

Din sökning på "*" gav 532995 sökträffar

Sutures bridging nerve defects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skador med avskärning av nerver i övre extremiteten drabbar oftast unga personer. Nervskadan medför ett betydande handikapp i form av förlorad känsel och muskelkontroll i armen och/eller handen. Vid en nervskada dör de delar av nervfibrerna (axonerna) som är belägna bortom avskärningen medan nervens stödjeceller och ytterhölje finns kvar. För att återfå funktion måste nA new and simple method for the repair of nerve defects, in which sutures alone are used to guide regeneration between the nerve endings, was developed. Bilateral seven to 17 mm rat sciatic nerve defects were bridged by continuous longitudinal sutures with or without different modifications, by conventional autologous nerve grafts or direct repair under tension as controls. Evaluation was performe

Management of Strategic Change and Knowledge Development in Central and Eastern Europe

This study is an attempt to increase the understanding of strategic changes at enterprises in Central Eastern Europe. It suggests analysing this transformation as the management of strategic change with a focus on the change processes in which strategic resources are created and deployed. The overall purpose is to develop a strategic change framework to enable the understanding of the transformat

Noise characteristics of single shot broadband Raman-resonant CARS with single- and multimode lasers

A simple model is presented as an aid in understanding, first, the relative noise performance and, second, the noise reduction achievable by referencing, in different experimental approaches to single shot broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS). Qualitative agreement is obtained with previous experimental investigations of CARS noise. The broadband dye laser radiation is described

Phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle in organ culture

Popular Abstract in Swedish Människans blod cirkulerar runt i kroppen genom dess många blodkärl. Blodkärlen är till största del uppbyggda av två slags celler; endotelceller och glatta muskelceller. Endotelcellerna är placerade innanför de glatta muskelcellerna i blodkärlet och deras uppgift är att forma en barriär mot blodet. De glatta muskelcellernas funktion är att reglera blodflödet genom blodkContraction of blood vessels for the regulation of blood flow and pressure is dependent on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) located in the medial layer of the vascular wall. Adult, differentiated VSMC have a well developed contractile system and a low rate of proliferation. Under the influence of hormones, growth factors, inflammatory mediators and tissue factors, cells may modulate to a ”synth

A Statistical Theory of Shape

We study the statistical theory of shape for ordered finite point configurations, or otherwise stated, the uncertainty of geometric invariants. A general approach for defining shape and finding its density, expressed in the densities for the individual points, is developed. Some examples that can be computed analytically are given, including both affine and positive similarity shape. Projective sh

Bidding Rings: A Bargaining Approach

We address the issue of bidder ring formation in single and multi-unit Vickrey auctions. We address this issue in a bargaining game set up under the assumption that valuation of bidders is commonly known only amongst themselves. In the single unit case, we show that the equilibrium coalition structure can only be an order preserving r-ring, that includes the winner and the top (r-1) losers. In the

Climate Change and Industrial Technology Transfer. A Study of Chinese Conditions.

Motivated by concerns about anthropogenic climate change, this thesis contributes to the better appreciation of mechanisms that would allow actors in China, foreign as well as Chinese, to exert a positive influence on the country's industrial technology status. China is the world's second largest emitter of greenhouse gases - the lions' share of which emanates from industrial and electricity produ

Investigation of Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas Flames in a SGT-700/800 Burner Using OH PLIF and Chemiluminescence Imaging

The effect of hydrogen enrichment to natural gas flames was experimentally investigated at atmospheric pressure conditions using flame chemiluminescence imaging, planar laser-induced fluorescence of hydroxyl radicals (OH PLIF) and dynamic pressure monitoring. The experiments were performed using a 3rd generation dry low emission (DLE) burner used in both SGT-700 and SGT-800 industrial gas turbines

Lika chanser i gymnaiset? En studie om betyg, nationella prov och social reproduktion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1990-talet genomfördes en genomgripande reform av det svenska gymnasiet. Dels ersattes de tidigare gymnasielinjerna med treåriga program, som samtliga ger en grundläggande högskolebehörighet, dels flyttades ansvaret för utbildningens genomförande och ekonomi från staten till kommunerna. Ett kriterierelaterat betygssystem ersatte också det tidigare normrelaterade. The general confidence in equal opportunity and equivalent grades are crucial to the moral justification of the social stratification in the modern society, in which meritocracy holds a hegemonic status. In Sweden, a political aim has been that everybody should get upper secondary education, and the government has established a National Agency for Education to promote and control the quality in ed