A’s - A Comparison between Event Study and Case Survey Results

By using a set of firms engaged in merger activities, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate whether the stock markets were able to foresee synergy realization correctly in our specific companies. If markets show a tendency to over-/underestimate synergies, we find it interesting to investigate further why that is. A triangulation methodology, where the authors use more than one methodological appr

Enforcement of International Law in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

This work called: ''Enforcement of International Law in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict'' discusses problems of branches of international law, such as International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law, in regard to Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict situation and draws the picture of reasons why enforcement of these branches of international law failed in the aforementioned conflict.

How Collective Marks Can Help Protect the Products of Guatemalan Artisans' Small Businesses in the Local and International Market?

The purpose of this work was to scrutinize and investigate how collective marks can help protect works of Guatemalan artisans' small businesses in the local and international market by promoting them as an organization-association or cooperative. The first chapter contains the introduction of this paper. It is composed by the background of the work, the objective, delimitations, method and out

Assessing the Relevance of International Standards for the Protection of Children from Recruitment and Use as Child Soldiers, with a focus on Non-State Actors Armed Groups in Africa

It is frustrating for every reasonable human being to observe scenes of exploitation around the world in respect of children, because of their either naivety or vulnerability. It is unacceptable that still in the 21st century, children do not benefit from the protection, attention and love they deserve. An estimated 300 million children worldwide are subject to violence, exploitation and abuse inc

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour: A Case Study of Children Trafficked for Domestic Work in Uganda.

The problems faced by children trafficked for Domestic Work seems to be a continuing problem. Whereas states have ratified the various conventions aimed at protecting children in this field, the problem persists. Trafficking of children is usually portrayed in a way that most times&semic the children are trafficked across borders from country to country for purposes of being economically explo

Effective Remedy for Prosecuting Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes with Regard to South Ossetian Conflict of August 2008 (with focus on the criminal responsibility of Russian citizens as perpetrators).

In August 2008, Georgia was engaged in an internal armed-conflict with its breakaway region of South Ossetia, which shortly after, grew into a large-scale war with Russian Federation. In the course of the war, hundreds of civilians became victims of the international crimes committed by belligerent sides. Hence, the central issue of my research is a post-conflict justice. In particular, if there e

Utmost Good Faith in English Law

Since 1906, the principle of utmost good faith has been codified into the Marine Insurance Act 1906(MIA 1906) throughout the decision of Carter v. Boehm (1766) 3 Burr. 1905. case. According to Section 17, ''the insurance is uberrimae fidei''. It follows the principle of utmost good faith is the fundamental basis of the marine insurance contract. ''If the utmost good faith b