

Din sökning på "*" gav 532995 sökträffar

Hållbarhetsmyten - Varför ekonomisk tillväxt inte är problemet

Hållbar utveckling har kommit att bli ett av de mest använda begreppen i vår tid. Att minska den globala fattigdomen och uppnå de globala utvecklingsmålen borde vara centralt i en diskussion om hållbar utveckling. Ekonomisk tillväxt som lyfter människor ur fattigdom är inte bara ekonomiskt och socialt hållbart utan även avgörande för långsiktig miljömässig förbättring. Under senare tid har emeller

High-Speed Visual Robot Control Using an Optimal Linearizing Intensity-Based Filtering Approach

Many contact operations in robotics require accurate positioning, which is made difficult by the presence of rapidly varying interaction forces and compliances in gear boxes and links. In order to compensate for such effects, rapid feedback from the measured tool position in several degrees of freedom is needed. This paper presents a dynamic visual tracking technique based directly on intensity me

Surface Properties of Antibodies and their Complexes with Antigens Studied by LLPC

The main objective of this thesis was to gain further insight into the relationship between the exposed surfaces and the functional properties of antibodies and their complexes with antigens in solution. To study this relationship, a new technique, liquid-liquid partition chromatography (LLPC) in aqueous two-phase systems, was developed further with respect to sensitivity, selectivity and reproduc

Biomechanical modelling of cells in mechanoregulation

Many cells are mechanoregulated; their activities are performed at a rate partly determined by the biophysical stimulus acting on them. Computer simulations that would capture this could be used to predict the effect of physical exercise on tissue health. They could also be used to simulate how the tissues surrounding a medical device would respond to the placement of that device. Since cells are

ATLAS High-Level Trigger, Data Acquisition and Controls Technical Design Report

This Technical Design Report (TDR) for the High-level Trigger (HLT), Data Acquisition (DAQ) and Controls of the ATLAS experiment builds on the earlier documents published on these systems: Trigger Performance Status Report, DAQ, EF, LVL2 and DCS Technical Progress Report, and High-Level Triggers, DAQ and DCS Technical Proposal. Much background and preparatory work relevant to this TDR is reference

The Influence of Polyelectrolytes on the Stability of Colloids

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om interaktion mellan två ytor (t.ex. fibrer, lerpartiklar eller proteiner) i en vattenlösning med motjoner, salt och/eller polyelektrolyter. Polyelektrolyter är laddade polymerer. Avhandlingen är fokuserad på elektrostatisk växelverkan och interaktionerna har undersöks med hjälp av Monte Carlo-simuleringar. De kvalitativa resultaten har oftThe interaction between two colloids with grafted polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution is studied within the primitive model by Monte Carlo simulations. For neutral colloids with grafted polyelectrolytes and in absence of salt the interaction is strongly repulsive in absence of salt. The interaction depends on the extension of the polyelectrolytes from the surfaces and the interaction is derived a

Search for beyond Standard Model physics with same-sign dileptons

Popular Abstract in Swedish Frågorna som partikelfysiker ställer är samma frågorna som folk har ställt under hela mänsklighetens tid på jorden, nämligen: Var kommer vi från? Vad är det som bygger upp det universum som vi ser? Hur håller allting ihop? Fysiker, historiens stora tänkare och hobbyfilosofen i pubben har alla funderat över de här frågorna (vissa mer än andra). Partikelfysiker försöker hAn introduction into the theory and experimental background of particle physics and the ATLAS detector is given. The transition radiation tracker (TRT) which is vital to the particle tracking and identification is then described giving particular creedence to the calibration. The automation of this calibration is explained. The second half of this thesis and the central part dwells on the analyses

Grundad teori : Teorigenerering på empirisk grund

Grundad teori är en metod för kvalitativa undersökningar inom samhälls- och beteendevetenskaperna. Den utvecklades på 1960-talet och har blivit allt mer spridd. Det är en induktiv metod, baserad på idén att man växelvis samlar in och analyserar data. På detta sätt kan teorier som är helt grundade i data genereras. Metodens komplexitet, och olika tolkningar av den, har emellertid lett till att det

Numerical assessment of different turbulence models for slot jet impinging on flat and concave surfaces

A numerical study has been carried out for slot jet impinging on flat and concave surfaces. Five turbulence models are employed for the predictions of these strongly strained turbulent flows, namely linear eddy viscosity model (LEVM), low-Re explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model (EASM) and three different V2F models. A bounded formulation for Cμ was also introduced to account for the better pre