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Neural Summation in the Hawkmoth Visual System Extends the Limits of Vision in Dim Light.
Most of the world's animals are active in dim light and depend on good vision for the tasks of daily life. Many have evolved visual adaptations that permit a performance superior to that of manmade imaging devices [1]. In insects, a major model visual system, nocturnal species show impressive visual abilities ranging from flight control [2, 3], to color discrimination [4, 5], to navigation using v
Soft Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism of Carbon-Implanted Amorphous Fe93Zr7 Films
We report on the effect of carbon implantation on the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Fe93Zr7 (FeZr) amorphous films. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements on (FeZr)(100-x)C-x (x = 0, 5.5, and 11) indicate the incorporation of carbon in the FeZr matrix, with an increase of the Fe-Fe distance by implanting carbon. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements reve
Gas Turbine Blade Tip Heat Transfer and Cooling: A Literature Survey
Gas turbines are widely used for aircraft propulsion, land-base power generation, and other industrial applications like trains, marines, automobiles, etc. To satisfy the fast development of advanced gas turbines, the operating temperature must be increased to improve the thermal efficiency and output work of the gas turbine engine. However, the heat transferred to the turbine blade is substantial
För Individen, Kollektivet eller Industrin? – Om Upphovsrättens Digitala Utmaning
The article examines the underlying conceptions of the practices of creativity embedded in the global copyright construction, and argues that there is a prevailing idealized image expressed in terms of individual and autonomous performance of “solitary geniuses”. This conception is an important part of what may be called a copyright ideology that increasingly has let the law develop into an indust
Diagnostics for studies of novel laser ion acceleration mechanisms.
Diagnostic for investigating and distinguishing different laser ion acceleration mechanisms has been developed and successfully tested. An ion separation wide angle spectrometer can simultaneously investigate three important aspects of the laser plasma interaction: (1) acquire angularly resolved energy spectra for two ion species, (2) obtain ion energy spectra for multiple species, separated accor
Influence of doping on the electronic transport in GaSb/InAs(Sb) nanowire tunnel devices
The effect of various doping profiles on the electronic transport in GaSb/InAs(Sb) nanowire tunnel diodes is investigated. Zn-doping of the GaSb segment increases both the peak current density and the current level in reverse bias. Top-gated diodes exhibit peak current modulation with a threshold voltage which can be controlled by Zn-doping the InAs(Sb) segment. By intentionally n-doping the InAs(
Modeling of the formation of electric double layers including chemical reaction effects
Effects of ROCK inhibitor Y27632 and EGFR inhibitor PD168393 on human neural precursors co-cultured with rat auditory brainstem explant.
Hearing function lost by degeneration of inner ear spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) in the auditory nervous system could potentially be compensated by cellular replacement using suitable donor cells. Donor cell-derived neuronal development with functional synaptic formation with auditory neurons of the cochlear nucleus (CN) in the brainstem is a prerequisite for a successful transplantation. Here a
The Cryomodule Test Stand at the European Spallation Source
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is an intergovernmental project building a multidisciplinary research laboratory based upon the world's most powerful neutron source to be built in Lund, Sweden. The ESS will use a linear accelerator which will deliver protons with 5 MW of power to the target at 2.5 GeV with a nominal current of 50 mA. The superconducting part of the linac consists of over 150
Ocular phenotype analysis of a family with biallelic mutations in the BEST1 gene.
To investigate the genetic cause and perform a comprehensive clinical analysis of a Danish family with autosomal recessive bestrophinopathy. To investigate whether Bestrophin may be expressed in normal human retina.
Sexual antagonism in the pistil varies among populations of a hermaphroditic mixed-mating plant.
Sexual conflicts and their evolutionary outcomes may be influenced by population-specific features such as mating system and ecological context; however, very few studies have investigated the link between sexual conflict and mating system. The self-compatible, mixed-mating hermaphrodite Collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae) is thought to exhibit a sexual conflict over timing of stigma receptivi
A two-tiered formalization of social influence
We propose a new dynamic hybrid logic to reason about social networks and their dynamics building on the work of “Logic in the Community” by Seligman, Liu and Girard. Our framework distinguishes between the purely private sphere of agents, namely their mental states, and the public sphere of their observable behavior, i.e., what they seem to believe. We then show how such a distinction allows our
Variability in the precore and core promoter region of the hepatitis B virus genome.
There is increasing evidence that hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections with different genotypes and subgenotypes differ in response to treatment and long-term prognosis. The differences emerge from variability within the genomes that leads to structural deviations at the pregenomic level and to changes at the translational level. Naturally occurring HBV strains covering the four major genotypes A-D
Combining surface reanalysis and remote sensing data for monitoring evapotranspiration
Measurement of the differential cross-section of B+ meson production in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV at ATLAS
The production cross-section of B+ mesons is measured as a function of transverse momentum p T and rapidity y in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energy root s = 7 TeV, using 2.4 fb(-1) of data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The differential production cross-sections, determined in the range 9 GeV < p(T) < 120 GeV and vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.25, ar
The cosmological you
Breaking bad habits by education : smoking dynamics among Swedish women
In a dynamic Two-Part Model (2PM), we find the effect of previous smoking on the participation decision to be decreasing with education among Swedish women, i.e. more educated are less state dependent. However, we do not find an analogous effect of education on the conditional intensity of consumption.
Yemen: A Social Intifada In a Republic of Sheikhs
Optimism and subjective well-being: Affectivity plays a secondary role in the relationship between optimism and global life satisfaction in the middle-aged women. Longitudinal and cross-cultural findings
The focus of the present study lies on optimism and its relationships to the components of subjective well-being, i.e. global life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect. We investigated the direct and indirect (via affectivity) effects of optimism on global life satisfaction in the Swedish middle-aged women at two time points (age 43 and 49), and in the Lithuanian middle-aged women. Fo